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81. Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School Of Theology An Orthodox Christian graduate school and seminary. http://www.holycross.hchc.edu |
82. Orthodox Christianity, The Truth Since 33AD Orthodoxy, a brief description and suggested readings from the Orthodox Chruch. http://troparia.com/ |
83. Hellenic College An Orthodox Christian undergraduate institution dedicated to the liberal arts. http://www.hellenic.hchc.edu |
84. Orthodox Christianity - Holy Cross Orthodox Church Orthodox Christianity. Many wonderful articles on our Orthodox Christian Faith and practice that were originally published in our parish Newsletter now are available on our http://www.holycrossoca.org/orthodoxy.html |
85. The Orthodox Christian Fellowship Overview of group plus links. http://www.yale.edu/ocf/ |
86. Saint Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church Features news, events, ministries, about Orthodox Christianity, audio sermons, youth page, ministries, festival information, and photo gallery. http://www.stvasilios.org/ |
87. An Orthodox Retreat On Iona Group that promotes Orthodox Christian retreats and individual pilgrimages to Iona. Includes information about the group and on Celtic Christianity. http://www.iona-orthodox-retreats.org.uk/ |
88. Holy Ascension Orthodox Church Information about Orthodox Christianity, service schedule, events, location and contacts. http://www.orthodoxchurchalbion.org/ |
89. St. Raphael Of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Christian Mission Provides an overview of the parish, a schedule of services, photos, news, a profile of St. Raphael, and driving directions to the church. http://www.straphaelorthodoxchurch.org/ |
90. Orthodox Christian Fellowship Of Mercy Mission, profile of pastor, and newsletter. http://churches.net/userpages/Mercy.html |
91. St. Mark Orthodox Christian Church History of Orthodoxy, local congregation history, news and activities. http://www.stmarkorthodox.org/ |
92. St Justin Martyr Orthodox Christian Church Details on event calendar, bulletins, directions, schedule of services, ministry groups, and background information for this Baymeadows Rd. parish. http://www.st-justin-martyr.org/ |
93. St. Ignatius Of Antioch Orthodox Christian Mission Monthly newsletters, icons and their history, prayers, history of the Christian Church, Orthodoxy in Madison, location and schedule of services. http://saintignatiuschurch.org/ |
94. St. Andrews Antiochian Orthodox Church Member parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Metropolitan PHILIP, Primate. Includes its history, information about services, organizations, a newsletter, a calendar and directions. http://www.standrewlexington.org/ |
95. All Saints Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church Features a history of the parish, a schedule of weekly events, a visitor s page, a photo album and directions. http://home.bluemarble.net/~alsnts/ |
96. St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church Includes weekly bulletin, newsletter, calendar, ministries, features, and directions. http://www.stgindy.org/ |
97. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Provides a forum of information about the parish, its families, culture, faith and Orthodox Christianity. http://www.holytrinityindy.org/ |
98. Hamatoura Our Lady of Hamatoura Monastery, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church. Features archeology, prayers, prayer schedule, icons, news, events, products and links. Note some content is in Arabic. http://www.hamatoura.com/ |
99. Balamand Monastery Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church. Information on the museum project, restoration works, the clerical training school and a prayer schedule. http://www.balamandmonastery.org.lb/ |
100. St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church Western Rite parish. Provides welcome video, times and services, what to expect, calendar, directions and contact. http://stpaulsorthodox.org/ |
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