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81. Islamic Portal Offers information about islam. Includes an events calendar for the Muslim community of Trinidad and links. http://www.freewebs.com/islamic-portal/ |
82. Islam Define Islam At Dictionary.com –noun 1. the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic principle of which is http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Islam |
83. Polygamy At Radio Al-Islam Channel RA 200 Five real audio files about polygamy in islamic Law. http://islam.org/radio/ch200.htm |
84. Islam Get the day's top stories every morning in your inbox from our newsletter. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/intro/islam.htm |
85. Islam Wegweiser Ein kurzer, illustrierter Wegweiser, der Nicht-Muslimen helfen soll, den islam, Muslime und den Koran besser zu verstehen. http://www.islam-guide.com/de/ |
86. Islam.com islamic information portal, including discussion forums, articles, and links. http://www.islam.com |
87. Islamic Finder Given a location, the site provides local prayer times and a list of masjids, islamic centers and organizations, and islamic-owned businesses nearby. http://www.islamicfinder.org/ |
88. Islam From The Inside Out islam and islamic issues from a philosophical, esoteric viewpoint - looking from the inside out. http://www.islamfrominside.com/IslamfrominsideRSS.rss |
89. Islam For Dummies Substantial collection of resources on islam from a Shia perspective, with a strong emphasis on mutual respect between Sunni and Shia. http://www.ezsoftech.com/islam/ |
90. The Islamic World To 1600 Covers the 7th to the 17th centuries, including information about islamic art; bibliography. http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tutor/islam/ |
91. What Is Islam? A brief history of islam, and of the development of Muslim culture. http://www.truthnet.org/islam/whatisislam.html |
92. Topix Islam News about islam, collected from various sources on the web. http://www.topix.com/rss/religion/islam.xml |
93. Hijab Boutique Modest islamic clothing for ladies. http://www.hijabboutique.com |
94. Reems Eastern Fashion Online shopping for islamic clothing and accessories. http://www.reems.com/ |
95. Rahman Imports islamic clothing for men, children and women, including plus sizes. http://www.modestycatalog.com |
96. Primo Moda Fashionable and trendy islamic clothing for women, including sports and swimwear. http://www.primomoda.com |
97. Quran101.com A brief introduction to islam, with sound files of the Shahadah, and some verses of the Quran. http://www.quran101.com/ |
98. The True Call - Islam A guide for those seeking the truth. Has a section on Jesus and Christianity as well. Information on the resurrection of Jesus. http://www.thetruecall.com/ |
99. The Key To Understanding Islam Online version of a booklet which introduces Muslim faith, practice, and culture. http://www.thekeytoislam.com/ |
100. Islam Answering Basic information for beginners, with answers to many questions. http://www.islamanswering.com |
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