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41. Categories: Topos Theory And Large Cardinals Andrej Bauer asked whether large cardinals other than inaccessible ones have a natural definition in topos theory. Indeed, like most questions of set theory which have an http://north.ecc.edu/alsani/ct99-00(8-12)/msg00128.html | |
42. Topos Theory Seminar --- Fall 2003 This is a Ph.D. seminar in which we study aspects of topos theory relevant to computer science. After having read material from Peter Johnstone's opus Sketches of an Elephant http://www.itu.dk/people/butz/courses/TT-E2003.html | |
43. [math/0608040] Higher Topos Theory Abstract This purpose of this book is twofold to provide a general introduction to higher category theory (using the formalism of quasicategories or weak Kan complexes ), and http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0608040 | |
44. Lurie, J.: Higher Topos Theory (AM-170). of the book Higher Topos Theory (AM170) by Lurie, J., published by Princeton University Press...... http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8957.html |
45. Lars Birkedal / Teaching / Topos Theory Seminar --- Spring 2003 This is a Ph.D. seminar in which we study aspects of topos theory relevant to computer science. This semester we plan to continue reading and discussing material from Peter http://www.it-c.dk/people/birkedal/teaching/topos-theory-Spring-2003/ | |
46. University Of Chicago Category Theory Seminar This quarter we will have a series of talks on topos theory, model categories, quasicategories, and higher topos theory. These current topics lie at the intersection of algebraic http://www.math.uchicago.edu/~fiore/1/categoryseminar.html | |
47. Sketches Of An Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium - Volume 2 Title Sketches of an Elephant A Topos Theory Compendium Volume 2 Authors Johnstone, Peter T. Publication Sketches of an Elephant A Topos Theory Compendium - Volume 2, by Peter http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002set2.book.....J | |
48. Topos Theory - Microsoft Academic Search discuss some ways in which topos theory (a branch of category theory) can be applied to interpretative problems in quantum theory and quantum gravity. in section in section 2, we http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?query=topos theory |
49. Topos Theory, Noncommutative Geometry, And Quantum Logic (www.narcis.nl) Title Topos theory, noncommutative geometry, and quantum logic Period 06 / 2009 06 / 2013 Status Current Dissertation Yes Data Supplier NWO http://www.narcis.info/research/RecordID/OND1336208/Language/en/ | |
50. Course In Topos Theory Topos Theory, spring term 1999. A graduate course (6 course points) in mathematical logic. http://www.math.uu.se/~palmgren/topos-eng.html | |
51. Higher Topos Theory (AM-170) (Adobe Reader) Ebook Higher Topos Theory (AM170) ebook plus Mathematics Advanced. Lurie, Jacob eBooks download at Diesel eBook Store in Adobe, ePub, Mobipocket, Microsoft and eReader http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/item/9781400830558/Higher-Topos-Theory-AM-1 |
52. [haskell-art] Topos Theory And Music (Was: Welcome) haskellart Topos theory and music (Was welcome) Henning Thielemann Tue, 27 Feb 2007 082519 -0800 http://www.mail-archive.com/haskell-art@lists.lurk.org/msg00007.html | |
53. Several Topos Theory Questions - MathOverflow Hey. I have a few off the wall questions about topos theory and algebraic geometry. Do the following few sentences make sense? Every scheme X is pinned down by its Hom functor Hom http://mathoverflow.net/questions/2314/several-topos-theory-questions | |
54. Categories: Topos Theory And Large Cardinals To categories@mta.ca; Subject categories Topos theory and large cardinals; From Andrej.Bauer@cs.cmu.edu; Date 01 Mar 2000 222958 0500; Sender cat-dist@mta.ca http://north.ecc.edu/alsani/ct99-00(8-12)/msg00117.html | |
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