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21. Calvary Chapel Of Grass Valley California. Information on what the church believes, events, location, and details on the men s, women s, and youth ministry. http://www.ccgv.org/ |
22. Calvary Chapel Children's Ministry Curriculum Old Testament FREE Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever. NEW SPANISH RESOURCES UPDATED 12/1/04 http://children.calvarychapel.com/site/curriculum.htm |
23. Calvary Chapel Riverside -Grand Rapids, Michigan Contact. Tom Hough, Pastor 616988-WORD (9673) Email. Location. 1950 Waldorf NW Suite D Grand Rapids, MI 49544. Map and Directions; Calendar of Events; C.C. Michigan Map http://calvarychapelriverside.org/ |
24. Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills Aliso Viejo, California. Site features RealAudio and Video live broadcast and archived messages. http://www.pacifichills.org/ |
25. Calvary Chapel This is the Social Network for people who attend a Calvary Chapel. Our purpose is to encourage ordinary Christians to fellowship and Network with other Christi… http://calvarychapel.ning.com/ |
26. Calvary Chapel Burbank - Church In Burbank Home Calvary Chapel has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into His image by the http://calvarychapelburbank.org/ |
27. Calvary Chapel Tustin Tustin, California. Service times, ministries, and missions information. Online audio sermon archive. http://www.calvarychapeltustin.org/ |
28. Calvary Chapel Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. http://www.cchavasu.com/ |
29. Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel Yucca Valley, California. An introductory letter from the pastor, staff directory, audio teachings, and ministry descriptions. http://www.joshuasprings.org/ |
30. Calvary Chapel Home Calvary Chapel is a familyoriented and growing multicultural church located in the Woden Valley. If you are looking for a church home, we believe that you couldn't find a more http://www.calvarychapel.com.au/ |
31. Calvary Chapel Winnetka Services times and locations. Contact information. Winnetka, California. http://www.calvarychapelwinnetka.org/ |
32. Calvary Chapel Old Bridge Old Bridge Township, New Jersey. History, events calendar, directions, service information, links, teaching and music ministries online shopping. http://www.ccob.org/ |
33. What We Believe Overview. Calvary Chapel has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into His image http://beta.calvarychapel.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article& |
34. Calvary Chapel Oceanside Oceanside. Schedule of events, beliefs, pastors and staff, and sermons. http://www.calvaryoceanside.org/ |
35. Calvary Chapel Calvary Chapel is a nondenominational church movement focused on the inerrancy of the Bible and the expository teaching from Genesis to Revelation. http://calvarychapel.org.nz/ |
36. Calvary Chapel Of Paradise Magalia, California. Sermons, belief statement, service times and more. Motorcycle ministry. http://www.calvarychapelparadise.com/ |
37. Calvary Chapel Ramona Offers worship schedule, events listing, staff photos, ministry descriptions, and audio messages. http://calvarychapelramona.com/ |
38. Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay Monterey, California. Brief history, statement of faith, news, FAQs, contact information. http://www.calvary.com/ |
39. Calvary Chapel Children's Ministry Curriculum New Testament FREE Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever. NEW SPANISH RESOURCES UPDATED 12/1/04 http://children.calvarychapel.com/site/curriculum_n.htm |
40. Calvary Chapel Mountain View Mountain View, California. Pastor and staff introductions with photos, ministry descriptions, and missionary updates. http://www.ccmv.org/ |
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