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81. Our Lady Of The Assumption Roman Catholic Church in Portree. Includes mass times, directions, weekly bulletin and parish history. http://www.rcskye.co.uk |
82. Carissimi, Giacomo Entry from the Catholic Encyclopedia detailing his work in and composition for the Roman Catholic Church. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03348b.htm |
83. Roman Catholic Diocese Of Charlotte North Carolina. Administration, demographics, offices, parishes, education, retreat centers, news, calendar, and vocational opportunities. http://charlottediocese.org/ |
84. Billings Catholic Schools Information about the several Roman Catholic schools serving the city. http://www.billingscatholicschools.org/ |
85. Notre Dame De La Baie Academy Roman Catholic high school. http://www.notredameacademy.com/ |
86. RCDB Home Idaho. History, mission statement, deaneries and parishes, information on diocesan newspaper, directory of schools, and events calendar. http://www.catholicidaho.org/ |
87. Holy Cross Church Roman Catholic. Mass schedule, clergy and ministries. http://www.hcrosschurch.org/ |
88. Our Lady Of Grace Roman Catholic Church Mass schedule, contact information. http://www.olgrace.com/ |
89. Saint Ann Roman Catholic Mission Includes Mass schedule, list of sponsors and resource links. http://manchester.cdlex.org/ |
90. Parish Of Larkhill / Whitehall Information and news about this Roman Catholic parish, mass times and contact details. http://www.whitehall.dublindiocese.ie/ |
91. Co Donegal Roman Catholic Records A list of parishes from Rootsweb. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~fianna/county/donegal/donrc.html |
92. Roman Catholic Hospital, Windhoek A private hospital operated by the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing since 1933. http://www.rcchurch.na/windhoek/health/wdh-hospital.htm |
93. Archdiocese Of Khartoum Roman catholic administration unit. Page features historical background, extent of the service area, clergy, and parishes. http://www.eglisesoudan.org/english/Khartoum.htm |
94. The Music Makers London, UK Offers Roman Catholic liturgical music. http://www.themusicmakers.org/ |
95. Catholic Bishops Conference Of The Philippines The CBCP provides information on many aspects of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines. http://www.cbcponline.net/ |
96. Saint Francis Xavier Church In Nasugbu, Batangas Roman Catholic parish site with description, news and photo gallery. http://www.nasugbuchurch.com |
97. The Diocese Of Alaminos Roman Catholic Diocese of Alaminos in Pangasinan, Philippines. http://dioceseofalaminos.org |
98. Permanent Observer Mission Of The Holy See To The United Nations. Represents the Roman Catholic Church. http://www.holyseemission.org/ |
99. Cardinal Kung Foundation A human rights organization and an advocate for the underground Roman Catholic Church in China. http://www.cardinalkungfoundation.org/ |
100. Divine Retreat Centre A Roman Catholic prayer and retreat centre at Muringur. http://www.drcm.org |
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