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41. TourMagination Builds bridges among mennonites and other Christians around the world through custom designed travel. http://www.tourmagination.com |
42. Mennonites Summary BookRags.com mennonites. mennonites summary with 6 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/mennonites-eorl-09/ |
43. Third Way Cafe (Who Are The Mennonites?) - Third Way Media You may think of mennonites as “the folks who came into town and helped clean up after the flood or tornado that devastated the community.” That is one view of mennonites http://www.thirdway.com/menno/?Topic=23_Basic Beliefs |
44. Land Reform Worries Bolivia's Mennonites - Americas Dec 21, 2006 Land reform worries Bolivia's mennonites Americas - International Herald Tribune By Simon Romero Published Thursday, December 21, 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/21/world/americas/21iht-bolivia.3978271.html |
45. Mennonites Definition Of Mennonites In The Free Online Encyclopedia. mennonites (mĕn`nənīts), descendants of the Dutch and Swiss evangelical Anabaptists of the 16th cent. Beliefs and Membership. While each congregation is at liberty to decide http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Mennonites |
46. Mennonites - Bibliography Introduction to Russia and Eurasia, Introduction to China, Part One Cultures of Russia and Eurasia, Abkhazians, Aghuls, Ainu, Ajarians, Aleuts, Altaians, Andis, etc… http://www.everyculture.com/South-America/Mennonites.html |
47. Mennonites Glossary of Religion and Philosophy mennonites anabaptist groups roman catholic priest protestant reformation protestant tradition civil authorities http://atheism.about.com/library/glossary/western/bldef_mennonites.htm |
48. Mennonites Mennonite Settlements in the Crimea. A separate page has been devoted to the mennonites who lived in the Crimea for the main reason that there are at present, no church records http://www.icehouse.net/debbie/html/mennonites.html |
49. Homosexual And Bisexual Orientation Among Mennonites Topics dealing with homosexual bisexual orientation Menu The Mennonite church and Homosexuality. Sponsored link. http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_men.htm |
50. About Goshen College While many people confuse mennonites with their historical brethren, the Amish, most mennonites are indistinguishable from the broader society in appearance and use of http://www.goshen.edu/aboutgc/mennonites/ |
51. Volhynian-Mennonites The mennonites from the Volhynia area, and surrounding areas, of old Polish Russia, now know as the Ukraine. http://lists.rootsweb.ancestry.com/index/other/Religion/VOLHYNIAN-MENNONITES.htm |
52. Menno-Hof Mennonite Anabaptist Interpretive Center Menno-Hof s multi-image presentations, historical environments and colorful displays take you on a fascinating journey inside the unique world of the mennonites and Amish. http://www.mennohof.org |
53. Mennonite Connections On The World-Wide Web Extensive catalog of websites about mennonites and Amish, arranged in a yellow-pages format http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bpl/menno.html |
54. Mennonite.net A comprehensive gathering of information on Mennonite churches, conferences, organizations and educational institutions. http://www.mennonite.net/ |
55. Mennonite Publishing House The Random House of the Mennonite world. http://www.mph.org/ |
56. Mennonite Health Services Mennonite Health Services connects health care organizations to each other and to the church. http://www.mhsonline.org |
57. The Mennonite Magazine Semimonthly magazine for members of Mennonite Church USA. http://www.themennonite.org |
58. Brethren Mennonite Council Brethren Mennonite Council for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender interests. http://www.bmclgbt.org/ |
59. Franconia Mennonite Conference Fellowship of Mennonite churches in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Vermont. http://www.franconiaconference.org/ |
60. First Mennonite Church, Lincoln NE A Mennonite Church USA congregation in Lincoln, Nebraska. http://fmclincoln.org |
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