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1. Discordian.com discordian.com Chaos with a Clue. Sex, memetics, selfillumination, networking, daily life, links everything to answer the question, So I'm a discordian now what? http://www.discordian.com/ |
2. Discordianism The Emperor Norton Utilities; sermon from my mouth; creative disorder; The Appendix Discordia; The Televisionary Oracle by Rob Brezsny Other discordian Pages http://www.kbuxton.com/discordia/ |
3. Erister Egg HuntDiscordian Easter Egg Hunt EggGASM How can you and your fellow discordians freak the mundanes by having an EggGASM from making an Erister Egg Hunt as the Erisian Bunny? This will tell you how! http://discordia.loveshade.org/xtra/erister.html |
4. Discordianism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A discordian is required to, the first Friday after his illumination, Go Off Alone Partake Joyously of a Hot Dog; this Devotive Ceremony to Remonstrate against the popular http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discordianism |
5. Discordian Calendar PreCentral.net Downloads This Week 2 Total downloads 683 Distribution Available via Repository http://www.precentral.net/homebrew-apps/discordian-calendar |
6. Cabal Of The Apathetic Online discordian Oracle, short texts, links, and tech support with a gun. http://discordia.org.uk/ |
7. Discordian Calendar - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The discordian or Erisian calendar is an alternative calendar used by some adherents of discordianism. It is specified on page 00034 of the Principia Discordia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discordian_calendar |
8. Discordian Info Hospital Works 3rd bet. 1st 2nd Ave * http://discordian.info/ |
9. The Discordian Cabal Of Cable Texts, software and rants. http://www.discordia.ch/ |
10. Welcome To Discordian.com Welcome to discordian.com. Hail Eris. It is my sad duty to inform you that Robert Anton Wilson has passed from this earth as of January the eleventh, two thousand and seven. http://discordian.com/discordian.html |
11. Discordian Date discordian date calculator discordian (Erisian) Date Calculators from Digital Burro. What is discordianism? http://digiburo.com/db_product/DiscorDate.html |
12. Xenobia Personal pages with discordian information as part of it. http://xenobia.net |
13. The Discordian Society Wherein is explained absolutely everything worth knowing about absolutely anything. http://discordiansociety.org/ |
14. The Discordian Card Deck By popular demand, here's a detailed description of the soon to be publicly distributed discordian Deck. All the meanings listed are our own interpretations only and not to be http://www.suberic.net/~dmm/cards.html |
15. Ring Of Fnords A ring of discordian websites. http://www.bolthy.com/fnord/ |
16. The Discordian Group Web Site. Relax, there is nothing to fear. You have come to the right place. We know why you are here. We know what you need. We know who you are, and what you did. http://discordian.org/ |
17. Discordian Emily Sander Aka Zoey Zane Murder Conviction The 23 Emily Sander aka Zoey Zane, discordian friend and proposed discordian Saint. http://23ae.com/2010/02/discordian-emily-sander-aka-zoey-zane-murder-conviction/ |
18. ChaosPortal A portal site dedicated to discordianism. A community resource with many ways to interact and learn. http://www.chaosportal.com |
19. Discordian American Princesses - Uncyclopedia, The Content-free This category is for every one who is a discordian American Princess (DAP). DAPs were originally girls who were peacesign flashing, tie-dye wearing or unwearing, discord-loving http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Discordian_American_Princesses |
20. Ordo Templi Sensibilium A weblog site with many original discordian writings and an interactive forum. http://www.sensibilium.com/ |
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