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61. The Moravian Prayer Vigil An article from Christianity Today on A Prayer Meeting that Lasted 100 Years, a 24-hour prayer vigil kept going in the Herrnhut community for more than a hundred years. http://ctlibrary.com/3263 |
62. First Moravian Church Home Dover, Ohio Church Ohio Moravian Dover First Moravian Church Welcome Thanks for visiting First Moravian Church of Dover on the web. http://firstmoravianchurch.org/ |
63. Good Shepherd Church North West Calgary, Alberta, with both traditional Moravian and contemporary praise worship services. http://www.goodshepherdmoravian.org/ |
64. The Moravian Church In Britain And Ireland Church Of England The Moravian Church in Britain and Ireland Background. The Church of England and the Moravian Church in Britain and Ireland have both inherited much that is common, even though http://cofe.anglican.org/info/ccu/england/moravian/ |
65. Fairfield Moravian Settlement, Manchester A worshipping church within a reconstructed historic Moravian community dating to 1785. Guided tours are available. http://www.billnkaz.demon.co.uk/moravian.htm |
66. Schoenbrunn Founded in 1772 as a mission to the Delaware Indians by the Moravian church, and includes visitor and general information located at Zoar. http://ohsweb.ohiohistory.org/places/ne06/ |
67. Home Moravian Church In Winston-Salem, NC Home Moravian Church is located on the northeast corner of Salem Square in the historic district of Old Salem , the restored 1766 Moravian town, located in Winston-Salem http://www.homemoravian.org/ |
68. Moravian Church — GAMEO Moravian Church (or Moravian Brethren), the name in America and England of the church known in Europe as Unitas Fratrum, Br derUnit t, or Herrnhuter (Gemeinde). http://www.gameo.org/encyclopedia/contents/M6694.html |
69. Graceham Moravian Church Offers overview, beliefs, events, worship, pastor s note and education. http://www.gracehammoravian.org/ |
70. Raleigh Moravian Church - 1816 Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-6740 The mission statement of Raleigh Moravian Church Is called by God as the Body of Christ, we, the Raleigh Moravian Church, a family of believers, worship, teach, witness and http://raleighmoravian.org/ |
71. Salem Moravian Bands The bands form an association within the Moravian Church in South Africa, based in Schauderville, Madiba Bay. http://www.salembands.za.cx/ |
72. Moravian Church In 1997 the General Convention established an official EpiscopalMoravian dialogue with the Moravian Church in America. The first dialogue between Anglicans and Moravians took http://www.episcopalchurch.org/110055_111526_ENG_HTM.htm |
73. Calvary Moravian Church - Winston-Salem, North Carolina Calvary Moravian Church has been serving downtown WinstonSalem, Forsyth County, North Carolina since 1893. Calvary Moravian Church is a congregation of the Moravian Church in http://calvarymoravian.org/ |
74. Rural Hall Moravian Church - Rural Hall, NC Welcome to Rural Hall Moravian Church. The purpose of Rural Hall Moravian Church is to be committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and to witness to His teachings through worship http://www.rhmc.org/ |
75. Friedberg Moravian Youth Friedberg Moravian Church in Winston-Salem. Schedule and photos. http://www.fmyouth.com/ |
76. First Moravian Church Of York, Pennsylvania Located at 41 N. Duke Street, York, PA 17401 2010 First Moravian Church, York, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Site created and maintained by Sheila Sacks. http://www.firstmoravianchurch.worthyofpraise.org/ |
77. Calvary Moravian Church Features church history, information on Sunday services, special events and ministries. http://www.calvarymoravian.org/ |
78. The United Church Of Los Alamos Affiliated with American Baptist Churches USA, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Moravian Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), the Reformed Church in America, and the United Church of Christ. Contact information, calendar of events, and newsletter. http://www.losalamos.org/unchla/ |
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