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81. The Maninblack Grotto, Church Of Satan Maninblack Grotto. Official Church Of Satan grotto in New York City. http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/maninblack/ |
82. First Church Of Satan A Satanic church functioning as an umbrella organization for other Satanic groups. FAQ, numerous articles, links and a message board are included. http://www.churchofsatan.org |
83. The Satanic Kindred Organization Dedicated to uniting Satanists and Satanic organizations. Includes articles, beliefs, links and fiction. http://www.satanic-kindred.org/ |
84. Dark Doctrines Philosophical and Satanic texts by various writers. Provides a link to satanmuse, an IRC chat room. http://www.apodion.com/vad/ |
85. Satanists As Parents A look at some issues and experience of being a Satanic parent. http://www.dpjs.co.uk/parenting.html |
86. The Wonderful World Of Redboi About a man and his love of Satan. http://www.angelfire.com/music2/blackflameent/ |
87. Dark Angel Contains basic Satanic thought and information. http://www.angelfire.com/electronic/darkangel/ |
88. Belial.org Officiell hemsida f r The Satanic Order - Svenska Satanistkyrkan och Belial Center. http://www.belial.org/ |
89. Bill Gates Is Satan Conspiracy Theory showing how Bill Gates is Satan. http://egomania.nu/gates.html |
90. Hail Satan A SatanicBlack fan site that includes background information, pictures, and a link to MP3 song samples. http://www.angelfire.com/sd/Nightanimal/ |
91. The COS Grotto System Has Been Discontinued All Grotto Masters and members of Grottos are urged to read the revised affiliation page for more information http://churchofsatan.com/Pages/Affiliation.html |
92. First Church Of Satan UK Coven For members, friends and affiliates of the First Church of Satan living or studying in the UK. http://members.multimania.co.uk/FCOSUK/ |
93. The Complete Truth About Satan History and information on Satan, demons and related lore from the personal research and viewpoint of the author. http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/luciferstruth/ |
94. Order Of The Bloody Handed God (Avatar Of Satan) A concept for organization of a nonhierarchical theistic Satanic magick order with specialized subgroups, not controlled by any one person. Aims to instill strength, confidence, and the ability to function as part of a team. http://members.multimania.co.uk/gravesrobin/ |
95. Rebellion Of Satan Lucifer and Satan, two different names for the same person. This study uses Scripture to teach how he rebelled against God and became a fallen angel. http://www.biblestudygames.com/biblestudies/rebellionofsatan.htm |
96. Survey Of Bible Doctrine Angels, Satan, Demons Scriptural outline supporting the reality of an unseen spiritual realm. http://bible.org/seriespage/survey-bible-doctrine-angels-satan-demons/ |
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