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21. MJAA Messianic Jewish Alliance Of America Established in 1915, the MJAA gives an overview of beliefs and position. Find conferences and member congregations. http://www.mjaa.org/ |
22. Yeshuah.com Read scriptural descriptions of the Messiah and the controversy in Judaism about Yeshuah. http://www.yeshuah.com/ |
23. Messianic-Judaism.net - Home Messianic Judaism returned to a 1st Century C.E. Jewish understanding of the Christian faith. Discovering Yeshua (Jesus) said and how it was heard. The place to go when you need http://www.messianic-judaism.net/ |
24. Messianic Judaism In the last few days before his much anticipated speech in Cairo, Egypt, President Obama has chosen to speak, not just through surrogates, but also directly as to the direction http://joelchernoff.wordpress.com/category/messianic-judaism/ |
25. TorahBytes Read or listen to a weekly commentary on the Jewish scriptures from a Messianic point of view. http://www.torahbytes.org/ |
26. MESSIANIC JUDAISM Note Jews frequently use the term Gd and L-rd to refer to their deity. They regard his full name as so sacred that it must not be written or pronounced. http://www.religioustolerance.org/mess_jud.htm |
27. Messianic Judaism Adonai Yemaleh Zoht Messianic Synagogue is the only Messianic synagogue in all of East Texas. We are located centrally, in Tyler, Texas. Our … http://www.hotfrog.com/Products/Messianic-Judaism |
28. Got Messiah? Learn about Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah of Israel at this university web site. http://www.chosenpeople.com/gotmessiah/docs/gotmessiah.html |
29. Intercessors For Israel Learn about the prayer needs for both the people and land of Israel. Find archives, newsletters, or purchase media. http://www.ifij.org |
30. Messianic Judaism Meetup Groups - Messianic Judaism Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Messianic Judaism http://messianic-judaism.meetup.com/ |
31. Messianic Judaism A NonPartisan Call for the Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama Our 2009 Financial Statement is Ready 06/11/10 - TERRORIST ALERT General Paul Valleley Iran http://familybible.org/BeitMidrash/Messianic/index.htm |
32. IsraelPrayer.com Find facts on how to support and pray for Israel. Includes articles, profiles, and prayers. http://www.israelprayer.com |
33. The Cry Of Hashivenu We cry Hashivenu Our goal is a mature Messianic Judaism. We seek an authentic expression of Jewish life maintaining substantial continuity with Jewish tradition. Brought to you by http://www.hashivenu.org/ |
34. Chosen People Ministries Jews and Gentiles who believe Jesus is the Messiah. http://www.chosen-people.com/index.html |
35. Theological Differences Messianic Judaism Congregation Beth Ha'Mashiach (House of the Messiah) Worshipping A DONAI His Messiah, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Living teaching as our Messiah taught us to Live http://www.bethhamashiach.com/Primary_theological_differences_Judaism_MessianicJ |
36. Out Of Zion Ministries Messianic Ministry based on Mt Carmel, Israel. http://out-of-zion.com/ |
37. Messianic Judaism The Ascendance of Messianic Judaism in the Context of Hebrew Christianity A History of the 20th Century Movement in America of Jewish Believers in Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus http://mcu.edu/papers/mess_jud.htm |
38. Outreach Israel Ministries Messianic ministry shares its mission of reaching out with the restoration message through various media. http://www.outreachisrael.net |
39. Messianic Judaism Messianic Judaism Torah or Talmud? While Christianity is far off to the left of the straight and narrow path, disregarding Torah altogether, Messianic Judaism is equally http://www.nazarite.net/messianic.html |
40. Yeshua International Messianic ministries in the UK and abroad. Find conferences, contacts and literature. http://zyworld.com/yeshuaministries |
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