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41. Journal Of Operator Theory :: A Mathematics Journal Fill this in Journal of Operator Theory. Volume 55, Issue 2, Spring 2006 Sectional curvature and commutation of pairs of selfadjoint operators http://www.mathjournals.org/jot/2006-055-002/index.html | |
42. Functional Analysis Workshop, Joensuu Banach spaces and operator theory, Frechet and related spaces, and applications to analytic function spaces. Joensuu, Finland; 2024 June 2004. http://www.joensuu.fi/mathematics/workshop2004/ | |
43. Research - Analysis Gary Weiss operator algebras, operator theory, harmonic analysis Shuang Zhang operator theory Ktheory, homotopy theory, Fredholm index theory http://math.uc.edu/research/Operator Theory.htm | |
44. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Program By Special Session AMS-SIAM Special Session on Frames and Operator Theory in Analysis and Signal Processing. San Antonio, TX. January 12-15,2006 http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2095_program_ss20.html#title | |
45. Banach Algebra Resources Links of interest in Banach algebras and related areas (operator theory, abstract harmonic analysis, C*-algebras, and operator spaces). Maintained by Volker Runde. http://www.math.ualberta.ca/~runde/ba.html |
46. Operator Theory | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Operator theory, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Operator theory. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Operator-theory/112200952125207?v=wall |
47. Analysis Research Group - Department Of Mathematics - Kansas State University research on operator theory, non-linear p.d.e.s, harmonic analysis http://www.math.ksu.edu/group/analysis/ | |
48. Operator Theory: Advances And Applications Operator Theory Advances and Applications Edited byJoseph A. Ball (Blacksburg, VA, USA)Harry Dym (Rehovot, Israel)Marinus A. Kaashoek (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Heinz Langer http://www.springer.com/series/4850 | |
49. Forschungsgruppe Funktionalanalysis Technical University of Vienna; research on functional analysis, operator theory, spectral theory, harmonic analysis. http://asc.tuwien.ac.at/~funkana/ | |
50. 2010 5 Day Workshop: Multivariate Operator Theory | Banff International Research Aug 20, 2010 The interplay between the ideas and methods from operator theory and functional analysis with methods and ideas from function theory, http://www.birs.ca/events/2010/5-day-workshops/10w5081 | |
51. Operator Theory For Quantum Physics The following are some details of linear operator theory that may be useful to the students of PHY 571 Quantum Physics. Many of the rigorous mathematical details have been http://venables.asu.edu/quant/huzhan/qm_web.html | |
52. School Of Mathematics And Statistics - Functional Analysis Research Group (University of New South Wales, Australia) Research interests range from single operator theory in Banach spaces through semigroup theory to von Neumann and C*-algebras. http://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/pure/research/functional.html | |
53. Welcome To SpringerLink www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal issn=1661 SimilarFields Institute - Multivariate Operator TheoryThe Workshop will bring together researchers with diverse interests in multivariable operator theory for an exchange of ideas. http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1661-8254 |
54. Operator Theory | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Operator theory, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Operator theory. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Operator-theory/112200952125207 | |
55. .:: Matemática E Aplicações ::. (University of Aveiro, Portugal) Research in Function Spaces, Operator Theory, and Differential Inclusions. http://ma.mat.ua.pt/ma/group.php?grupo=3 |
56. GPOTS 2010 GPOTS 2010 Banner. Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2010 This edition of this annual grand celebration of operator theory is supported generously http://www.math.du.edu/~frederic/gpots2010/ | |
57. Research Group "Fourier And Functional Analysis", Dept Of Math, U. Of Crete Research includes Infinite-dimensional Banach spaces, Operator Theory, Fourier Analysis and its applications. http://fourier.math.uoc.gr/~ffa/ |
58. IWOTA 2010 Jul 6, 2010 Welcome to the 21st International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA 2010). IWOTA 2010 is intended to be a http://www3.math.tu-berlin.de/iwota_2010/ | |
59. RECENT ADVANCES IN FUNCTION RELATED OPERATOR THEORY Rincon, Puerto Rico, March 22 26, 2010. RECENT ADVANCES IN FUNCTION RELATED OPERATOR THEORY. Hotel Rincon of the Seas http://www.albany.edu/rafrot/ | |
60. Modern Methods Of Time-Frequency Analysis Special session at the Erwin Schr dinger Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI), Vienna, Austria. Topics Group theoretical methods, operator theory, and non-orthogonal expansions; Time-frequency methods for pseudo-differential operators; Non-orthogonal expansions and greedy algorithms; Noncommutative computational harmonic analysis. 4 April - 9 July 2005. http://www.univie.ac.at/NuHAG/ESI05/ | |
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