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         Operational Research:     more books (100)
  1. The approach of operational research to planning in India (Indian statistical series) by P. C Mahalanobis, 1963
  2. Modelling and Control of Biotechnical Processes: Proceedings of the First Ifac Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, August 17-19, 1982 (Frontiers of Operational Research and Applied Systems Analys)
  3. Operational Research
  4. Problem solving exercises in operational research by John Norman, 1981
  5. Traffic, Operational Research, Futurology: In Service of Research and Society - A Collection of Papers by Arne Jensen, 1980-02
  6. Basic Operational Research by Peter Gerald Moore, 1985-11-21
  7. Operational Research and Systems: The Systemic Nature of the Operational Research (Contemporary Systems Thinking) by Paul Keys, 1991-01-31
  8. Rethinking the Process of Operational Research and Systems Analysis (Advances in the Biosciences) by Istvan Kiss, 1984-08
  9. Graphs and Networks: Introduction (Operational research series) by W.L. Price, 1971-10
  10. Patients, Hospitals and Operational Research (Social Science Paperbacks) by G.Michael Luck, etc., 1974-04-11
  11. The Practice of Operational Research by George Mitchell, 1993-09-21
  12. Operational Research: Techniques and Examples by George Henry Mitchell, 1972-04
  13. Elements of Operational Research by F.M. Wilkes, 1980-10
  14. OR comes of age: A review of the work of the Operational Research Branch of the National Coal Board, 1948-1969; by Rolfe C Tomlinson, 1971

81. Operations Research Management Science Today
OR/MS Today, the online version of the membership magazine of INFORMS, covers topics pertaining to the professional and academic Operations Research and

Current Issue:

June 2005
OR/MS Today is the magazine for members of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The bi-monthly publication provides a comprehensive look at operations research and management science through stories, feature articles, case studies, software reviews and surveys authored by recognized leaders in the field. Operations research and management science are interdisciplinary sciences aimed at solving operational and societal problems arising in all areas of industry, business and government.
UPDATE 6/13/05 More employment opportunity advertisements have been added.
UPDATE 6/12/05: In the June issue we say "good-bye" to a great leader of the ORMS community, George Bernard Dantzig.
Featured in the June 2005 Issue
Don't forget the OR/MS Today Online Reader Service page OR/MS Today Subscriptions: In cooperation with IFORS (the International Federation of Operations Research Societies) we are pleased to offer greatly reduced subscription rates to individual members of IFORS membership societies.

82. Operational Research - Definition Of Operational Research By The Free Online Dic
operations research. n. Mathematical or scientific analysis of a process or operation, used in making decisions. operations research. n (Economics) the analysis of problems in research

83. Computers & Operations Research - Elsevier
Tables of contents since 1995.

84. IDEAS: European Journal Of Operational Research, Elsevier
Oct 15, 2010 189198 Assessing bank efficiency and performance with operational research and artificial intelligence techniques A survey
This file is part of IDEAS , which uses RePEc data
Papers Articles Software Books ... Help!
European Journal of Operational Research
Contact information of Elsevier:
Web page:
Download restrictions: Full text for ScienceDirect subscribers only
Editor: liame('Roman Slowinski','pl','poznan','man','m7i7','slowinsk')
Editor: Jesus Artalejo
Editor: Jean-Charles. Billaut
Editor: Robert Dyson
Editor: Lorenzo Peccati
For technical questions regarding this series, please contact liame2('com','elsevier','m7i7','repec') (Heidi Boesdal)
Series handle:
Citations RSS feed: at CitEc More pages of listings: 2010, Volume 206, Issue 3

85. Operational Research To Support Implementation And Scale- Up Of
Stakeholders' Meeting Presidential Initiative for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Control Operational Research to Support Implementation and Scale up of Integrated NTD Programs

86. Mathematics Of Operations Research
Contents; text to subscribers.
Go to INFORMS Page ... INFORMS Home What's New Info for Members Info for Nonmembers Conferences Education/Students Employment Prizes Publications Subdivisions Searchable Databases Links About this Web Site Search
Journal Information
Main Page Editorial Mission Area Editors Associate Editors Instructions to Authors ...
Current Issue:
August 2010
Home page of the journal Mathematics of Operations Research
Mathematics of Operations Research publishes significant research papers having substantial mathematical contents relevant to Operations Research
Search here the web sites of INFORMS members
News: INFORMS and IMS now publish a new electronic open-access journal: Applied Probability and Operations Research Contact us The following institutions are supporting MOR in various ways: The Technion, IBM Research Division, Alfred Renyi Institute, Tel Aviv University

87. PA-08-166: Dissemination, Implementation, And Operational Research For HIV Preve
May 8, 2008 NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Dissemination, Implementation, and Operational Research for
Part I Overview Information Department of Health and Human Services
Participating Organizations
National Institutes of Health (NIH), ( Components of Participating Organizations
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), (
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), (
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), ( Title: Dissemination, Implementation, and Operational Research for HIV Prevention Interventions (R01)
Announcement Type
New Update: The following update relating to this announcement has been issued:
  • November 25, 2009 - This FOA has been updated to reflect the new requirements from NIH’s Enhancing Peer Review Initiative. The new requirements are effective for submissions intended for due dates January 25, 2010 and beyond.  If submitting an application intended for a due date of January 25, 2010 and beyond, follow the guidance below and be sure to use the Adobe-Forms-B version of the application forms and instructions.  If applying

88. Drayton Analytics
Provider of software and economic consulting services to the Operations Research community and utility industries
Drayton Analytics Advanced Modeling Software
Welcome to the home page of Drayton Analytics. From November 2006 Energy Exemplar is the primary source for all former Drayton Analytics software products, including PLEXOS for Power Systems

89. How Operations Research Drives Success At P&G | BNET
Feb 13, 2008 Operations research isn t just geek science at P G. It s an integral part of the company s marketing, sales and supply chain.

90. ORTEC | Resource Planning And Optimization
ORTEC is a major player in the advanced planning software and operations research field.

91. IBM Research | IBM Research | Operations Research
Operations Research is practiced throughout IBM, with the Research Division providing a focal point for activities in the science and the application of
Operations Research
Research Area Operations Research is practiced throughout IBM, with the Research Division providing a focal point for activities in the science and the application of this field. Research and algorithm development continues in the areas of optimization, statistics, queueing theory and agent-based systems. Current application areas include vehicle routing and staffing, supply chain modeling and optimization, manufacturing planning and scheduling, transportation modeling, process industry scheduling, service industry resource planning and scheduling, airline optimization and forecasting. New initiatives include modeling and software environments for collaborative planning and electronic commerce.
Optimization methods help businesses minimize costs and respond to market forces

The July 2007 issue of the IBM Journal of Research and Development shines a light on more than a dozen business areas that are profiting from business analytics and optimization research. Fourteen papers are available in HTML and pdf formats.

92. Polaris Consulting Limited - Practical Solutions To Complex Problems
Provides professional consultancy services in Operational Research (OR).
@import url(polaris.css); About Us Services Customers News ... Contact Practical Solutions to Complex Problems Polaris Consulting Limited is an independent technical consultancy delivering:
  • Operational Analysis
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Cost Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Project and Programme Support
The Company provides these services within the defence and transport sectors. Polaris was founded in 2001, and since that time has built a reputation for delivering innovative, timely and practical solutions. Customers come back to us and recommend us because we consistently deliver both technical excellence and value for money. Fundamental to this success is the quality of our people. We have a talented and dedicated team who are serious about technical excellence and about engaging with customers to understand their needs. The Company is certified by the British Standards Institute to BS EN ISO 9001:2008 for �The provision of software and management consultancy services�. 2006-2010 Polaris Consulting Limited

93. International Transactions In Operational Research - Wiley Online Library
Operations research/management science tools for integrating people with disabilities into employment. A study on Valencia s Sheltered Work Centres for

94. Ali Emrouznejad's DEA Homepage, The Most Comprehensive Source Of Data Envelopmen
DEA is a section of operations research that evaluate efficiency of decesion making units, and has many applications in other area of OR.
//open("", "myNewWindow1" , "height=500,width=700,alwaysLowered=0,alwaysRaised=0,channelmode=0,dependent=0,directories=0,fullscreen=0,hotkeys=1,location=100,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0,z-lock=0", // "myWindow"); //open("", "myNewWindow2" , "height=510,width=530,alwaysLowered=0,alwaysRaised=0,channelmode=0,dependent=0,directories=0,fullscreen=0,hotkeys=1,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0,z-lock=0", // "myWindow"); //open("", "myNewWindow3" , "height=480,width=530,alwaysLowered=0,alwaysRaised=0,channelmode=0,dependent=0,directories=0,fullscreen=0,hotkeys=1,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0,z-lock=0", // "myWindow"); > Welcome to DEA Home
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95. August-Gram Consulting
Operations Research, decision analysis and analysis of alternatives consulting firm
Home About�Us Services Clients ... Contact�Us Is Your Business Generating Enough Revenue
and Running Smoothly?
Increase Profitability using an Analytical Approach and
Seamless Turnarounds
Many businesses have disorganized processes, poor communication methods, short-sighted financial goals, and lack a long-term strategic vision. These symptoms are signs of a business with financial distress, and not operating at its full potential.
With a reasonable amount of assessment, evaluation, problem-solving, and action, your business can be more productive and competitive, financially rewarding, and provide a positive environment for all company stakeholders. August-Gram Consulting, an operational and performance-based consulting company can assist your organization with following services:
  • Efficiency Review Operational System Development Cost Assessment Strategic Management Business Consulting
For a complimentary initial assessment, please call us at
or send an e-mail to

96. Welcome To (High School Operation Research): Home
High School Operations Research Math Modules Applied Mathematics for decision making in industry and government.
Since 1996, we have developed thirteen instructional materials for use in high school mathematics classrooms. Each module develops secondary mathematics concepts in real-world contexts drawn from the field of operations research. These applications span the spectrum of organizations: from Bethlehem Steel to Ponderosa Plywood of Mexico, from Hertz to HP, from routing Meals-on-Wheels to routing Special Ed school buses. The activities build on the basic math concepts that all high school students study in algebra and many see in an introductory probability or discrete mathematics course. They are aligned with NCTM's Principles and Standards. You can download a student activity from the Modules' page but most of the teacher's guide material appears only in the book Does This Line Ever Move? Everyday Applications of Operations Research click to buy ). These activities are regularly presented in workshops for high school math teachers around the country. If you would like to request a regional workshop, click here
To learn more about operations research click " What is OR
Visit the Engineering K12 Center
Check out an extensive list of Universities with OR programs February 2006 - Gamz Inc.:

97. Operational Research Society Of India - For Management Decision
NEWSFLASH. The Madurai Chapter of Operational Research Society of India is hosting the XXXXIII Annual Convention of the Society and the International Conference on Operational
Operational Research for Management Decision
  • Administration Chapters Login
    User Name
    Password Register NEWSFLASH The Madurai Chapter of Operational Research Society of India is hosting the XXXXIII Annual Convention of the Society and the International Conference on Operational Research for Urban and Rural Development during December 15-17, 2010 at Madurai. For details please visit the conference web site- or contact through e-mail:; APORS2010 will be held during 5-8 December, 2010 in Penang, Malayasia. Conference web site is - A short term course on Supply Chain Management will be organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University during September 24-25, 2010. Contact person: Dr. M. Rajmohan, e-mail:; Chapter: ORSI HQ CHAPTERS Headquarters Agra Ahmedabad Bangalore ... Tirupati MEMBERSHIP Categories Executives Members List Membership Form PUBLICATION Journal Abstracts EDUCATION Content Schedule The Operational Research Society of India was founded in 1957 to provide a forum for the Operational Research Scientists as well as an avenue to widen their horizon by exchange of knowledge and application of techniques from outside the country. To further that end, the Society is affiliated to the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS).

98. Jay Adamsson Consulting - Applied Science, Better Decisions, Better Business
Provides consulting services in the field of operational research.
Home Services What is Analytics/OR? Sample Projects ... Contact
Jay Adamsson Consulting
Managing business or government is the art of using resources to produce outputs. Sometimes those resources are raw materials, machinery, physical space, human resources, or all of the above. As anyone charged with managing the use of resources knows, decisions can easily become quite complex. Analytics/Operational Research is the science of improving business operations by improving decisions. It helps decision makers find the best solution given complex problems. The result is more efficient, better run, and more profitable organizations.
How the Science of Decisions Improves Business
Decisions are the lifeblood of a healthy, vibrant operation. The world constantly changes, and business or government operations have to change with it, or they risk becoming stagnant and irrelevant. Smart decisions by managers are required to keep up. The easiest approach to decision making is often to rely on instinct. Most decisions are carried out this way, and in most cases it is the best approach. For decisions that have to be made immediately, or for those for which there is a lack of relevant data, this simple approach allows someone to bring their experience and intuition to bear when it is needed. However, there is danger in relying too much on intuition. Sometimes, there is a better choice than the seemingly obvious, intuitive decision. Without a process designed to produce better decisions, improvements can often be overlooked.

99. Operational Research: The Science Of Better
Use the drop down menus above to search for success stories relevant to your own situation and see how Operational Research is helping to improve businesses

100. Applied Mathematics, Inc.
Provides consulting services in mathematical modeling, operations research and software development.
Applied Mathematics, Inc. Applied Mathematics, Inc., develops and implements mathematical models. These models are used by our clients to help understand complex processes with the goal of improving performance. Many of our models include data acquisition systems and are used in real time for decision making. HOME NEWS CLIENTS LOCATION / DIRECTIONS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ... SEAPORT-E Send comments and corrections to:
Applied Mathematics, Inc.
1622 Route 12, Box 637
Gales Ferry, CT 06335
Last Updated: 22 September 2008

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