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61. Eastern Mennonite Seminary Offers programs for graduate studies, including divinity, church leadership and pastoral counseling, as well as youth ministry opportunities. http://www.emu.edu/seminary/ |
62. Mennonite Life Quarterly journal exploring the Mennonite experience. Contains excerpts from past issues, Mennonite bibliographies and an index for the publication. http://www.bethelks.edu/mennonitelife/ |
63. Mennonite Brethren Herald Official magazine of Mennonite Brethren churches in Canada. Feature articles, opinion columns, photos and reviews by Mennonite Brethren writers and photographers from across Canada. http://www.mbherald.com |
64. Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference A large mid-west conference of Mennonite Church USA. Church listings. http://im.mennonite.net/ |
65. Hebron Mennonite Church Hagerstown, Maryland. News and events, Mennonite links. http://www.hebron.md.us.mennonite.net |
66. Mennonite Evangelical Tabernacle Hispanic Mennonite Convention, Mennonite Church USA. Membership, location, contact information. http://evangelicaltabernacle.ny.us.mennonite.net/ |
67. Exploring Amish And Mennonite Cuisines Provides five pages of recipes for various dishes. http://members.tripod.com/~CulinaryClassics/amishmain.html |
68. Perryton Mennonite Church Includes location, contact information, and Mennonite Conference resources. http://perryton.tx.us.mennonite.net/ |
69. Doopsgezinde Gemeente Groningen Doopsgezinde gemeente Groningen, Groningen Mennonite Church http://www.dggroningen.doopsgezind.nl/ |
70. Werkgroep Midden Nederland Mennonite activities for youth in the Netherlands. http://www.wmn.doopsgezind.nl/ |
71. Canadian Conference Of Mennonite Brethren Churches Events, news, forums, links. http://www.mbconf.ca/ |
72. Mennonite Church Canada News and information on churches throughout Canada. http://www.mennonitechurch.ca/ |
73. Mennonite Central Committee A relief, service, community development and peace agency. http://www.mcc.org/ |
74. Conservative Mennonite Conference Christian Fellowship of evangelical Anabaptist churches in North America, with 104 congregations. http://www.cmcrosedale.org/ |
75. Mennonite World Conference International fellowship of churches in the anabaptist tradition. http://www.mwc-cmm.org/ |
76. Eastern Mennonite Missions A vibrant and extensive missionary enterprise. http://www.emm.org |
77. Alliance Of Mennonite Evangelical Congregations A group devoted to evangelical orthodoxy in an Anabaptist perspective. http://www.aemc2000.org |
78. Our Faith Digest Best-of articles from the Mennonite press on mission, faith, family and history. http://www.ourfaithdigest.org |
79. Rosedale Mennonite Missions An evangelical Christian mission agency. http://www.rosedalemennonitemissions.org |
80. Voice Of Praise A cappella Mennonite male ensemble. Album information and upcoming schedules. http://www.voiceofpraise.net |
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