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21. Muslims Fighting Radical Islam Radical Islam is a threat to nonmuslims and muslims. During recent years violent actions and wars have revealed a growing rift between Radical Islam and the majority of the Muslim http://www.radicalislam.org/threat/religious-threat/muslims |
22. Muslims Meetup Groups - Muslims Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about muslims http://muslims.meetup.com/ |
23. WMNF 88.5 FM News Public Affairs University of Florida student Lila Jonas is with the sorority Alpha Epsilon Phi. She came out with her sorority sisters to stand in solidarity with muslims. http://www.wmnf.org/news_stories?tag=Muslims |
24. Muslims Against Cruelty To Animals Dedicated to compassion towards animals including vegetarianism in Islam. http://www.themodernreligion.com/an_main.htm |
25. Pictures Of Muslims Wearing Things Former NPR analyst Juan Williams, among other ignorant people, has an irrational fear of muslims, and thinks you can identify them based on what they look like. Here I will http://muslimswearingthings.tumblr.com/ |
26. Free Muslims Against Terrorism Nonprofit group of American muslims and Arabs with the goal of ridding the Muslim community of terrorist elements. http://www.freemuslims.org |
27. What's The Difference Between Shia And Sunni Muslims? A brief outline of the major differences between Shia and Sunni muslims, focusing on historical divisions of political and spiritual leadership. http://islam.about.com/cs/divisions/f/shia_sunni.htm |
28. Muslims Internet Directory A categorised directory of worldwide Muslim interest resources. http://2muslims.com/ |
29. ISLAM An Overview For Christians - ChristianAnswers.Net But do muslims have any guarantee of salvation? muslims have no guarantee of being saved. They believe that all their works will be accounted for and that on Judgment Day, if your http://www.christiananswers.net/islam.html |
30. Islam In Turkey - All About Turkey Islamic faith in Turkey and muslims Islam in Turkey What does Islam mean? The Arabic word Islam simply means submission , and is derived from a word meaning peace http://www.allaboutturkey.com/islam.htm |
31. Muslims Define Muslims At Dictionary.com –adjective 1. of or pertaining to the religion, law, or civilization of Islam. –noun 2. an adherent of Islam. 3. Black Muslim. Use muslims in a Sentence See images of http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Muslims |
32. Muslims Diversity Watch provides resources for Canadian journalists covering minority groups and reviews both positive and negative portrayals of those groups in the media. http://www.diversitywatch.ryerson.ca/backgrounds/muslims.htm |
33. Muslims-R-Us A weblog on Islam and perceptions of the Muslim community. http://muslims-r-us.blogspot.com/ |
34. Witnessing To Muslims - EffectiveEvangelism.com About Islam. EffectiveEvangelism.com seeks to equip the saved to share their faith with people of all types. http://www.christiananswers.net/evangelism/beliefs/islam.html |
35. Single Muslim Muslim marriage service with profiles from muslims wordwide. http://www.singlemuslim.com/ |
36. Urban Dictionary Muslims The scum of the earth. muslims think it's okay to beat, rape and kill women. They also believe that if a woman in their family is raped, she should http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=muslims |
37. Muslim-Marriages Service for muslims seeking a matrimonial partner in the UK. http://www.muslim-marriages.co.uk |
38. Muslim Statistics For The U.S. / Number Of Muslims In America Muslim Statistics for the United States. Q. How many muslims are in the United States? A. According to an academic review of available surveybased data in 2001, informed http://www.adherents.com/largecom/com_islam_usa.html |
39. Meet Muslim Singles Free Muslim matrimonial service including online chat and bulletin board http://MeetMuslimSingles.com |
40. Jesus The Islamic And Christian Views Compared Do muslims believe he was born of a Virgin Mother? YES. Like Christians, muslims believe Mary, Maria in Spanish, or Maryam as she is called in Arabic, was a http://www.soundvision.com/Info/Jesus/inIslam.asp |
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