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1. Project Canterbury Online home of anglican texts, with emphasis on classical anglican documents expressing the Catholic identity of anglicanism. http://anglicanhistory.org/ |
2. The Anglican Domain Helping Episcopalians and other anglicans worldwide communicate. Information about the church, links to anglican resources, and assistance for anglican organizations seeking a Web presence. Features a glossary of anglican Church terms. http://www.anglican.org/ |
3. The Anglican Communion Official Website - Home Page Provides resources and links to information about the work, witness and worship of the anglican/Episcopal family of churches in over 160 countries around the globe. http://www.anglicancommunion.org/ |
4. Anglicanism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia anglicanism is a tradition within Christianity comprising churches with historical connections to the Church of England or similar beliefs, worship and church structures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglicanism |
5. Anglican News - Topix News on anglican continually updated from thousands of sources around the net. http://www.topix.com/religion/anglican |
6. The Episcopal Diocese Of Central New York Features news, events, and information about resources, deployment, youth, and other programs of this diocese of 22,500. http://cny.anglican.org/ |
7. Topix Anglican News about anglican issues, collected from various sources on the web. http://www.topix.com/rss/religion/anglican.xml |
8. Anglicans Online The Online Centre Of The Anglican / Episcopal World The online centre of the anglican (Episcopal) world. anglicans Online is independent, comprehensive, contemporary, reliable, and fair. More anglican church leaders read http://anglicansonline.org/ |
9. Archbishop's Prayer For 2010 FIFA World Cup June 2010 - Anglican News anglican Archbishop of Cape Town proposes prayer for the 2010 FIFA World Cup http://www.anglican.co.za/ |
10. Mt. Calvary Southern Episcopal Church Located in Lothian, Maryland, this is an orthodox anglican parish, formerly of the merged anglican Independent Communion. Contains history, service time, faith statements and documents on Apostolic Succession http://www.cinemaparallel.com/anglican.html |
11. Anglican Communion - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The anglican Communion is an international association of national and regional anglican churches. There is no single anglican Church with universal juridical authority as each http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglican_Communion |
12. The Anglican Diocese Of Newcastle Home Official Diocesan site part of the Province of New South Wales. General information, bishops, parishes, positions vacant, media, and events. http://www.angdon.com/ |
13. St. Paul S Anglican Church A traditional anglican Communion Parish in Prescott, Arizona offering Worship schedule, contact information, directions, parish history, anglican information, and a photo album. http://www.angelfire.com/ca7/ttac/stpaulsprescott.html |
14. Anglican Bloggers - Various Anglicans Talking To Each Other And A group for people who blog about anglican goingson and those that comment on those same aforementioned blogs. http://anglican.ning.com/ |
15. The Church Of England (the Anglican Church) Protestantism established a precarious toehold in England very shortly after Luther's initial protest in 1517, but for many years Protestants remained a tiny minority http://www.victorianweb.org/religion/denom1.html |
16. Anglican-related Churches Not In The Communion A list of anglican churches that are not in communion with the see of Canterbury. Each church is listed, along with its URL, and a brief description. http://anglicansonline.org/communion/nic.html |
17. The Anglican Catholic Church Of Canada Explains the Traditional anglican Communion (anglican Catholic). Provides Bishop s message, clergy directory, and links to other congregations and ministries. http://www.zeuter.com/~accc |
18. Anglican - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The anglican Church is the Church of England and its overseas offshoots. anglicanism is a Protestant form of Christianity. It is sometimes seen as being the middle way, between Roman http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglican |
19. The Anglican Church Of Virginia “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus http://www.theanglicanchurch.net/ |
20. Anglican Church Of Australia Resource List - Ministryblue A directory of Australian anglican Churches on the web, categorized by state and diocese. Includes links to support ministries. http://ministryblue.com/anglican.html |
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