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Home - Pure_And_Applied_Math - Wavelets |
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101. Zum Wavelet Skript A monograph by Karl Scherer in German (DVI and Postscript). http://www.iam.uni-bonn.de/~scherer/wavelets.html | |
102. Wavelet Toolbox - MATLAB Toolbox with graphical tools. http://www.mathworks.com/products/wavelet/ | |
103. SIPG - University Of Bath A collection of orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelet filters built on balanced weighted uncertainty. http://www.bath.ac.uk/elec-eng/research/sipg/resource/warehouse.htm | |
104. Appendix 1 File Format Adobe PostScript View as HTML http://www-math.mit.edu/~gs/papers/amsci.ps.gz |
105. Computer Graphics Bookmarks Links on computer vision research including wavelet-related sites. http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~fredo/Book/vision.html | |
106. Accusoft Pegasus | Imaging SDKs | Image Viewers | Image Compression SDKs Streaming video for the Internet. http://www.pegasusimaging.com/ |
107. Oasys Mobile | New Iphone Games, Cell Phone Games, Ipod Touch Games, Games For C Wavelet compression products for video streaming and image compression. http://www.summus.com/ | |
108. Computational Toolsmiths WavBox Page Wavelet signal processing toolbox for Matlab. http://www.wavbox.com/ | |
109. MR Software Wavelet software packages for signal and image processing. http://thames.cs.rhul.ac.uk/~multires/ | |
110. JSci - A Science API For Java A JavaTM library for wavelet processing by Mark Hale. http://jsci.sourceforge.net/ | |
111. Waveblend - Focus Enhancing By Image Fusion Using The Dualtree Complex Wavelet T Focus enhancing by image fusion using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/waveblend/ | |
112. Some Wavelet People A list of home pages, maintained by Andreas Klappenecker. http://iaks-www.ira.uka.de/home/klappi/people.html | |
113. Wavelets, Time Frequency Analysis, Doppler Ultrasound Signal Processing Wavelet analysis, time frequency representation, general signals and systems, and applications in medical ultrasound signal processing. http://www.mayhu.com/ | |
114. Michail Kulesh - Personal Homepage Wavelet deformation algebra and its application to the analysis of seismic signals. http://users.math.uni-potsdam.de/~mkulesh/eng/ |
115. Bernard Silverman Statistical applications, wavelet regression, mixture problems. http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~silverma/ | |
116. Meyer, Francois Adaptive wavelet packet and local cosine image compression, brushlets (adaptive basis of functions reasonably well localized with only one peak in frequency). http://ece-www.colorado.edu/~fmeyer/ |
117. Wim Sweldens' Homepage Wavelet theory, lifting scheme. http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/wim/ |
118. Daniel Lemire, Computer Scientist And Open Scholar Wavelet filter design and interpolatory subdivision schemes. http://www.daniel-lemire.com/en/ |
119. NuHAG :: Numerical Harmonical Analysis Group Scattered approximation, Gabor expansions, wavelet theory. http://www.univie.ac.at/nuhag-php/home/fei.php | |
120. The YAWTB Homepage | Main / Presentation GPL-released matlab toolbox implementing time-frequency and time-scale transformations like continuous/discrete wavelet transforms. http://rhea.tele.ucl.ac.be/yawtb/ | |
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