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         Wavelets:     more books (100)
  1. Wavelet Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Applied Sciences (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis) by Carlos E. D'Attellis, Elena M. Fernandez-Berdaguer, 1997-07-15
  2. Wavelets and Signal Processing: An Application-Based Introduction by Hans-Georg Stark, 2010-10-13
  3. Multirate and Wavelet Signal Processing, Volume 8 (Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications) by Bruce W. Suter, 1997-10-23
  4. Geometric Computing: for Wavelet Transforms, Robot Vision, Learning, Control and Action by Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, 2010-03-31
  5. Wavelets and Operators: Vol. 37 (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) by Yves Meyer, 1995-01-27
  6. Wavelet Analysis: The Scalable Structure of Information by Howard L. Resnikoff, Raymond O. Wells, 1998-09-18
  7. Wavelet Basics by Y. T. Chan, 1994-12-31
  8. Fourier Analysis and Applications: Filtering, Numerical Computation, Wavelets (Texts in Applied Mathematics) by Claude Gasquet, Robert D. Ryan, 1998-11-06
  9. Discrete Wavelet Transformations: An Elementary Approach with Applications by Patrick Van Fleet, 2008-01-18
  10. Wavelets: An Elementary Treatment of Theory and Applications (Series in Approximations and Decompositions) by T. H. Koornwinder, 1995-10
  11. Wavelets and Subband: Fundamentals and Applications by Agostino Abbate, Casimer DeCusatis, et all 2002-01-01
  12. Wavelets in Medicine and Biology by Akram Aldroubi, Michael Unser, 1996-06-30
  13. Wavelet Analysis with Applications to Image Processing by Lakshman Prasad, S. S. Iyengar, 1997-12-30
  14. Noise Reduction by Wavelet Thresholding (Lecture Notes in Statistics) by Maarten Jansen, 2001-03-30

101. Zum Wavelet Skript
A monograph by Karl Scherer in German (DVI and Postscript).

102. Wavelet Toolbox - MATLAB
Toolbox with graphical tools.
var host_pre = "http://www"; Home Select Country Contact Us Store Search Create Account Log In Solutions Academia ... Documentation Other Resources Technical Literature User Stories Related Books
Wavelet Toolbox
Analyze and synthesize signals and images using wavelet techniques
technical computing environment with graphical tools and command-line functions for developing wavelet-based algorithms for the analysis, synthesis, denoising, and compression of signals and images. Wavelet analysis provides more precise information about signal data than other signal analysis techniques, such as Fourier.
The Wavelet Toolbox supports the interactive exploration of wavelet properties and applications. It is useful for speech and audio processing, image and video processing, biomedical imaging, and 1-D and 2-D applications in communications and geophysics.
View Wavelet Toolbox data sheet FREE Product Technical Kit

103. SIPG - University Of Bath
A collection of orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelet filters built on balanced weighted uncertainty.
UoB home a-z contact
The Bath Wavelet Warehouse
A repository of wavelet filters for you to download and use.
File Format
The wavelet file ( .wvf ), uses the following general format to describe wavelet filter coefficients. [Range low] [Range high]
[Analysis LP filter coefficients]
[Range low] [Range high]
[Synthesis LP filter coefficients]
Biorthogonal Wavelets
  • Bath Wavelets (' Bathlets
    • These wavelets have been designed based on a balanced weighted uncertainty approach. Information on the design method involved can be found in [1]. A zip file is available here that contains all of the biorthogonal wavelets generated from the research in [1].

    Biorthogonal Haar type wavelets
    • A zip file is available here that contains biorthogonal Haar wavelets.

    UCLA Evaluated Wavelets
    • A zip file is available here that contains all of the wavelets evaluated in [2].

    Fingerprint Wavelets
    • This filter

104. Appendix 1
File Format Adobe PostScript View as HTML

105. Computer Graphics Bookmarks
Links on computer vision research including wavelet-related sites.
main page other index people labs ... comp. geom.
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Robotics
Page maintained by . Last update:
If you have comments, links to add, links to update, drop me an e-mail
The Evolving, Distributed, Non-Proprietary, On-Line Compendium of Computer Vision
Ken Castleman's Digital Image Processing Page
Computer Vision Handbook
Computer Vision Home Page
Paul Heckbert's Collection of Mesh Generation Links ... comp. geom.

106. Accusoft Pegasus | Imaging SDKs | Image Viewers | Image Compression SDKs
Streaming video for the Internet.

107. Oasys Mobile | New Iphone Games, Cell Phone Games, Ipod Touch Games, Games For C
Wavelet compression products for video streaming and image compression.
Oasys Mobile Games, cell phone game, mobile phone game development and publishing
Site Navigation
Games and Apps
iPhone Apps and Games
Mobile Phone Games and Apps
Sid Meier's
//new fadeshow(IMAGES_ARRAY_NAME, slideshow_width, slideshow_height, borderwidth, delay, pause (0=no, 1=yes), optionalRandomOrder) new fadeshow(homepage, 552, 287, 1, 2500, 1)
New Releases
Oasys Mobile is excited to release six brand new iPhone games, iShot Machine Merlin's Legacy , and Crazy Eights . Also check out College Fan Zone and Tricky Tracks the new release for Verizon and Alltel. Personalize your mobile phone with College and Greek wallpapers and ringtones. View All New Releases
Popular Cell Phone Games
iShot Machine
The iPhone app that offers you hours of fun at bars, parties, or even your kitchen. Over 3000 shot recipes to choose from!

108. Computational Toolsmiths WavBox Page
Wavelet signal processing toolbox for Matlab.
Computational Toolsmiths
Home WavBox FirWav Papers ... Contact
WavBox Page Contents
Summary of the WavBox Software Library
The WavBox Software logo image, shown above, is displayed as a "splash screen" image on start-up of the software. This composite image logo has been designed to reveal some of the fundamental aspects of wavelet transforms. It shows the most famous Daubechies wavelets (those corresponding to filters with four coefficients) and the characteristic tiling of the time-frequency plane with tall thin tiles at high frequencies and short fat tiles at low frequencies. WavBox Software (Toolsmiths Wavelet Toolbox) is
  • the original MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox, the first available as free software in 1991, and

109. MR Software
Wavelet software packages for signal and image processing.
Choose Multiresolution Analysis Software for demanding and high-performance image and data analysis applications in Science, Medicine, Media and Life Sciences.
What MR multiresolution analysis software offers
  • Scale and Resolution
  • Image and Data Analysis
  • Extensive Signal and Noise Modeling
  • Innovation and Performance
  • Financial Modelling, Nowcasting, Prediction
  • Wavelet and multiresolution transforms, ridgelet and curvelet transforms
Books online
  • See
  • Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach, JL Starck, F Murtagh and A Bijaoui, Cambridge University Press, 1998
  • Astronomical Image and Data Analysis, JL Starck and F Murtagh, Springer, 2002. 2nd Edition, 2006.

110. JSci - A Science API For Java
A JavaTM library for wavelet processing by Mark Hale.
JSci - A science API for Java TM
This is a free set of Java TM packages. The aim is to encapsulate scientific methods/principles in the most natural way possible. As such they should greatly aid the development of scientific based software. This software is supplied "as is" and that there are no guarantees. This is a SourceForge project This work is open to suggestions and contributions . If you like, you can be notified of future updates either via email or the JSci e-group
  • Abstract math interfaces Linear algebra (support for various matrix and vector types) Statistics (including probability distributions) Wavelets Newtonian mechanics Chart/graph components (AWT and Swing) MathML DOM implementation Lots more...
  • Download.
  • 111. Waveblend - Focus Enhancing By Image Fusion Using The Dualtree Complex Wavelet T
    Focus enhancing by image fusion using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform.
    waveblend - Focus enhancing by image fusion using the dualtree complex wavelet transform
    by Sebastian Nowozin (
    Waveblend is a tool implementing an image fusion algorithm. It can combine a number of input pictures having all the same size into one output picture. While this could be useful for a number of purposes, waveblend focuses on only one: to enhance the focus of the combined image.
    Focus enhancing can be explained roughly like this: Take a number of input images, all taken from the same point of view with different depth-of-focus (that is, they are sharp at different depths). All the images are combined into one image, which spans the whole depth-of-focus of all images, so that the resulting image is "sharp" everywhere.
    This has a number of applications: in microscopy, astronomy and photography you can improve the results of a sample image by combining a number of sample images. A description of the techniques used is given below.
    Everybody likes screenshots, so here are some screenshots of waveblend. Although waveblend is a command line program, the distribution has two debugging output windows you can view:

    112. Some Wavelet People
    A list of home pages, maintained by Andreas Klappenecker.
    List of Wavelet People
    I updated the list in June 2006. Please let me know if a home page is missing or outdated. Thanks!
    Patrice Abry Ali Akansu Akram Aldroubi ... Denis Zorin YOUR NAME! YOUR NAME!
    This page is maintained by Andreas Klappenecker

    113. Wavelets, Time Frequency Analysis, Doppler Ultrasound Signal Processing
    Wavelet analysis, time frequency representation, general signals and systems, and applications in medical ultrasound signal processing.
    Yu Zhang, Ph.D. Chinese Version BIOGRAPHY Dr. Yu Zhang was born in Zhejiang Province, China in 1978. He received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Fudan University , China in 1998 and 2003, respectively. He was a visiting student with Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal from September to December 2002. From July 2003 to January 2005, h e was at DSP group of National Instruments as a software engineer and later as a staff software engineer, and also was the technical leader for LabVIEW advanced signal processing toolkit research and development. In February 2005, he joined ultrasound group of Mindray Beijing Research Institute Landwind Medical RESEARCH INTERESTS
    • Medical ultrasound: Medical Doppler US instrumentation, signal modeling and processing. Time-frequency representation and wavelet analysis: adaptive transform and representation, time-frequency scale feature extraction. General signal and system: traditional and modern spectral analysis, pattern recognition and applications in sound, vibration and medical signals.
    EXPERIENCES SELECTED PUBLICATIONS ( FULL LIST Yu Zhang, Shie Qian and T. Thayaparan, Detection of a manoeuvring air target in strong sea clutter via joint time�Cfrequency representation

    114. Michail Kulesh - Personal Homepage
    Wavelet deformation algebra and its application to the analysis of seismic signals.

    115. Bernard Silverman
    Statistical applications, wavelet regression, mixture problems.
    Bernard Silverman
    Recent CV including list of publications Higher resolution photograph (4Mb) Welcome to Bernard Silverman's home page. My current full-time post is Chief Scientific Adviser to the Home Office , where I have a dual role, firstly to provide independent scientific advice to the Home Secretary and other Home Office ministers on the whole range of topics relevant to Home Office business, and secondly to lead Science and Research in the Home Office I also play a part in the interdepartmental network of Chief Scientific Advisers chaired by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser. I have a number of honorary academic connections, with the Department of Statistics at Oxford University and at the London School of Economics with the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics , the Oxford-Man Institute for Quantitative Finance and the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment ; and with Green Templeton College , Oxford. Please note : Because of pressures on my time and the nature of my current job, I very much regret that I cannot take on the supervision of research students or the refereeing of scientific papers. Please accept my apologies. Email: bernard.silverman

    116. Meyer, Francois
    Adaptive wavelet packet and local cosine image compression, brushlets (adaptive basis of functions reasonably well localized with only one peak in frequency).

    117. Wim Sweldens' Homepage
    Wavelet theory, lifting scheme.

    118. Daniel Lemire, Computer Scientist And Open Scholar
    Wavelet filter design and interpolatory subdivision schemes.

    119. NuHAG :: Numerical Harmonical Analysis Group
    Scattered approximation, Gabor expansions, wavelet theory.

    SITE-MAP UPLOAD DB ... reload
    Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group home hgfei members research ... Archive
    HGFei := Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Feichtinger
    Group Leader of NuHAG
    Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group
    Institute of Mathematics, University of Vienna
    office: Alserbachstrasse 23, A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA
    Mail to: Nordbergstrasse 15, A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA
    [Office: 4-12]
    TEL: +431 4277 50696
    FAX: +431/4277/50690 or 4277/50620 for extensive messages! HGFei is editor in chief to JFAA (see here: local chief editors information on JFAA , including bibliographical information). HGFei is president of the Mathematischer Zirkel at the Univ. of Vienna and ALUMNI contact person for the department (cf. Alumni Home-Page der Uni Wien JFAA homepage (Springer-Link), Editor-in-Chief's local infos.
    HGFei-Scheduler Mathematik: Die Musik des Herzens (german article in Numerical Harmonic
    Analysis Group Faculty of Mathematics UNIVERSITY of VIENNA A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA Tel.:+43(1)4277/50696

    120. The YAWTB Homepage | Main / Presentation
    GPL-released matlab toolbox implementing time-frequency and time-scale transformations like continuous/discrete wavelet transforms.
    Related sites: UCL TELE More related sites: FYMA LTS2 (EPFL)
    YAWTb : Yet Another Wavelet Toolbox
    Navigation: Edit History Print Recent Changes ... Search WikiSearch Navigate this site
    Welcome to the Yet Another Wavelet Toolbox homepage !
    The aim of this toolbox is to provide a clear and well documented implementation in Matlab of some time-frequency and time-scale transformations like the well known continuous/discrete wavelet transforms. One of the major difference with other wavelet toolboxes is that YAWTB is released under GPL which means that people interested in its development are welcome. The main features of Yawtb are:
    • continuous and discrete wavelet transform easy visualization modular programming use of external routines written in C/C++ for efficiency.
    More information in the FAQ
    • : A Ubuntu package of the YAWTb has been realized (thanks to V. Boucher). More information on the Download section.
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