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21. The Doctrines And Discipline Of The African Methodist Episcopal Church Full text online of the first edition, published 1817. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/ame/menu.html |
22. AME-SADA - About Us About Us History and Background. The African Methodist Episcopal Church Service and Development Agency (AMESADA) is the humanitarian relief and development http://www.ame-sada.org/ |
23. African Methodism In The South, Or, Twenty-Five Years Of Freedom History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church following Emancipation, by W.J. Gaines, a bishop from Georgia. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/gaineswj/menu.html |
24. African Methodist Episcopal Church. The Doctrines And Discipline The Doctrines and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. By African Methodist Episcopal Church http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/ame/ame.html |
25. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Beginning History of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1796 thru 1822 http://pineygroveamez.tripod.com/zion.html |
26. Scraps Of African Methodist Episcopal History Book by Bishop James A. Handy of Baltimore, published in 1902. Looks at the A.M.E. Church s early days in Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore, as well as its early conferences. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/handy/menu.html |
27. AME History- The Black Church- BlackandChristian.com Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 1799 Richard Allen is ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church 1809 Female preacher, Jarena http://www.blackandchristian.com/blackchurch/ame.shtml |
28. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (American Religion African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (American religion), black Methodist church in the United States, organized in 1821; it adopted its present name in 1848. It developed from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/8305/African-Methodist-Episcopal-Zion- |
29. History Of The African Methodist Episcopal Church Lengthy book by Daniel Alexander Payne, bishop, president of Wilberforce. Includes portraits of some early A.M.E. bishops. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/payne/menu.html |
30. African Methodist Episcopal - Church In Mission @ FTS African Methodist Episcopal USA Group Members 1. Andrea Anderson 2. Mary Marjorie Bethea 3. Simon Castagna 4. Benjamin Valentine 5. Merritt http://ftsmc500.wetpaint.com/page/African Methodist Episcopal |
31. Allen Chapel AME Church - The Cathedral Of Southeast - Washington, DC The Reverend Dr. Michael E. Bell, Sr. is the Pastor of Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Southeast, Washington, D.C. He is married to Lena http://www.acamec.org/pastor.htm |
32. A History Of The African Methodist Episcopal Church 1922 work by C.S. Smith, meant to supplement Daniel Alexander Payne s book of the same title. Smith s book picks up the story in 1856. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/cssmith/menu.html |
33. African Methodist Episcopal Definition Of African Methodist African Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist denomination (see Methodism Methodism, the doctrines, polity, and worship of those Protestant Christian denominations that have developed http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/African Methodist Episcopal |
34. An Apology For African Methodism 1867 book by Benjamin J. Tanner defends the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Also has history of conferences and districts, profiles of local ministers, information on influential women. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/tanner/menu.html |
35. New Georgia Encyclopedia African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME Church) is a Christian denomination founded by Bishop Richard Allen in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1816. http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-1557 |
36. The Genius And Theory Of Methodist Polity, Or, The Machinery Of Methodism Book in question-and-answer format, on the structure and history of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Was published in 1885. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/turnerpolity/menu.html |
37. St. Paul AME Church Cambridge, MA USA African Methodist Episcopal company profile in Gloversville, NY. Our free company profile report for African Methodist Episcopal includes business information such as contact http://st-paul-ame.org/ |
38. Small And Rural Churches United Offers support and grant information to small and rural churches of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Small urban churches also encouraged. http://ourchurch.com/member/s/sarcu |
39. African Methodist Episcopal Listing of African American churches and other religious institutions in the greater Washington, DC metropolitan area. Includes suburban Maryland and Virginia http://www.blackpgs.com/churches/page3.html |
40. Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church Harlem, New York City. Offers Overview, beliefs, staff, calendar, news, photos, forum and ministries. http://www.metropolitanameharlem.org/ |
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