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61. Orthodox Christian Cassettes Free loan library of audio teaching tapes in the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church. http://www.orthodoxtapes.org/ |
62. Various Private Prayers (Online) Links to online versions of various prayers used by Orthodox Christians. http://pages.prodigy.net/frjohnwhiteford/prayers.htm |
63. Orthodox Christianity Define Orthodox Christianity At Dictionary Cultural Dictionary Orthodox Christianity definition The form of Christianity maintained by the Eastern Orthodox Church . Orthodox means “correct in teaching”; Orthodox http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Orthodox Christianity |
64. The Orthodox Christian Foundation Feature articles and links. http://www.ocf.org/ |
65. Christianity – Orthodox Religion Origins and History The Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church understands itself to preserve the faith of the original apostolic Christian church Hence the name http://www.abc.net.au/religion/stories/s817554.htm |
66. Krista West Vestments And Cassocks Quality, handmade liturgical vestments for Eastern Orthodox Christian Clergy. http://www.kwvestments.com |
67. Orthodox Christian Information Center Home Page Home. Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 700 articles http://www.orthodoxinfo.com/ |
68. Orthodox Christian Gifts Greeting cards, gifts and clothing. http://www.cafepress.com/orthodoxgifts |
69. Eastern Christian Supply Company Supplier of church and personal items for Orthodox Christians. On-line ordering. http://www.easternchristiansupply.biz/ |
70. Fonts - Orthodox Christianity Fonts. Orthodox Christianity.com the most complete directory of orthodox web resources with descriptions in Russian, English, German, Serbian, Romanian and about 20 other http://cn.orthodox-christianity.org/internet/fonts/ |
71. Ancient And Future Catholics Catholic and Orthodox Christians engaging postmodern issues and problems, and working toward unity. http://www.ancient-future.net/ |
72. Theandros Online journal of Orthodox Christian theology and philosophy. http://www.theandros.com/ |
73. The Hellenic Voice Selected items from a weekly newspaper dedicated to the Greek American spirit and to the piety of Orthodox Christianity. http://www.thehellenicvoice.com/ |
74. Orthodox Christianity - St. Silouan The Athonite Orthodox St. Silouan the Athonite Orthodox Christian Mission in College Station, Texas. We are a panOrthodox group and welcome new members from any of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, as http://www.st-silouan.org/Orthodoxy/ |
75. The Coptic League A basketball league for Coptic Orthodox Christian youth in Southern California, for girls, boys, and college teams from 13 coptic churches. http://www.thecopticleague.org/ |
76. Orthodox Christianity For Absolute Beginners Discover Orthodox Christianity Orthodox Podcasts. My own sermon podcast archive is now closed since its transfer to Ancient Faith Radio http://www.orthodoxresource.co.uk/ |
77. Institute For Orthodox Christian Studies (Orthodox) Details of programmes and courses, staff list, newsletters PDF, and information about research. http://www.iocs.cam.ac.uk/ |
78. Orthodox Christianity Greek Christian Orthodox Church in Raleigh NC 5000 Lead Mine Road Raleigh , NC 276123434 USA Phone 919.781.4548 Fax 919.781.4568 http://www.holytrinityraleigh.org/OrthodoxChristianity/ |
79. University Of Balamand Private, non-profit, independent institution founded by Orthodox Christian Church. Has the following faculties Theology, Arts and Social Sciences, Business and Management, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences, and Medicine. Language of instruction depends on major English, French, Arabic and Greek. http://www.balamand.edu.lb/ |
80. New Georgia Encyclopedia Orthodox Christianity Although various forms of Protestant Christianity may dominate the religious landscape of Georgia, an accurate picture of that religious landscape must include the vibrant http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-936 |
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