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81. Presbyterians Today Monthly general-interest magazine of the presbyterian Church (USA). Current cover story and departments, past issue archive, writing and submission guidelines, advertising and subscription information. http://www.pcusa.org/today/index.htm |
82. Westminster Fellowship At The University Of Mississippi Fellowship group for presbyterian students, associated with First presbyterian Church in Oxford. http://www.olemiss.edu/chapel/orgs.htm#west |
83. Willard-Mount Zion Presbyterian Church Willard, Missouri. Service times, church staff, calendar, mission statement, church history, links of general interest to presbyterians. http://www.wmzp.com |
84. Missouri Union Presbytery Serving churches in northeast Missouri. http://www.mupresbytery.org/ |
85. P R Publishing P R Publishing company is dedicated to publishing excellent books that promote biblical understanding and godly living as summarized in The Westminster Confession of Faith and http://www.prpbooks.com/ |
86. The Presbytery Of Cincinnati Information on presbytery congregations, events, and resources. http://www.presbyteryofcincinnati.org |
87. Presbytery Of Mississippi Serving churches in south Mississippi. http://www.presbyteryofms.org/ |
88. Holston Presbytery Serving churches in twelve counties in east Tennessee. http://holstonpresbytery.org/ |
89. National Capital Presbytery Serving Maryland and Washington, DC. http://www.nationalcapitalpresbytery.org/ |
90. Presbytery Of The James Serving 111 congregations in central Virginia. http://presbyteryofthejames.org/ |
91. Flint River Presbytery Serving churches in southwest Georgia. http://www.flintriverpresbytery.org/ |
92. Presbytery Of Great Rivers Serving congregations in Illinois. http://www.greatriverspby.org/ |
93. Presbytery Of Lake Huron Serving churches in Michigan. http://www.presbylh.org/ |
94. Presbytery Of Los Ranchos Serving 59 congregations in southern California. http://www.losranchos.org/ |
95. Presbytery Of Middle Tennessee Serving 97 churches in central Tennessee. http://presbyterymidtn.org/ |
96. Presbytery Of Detroit Church locator and links to related sites. http://www.detroitpresbytery.org/ |
97. The Presbytery Of New Brunswick Serving churches in central New Jersey. http://www.presbynewbrunswick.org/ |
98. Presbytery Of Geneva Serving churches in New York State. http://www.presbyteryofgeneva.org/ |
99. Cherokee Presbytery Serving northwest Georgia. http://www.cherokeepresbytery.org/ |
100. Synod Of The Southwest Governing body in mission to Arizona and New Mexico. http://www.synodsw.org/ |
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