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81. Central Conference Of American Rabbis Rabbinic Association of Reform judaism http://www.ccarnet.org/ |
82. Great Lakes And Rivers Region The Official homepage of the areas United Synagogues of Conservative judaism http://www.uscj.org/glr |
83. United Synagogue Of Conservative Judaism - Synagogues A listing of synagogues affiliated with the USCJ. http://www.uscj.org/synagogues.html |
84. KOACH College outreach program that provides college-age students the opportunity to maintain and develop connections to Conservative judaism. http://www.koach.org/ |
85. The Karaite Korner The home of the World Movement for Karaite judaism - the movement of Nehemia Gordon and Meir Rekhavi, who founded it over the last 10 years. http://www.karaite-korner.org/ |
86. Machar The Washington DC Congregation for Humanistic judaism is a community of secular Humanistic Jews. http://www.machar.org/ |
87. Society For Humanistic Judaism Creating a meaningful Jewish lifestyle free from supernatural authority and imposed tradition. http://www.shj.org/ |
88. International Federation Of Secular Humanistic Jews Worldwide linking for secular Jews who wish to affirm their judaism by celebrating their Jewish identity. http://www.ifshj.org |
89. International Institute For Secular Humanistic Judaism A non-theistic approach to Jewish identity. http://www.iishj.org |
90. Breslov Chassidus Learn about Rebbe Nachman and Breslov. Using new state of the art technology to teach Torah and judaism. http://breslov.ilovetorah.com |
91. Lev Chadash This progressive synagogue belongs to the European Region of the World Union of Progressive judaism. Milan, Italy. http://www.levchadash.info/ |
92. Virtual Jerusalem Join an online Jewish community with news and information on judaism and Israel at Virtual Jerusalem, your new home on the web. http://virtualjerusalem.com |
93. Jewish Holidays And Festivals Guide to Jewish holidays, festivals and fasts. http://www.religionfacts.com/judaism/holidays.htm |
94. Beth Shifra An organization that reaches and teaches judaism across the age span under the leadership of Rabbi Chaim Prussman. http://bethshifra.org |
95. Yakar Tradition And Creativity Sponsors lectures and dialogue and offers a study program of judaism to the modern world. http://yakar.org |
96. Bat Kol Feminist House of Study, located in Jerusalem, Israel, offers classes on the study of the holy texts of judaism from the perspective of women. http://batkol.org/ |
97. Jewish Scientists Directory of Jewish scientists, Nobel Prize laureates, and organizations. http://www.science.co.il/JewishSci.asp |
98. The Torah Science Foundation Kabbalah and science are defined in a new constructive paradigm for their unification. http://www.torahscience.org/ |
99. Evolutionary Creationism A view of evolutionism and creationism as dynamic paradox. http://www.orot.com/ec.html |
100. Tekhelet Describes in depth the blue dye of ritual fringes, including modern physical evidence regarding source and production. http://www.tekhelet.com/ |
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