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41. EbenezerMoravianChurch This file part of www.watertownhistory.org website . Ebenezer Moravian Church. and . Watertown Moravian Church . Ebenezer Moravian Church south of city http://www.watertownhistory.org/Articles/Ebenezer Moravian Church.htm |
42. The Moravian Historical Society Comprehensive links to historical information about the Moravian church worldwise and in the United States. http://www.moravianhistoricalsociety.org/links.php |
43. Moravian Church - Ohio History Central - A Product Of The Ohio The Unity of the Brethren Church, often referred to as the Moravian Church, was founded during the 1400s in Moravia in central Europe. Several principles guided the members http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/entry.php?rec=609 |
44. Moravian Daily Texts For print and e-mail versions of daily devotional Bible readings published worldwide since 1727. Official site of the Moravian Church in North America. http://www.moravian.org/daily_texts/ |
45. Lititz Moravian Church Features beliefs, news, events, programs, list of elders, worship schedule and information about the Sunday School. http://www.lititzmoravian.org/ |
46. Moravian Church Definition Of Moravian Church In The Free Online Moravian Church, Renewed Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum (y nē`t s fr `tr m), an evangelical Christian communion whose adherents are sometimes called United http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Moravian Church |
47. Ephraim Moravian Church Ephraim, Wisconsin. Pastor s corner. Moravian information links. http://www.ephraimmoravian.org/ |
48. Moravian Board Of World Mission Mission work around the world since 1732. Background and links. http://moravianmission.org/ |
49. The Unity Of The Brethren In Texas Texas churches closely affiliated with the Moravians. Includes history, details of organizations, beliefs, and activities. http://www.unityofthebrethren.org/ |
50. Moravian Church (Protestant Denomination) Britannica Online Moravian church (Protestant denomination), Protestant church founded in the 18th century but tracing its origin to the Unitas Fratrum (“Unity of Brethren”) of the 15thcentury http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/391899/Moravian-church |
51. The Moravian Book Shop The oldest continuously run bookstore in the United States, possibly in the whole world. Founded in 1745 to sell church publications, with profits going to the retirement fund for Moravian pastors. http://shop.moravianbookshop.com/about.htm |
52. Moravian Church Of Downey The Moravian Church . of Downey. OUR MISSION Sharing the love of Christ http://downeymoravian.org/ |
53. The Moravians In Georgia 1735-1740 E-text by Adelaide L. Fries at Project Gutenberg. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/570 |
54. Moravian Church Summary BookRags.com Moravian Church. Moravian Church summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/moravian-church-eb/ |
55. Old Salem Living History Museum (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) Reconstruction of a colonial Moravian settlement gift shop, history, tourist information. http://www.mesda.org/ |
56. Religion In Newfoundland And Labrador The Moravians Maps, articles, original documents, and pictures. http://www.mun.ca/rels/morav/index.html |
57. The Moravians In Georgia, 1735-1740 By Adelaide L. Fries at World Wide School. Each chapter in its own file, with links to the table of contents and other chapters. http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/hst/northamerican/TheMoraviansinGeo |
58. Moravian Definition From Answers.com Moravian Church, Renewed Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum (yūnē ' t s fr ' trʊm), an evangelical Christian communion whose adherents are sometimes called United Brethren or http://www.answers.com/topic/moravian |
59. The Wachovia Settlement (North Carolina, USA) Brief community history, with links to family records. http://www.fmoran.com/morav.html |
60. Watertown Moravian Church The Watertown Moravian Church is a Christcentered family committed to God through faith, worship and service, rich in tradition while open to new ideas and growth. http://www.watertownmoravianchurch.org/ |
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