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         Kemetic:     more books (37)
  1. The Kemetic Diet: Food For Body, Mind and Soul, A Holistic Health Guide Based on Ancient Egyptian Medical Teachings by Dr. Muata A. Ashby, 2000-08-01
  2. The Kemetic Tree of Life Ancient Egyptian Metaphysics and Cosmology for Higher Consciousness by Muata Ashby, 2008-09-18
  3. The Philosophy Of Maat Kemetic-Soulism by Maaxeru Tep, 2002-01-01
  4. Reconstructing Kemetic Culture by Karenga, 1990-06
  5. Introduction to Kemetic Yoga: The Fundamental Teachings of Mystic Integration that were Established by the Shemsu Nebedjer by 5,000-10,000 BCE by Sehu Khepera Ankh, 2007-10-10
  6. Kemetic Religion: Kemetic Orthodoxy
  7. Kemetic Orthodoxy
  8. Redemption of The Criminal Heart Through Kemetic Spirituality by Muata Ashby, 2007-06-20
  9. Initiatic Tales of Hej-ptah / Kemetic Initiation Stories by NABA LAMOUSSA MORODENIBIG, 2005-09-01
  10. Reconstructing Kemetic Culture by Maulana Karenga, 1996-12
  11. Egypts Lost God: Sokar by Matt James, 2009-05-12
  12. The Best of the Kemetic Voice (Volume 1)
  13. The Kemetic Guide 1of 10 Understanding Jurisidiction & Status of Moors in North America by Asar:Diallo-Sekou Abur El, 2008-01-01
  14. Kemetic Diet Ancient African Wisdom for Health of Mind, Body, and Spirit by Muata Ashby, 2006-01-01

61. Per Djehuty
Articles on Djehuty or Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and patron of scribes.

62. Chr M Zem Kemet
Staroegypt t bohov dnes - teorie a praxe kultu.

63. Kemet - Egyiptom
Az kori egyiptomi t rt nelem tfog tud st ra. Kislexikon, ki-kicsoda, kir lylista, a hieroglif r s, nyelvtan leck i.

64. Kemet International
Diamond compound, slurry and paste manufacturers offering surface finishing programmes covering flat lapping and polishing.

65. Per Ankh
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

66. Bast
Short article on this Egyptian goddess, who was often attributed to cats. Includes interpretations of her name and description.

67. Das Gyptische Pantheon
Eine Einf hrung in die Welt der G tter aus der popul rwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift Kemet.

68. G Rtnerei Georg Kemeter
G rtnerei und Blumenshops in Goggendorf, Hollabrunn und Ziersdorf. Blumenzustellung und Blumenversand.

69. Kemet
Information in English about the only popular-science journal on Egypt in German.

70. Das Alte Gypten []
Informiert ausf hrlich ber folgende Themen Pharaonen, politische Geschichte, Geographie, G tter, Totenkult, Amarna-Periode, Tal der K nige, Wissenschaften, Alltag sowie Hieroglyphen und Bauwerke.

71. Akhet Hwt-Hrw
Temple and school of ancient Egyptian religion, dedicated to the goddess Hwt-Hrw (Hathor). Information about the religion and culture of Ancient Egypt, and about courses and services offered.

72. The Living Nuhati
Teachings, devotional practices, prayers, meditation techniques, and faith philosophy of the Native African, ancient Egyptian faith culture Nuhati-Am-Nutjeru.

73. The Domain Of Het-Hert (Hathor)
Comprehensive history of Hathor s worship in Ancient Egypt; myths, hymns, archaeological sites, references, images.

74. Isis Moon Temple
Holy, working, teaching temple of the ancient Egyptian Goddess Aset (Isis). Outer Court training is available.

75. Temple Of Aset
A virtual temple dedicated to the Goddess Isis/Aset, as well as a healing page and magic.

76. Fellowship Of Isis
Honors the Goddess in her many forms; wide variety of information about the FOI and each of its societies the College of Isis, the Spiral of the Adepti, the Druid Clan of Dana, and the Noble Order of Tara.

77. Lady Of The Flame Iseum
Affiliated to the Fellowship of Isis, and centering around the goddesses Bast and Sekhmet. Resources and rituals, poetry, news, events, and courses.

78. Kemet
Producent van polijst- en lepsystemen, galvanisch belegde diamantgereedschappen en diamantpasta s. Met informatie over de producten en diensten.

Es gibt kostenlose Spiele des Autors, teils zum Download und als Java-Applet.

80. Kemet - Zeitschrift F R Gyptenfreunde
Kulturelles Magazin in deutscher Sprache f r gypten.

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