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41. The Basics Of Muslim Prayer Teaching Muslim prayer with text and illustrations. http://www.sunna.info/prayer/TheBasicsoftheMuslimsPrayer.php |
42. Articles About Muslims - Los Angeles Times muslims News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about muslims from the Los Angeles Times http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/muslims |
43. Minnesota Muslim Women S Network Directory of mosques in Minnesota, a page for new muslims, links to recipes for cooking Halal, information about a center in the Twin Cities for Muslim women in trouble. http://www.angelfire.com/mn/MinnMuslimWomen/ |
44. Muslim Population In The USA OVERVIEW Muslim social scientists and researchers have spent a great deal of time trying to determine the number of muslims in the United States. http://www.islam101.com/history/population2_usa.html |
45. Muslims Unite Created by Muslim students of J.A. Williams High School and geared towards uniting muslims throughout the province. Includes articles, a calendar, FAQs, prayer times, a directory and a guest book. http://www.freewebs.com/muslims_unite/ |
46. Muslims, Islam, And Iraq Resources and information on the relationship of the war in Iraq to Islam and muslims, including Shi'ites, Kurds, Sunnis, and Sufis. http://www.uga.edu/islam/iraq.html |
47. Reverts/Converts To Islam. Free Online Islamic Book. A Muslim Anthology, Volume 1, Shahada Testimonials Testimonials from reverts/converts to Islam and lifetime muslims. Listen to the Athan, and read Prophet Muhammad s Last Sermon. http://shahadanet.jeeran.com |
48. Muslims In The West And Around The World Today muslims in the West and around the world today. Click on a link or scroll down (This is a very long page) USA, Canada and the Americas http://www.islamfortoday.com/muslimstoday.htm |
49. Islam For Todays World Islamic site geared towards non-muslims and muslims. Searchable Hadith and Quran. Living Islam in today s world. http://www.islamfortodaysworld.com |
50. Muslim Near-death Experiences NearDeath Experiences of muslims The way of the heart According to the tenets of the Muslim faith, death is the complete end of physical life and the beginning of a period http://www.near-death.com/muslim.html |
51. The Provider's Guide To Quality Culture - Muslims muslims. This section is designed to help health care professionals better understand and more effectively respond to the health care needs of muslims in the United States. http://erc.msh.org/mainpage.cfm?file=5.4.6.htm&module=provider&language= |
52. Muslim Student Association, University Of Minnesota Goals include promoting unity among muslims; conducting social, cultural, and religious activities; promoting friendly relations between muslims and non-muslims. Twin Cities. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~muslimsa/ |
53. American Muslims Look To Exercise Their Vote In 1 Day AgoWashington - Discussion muslims have a camel, lots of ugly women and a poor diet and very little else. How to kill a Muslim (Jewish Novel) How to kill a Muslim is a Jewish Novel written by the high Rabbi http://www.payvand.com/news/10/oct/1241.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medi |
54. Massachusetts Institute Of Technology MSA The MIT Muslim Students Association is a close-knit and friendly community which serves to assist MIT s muslims in their practice of Islam and endeavors to promote understanding between muslims and non-muslims on campus. http://msa.mit.edu/ |
55. Council Of Ex-Muslims Of Britain Includes a manifesto, press information and articles. http://www.ex-muslim.org.uk/ |
56. Faith Freedom International Created by secularist ex-muslims to help muslims leave Islam. http://www.faithfreedom.org |
57. MUSLIMS-UNITE Social Network muslimsUNITE is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use muslims-UNITE to keep up with friends, upload an http://www.muslims-unite.com/ |
58. Muslims Answerbag muslims. Learn about muslims on Answerbag.com. Get information and videos on muslims including articles on jesus, christian, god and more! http://www.answerbag.com/muslims |
59. Muslims For America muslims for America is about getting Americans, and muslims, more involved and excited about the American political process! http://www.muslimsforamerica.us/ |
60. Muslims TPMMuckraker Slices of bacon were laid down on a brink walkway to the Florence Islamic Center in Florence, S.C. on Sunday in a manner that spelled out PIG CHOPS. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/muslims/ |
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