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61. Huachuma Shamanism Of The Peruvian Andes Tony Samara is a Shaman and Ceremonial Leader in the Huachuma Tradition of the South American Andes. Provides a brief overview on shamanism, herbal products and workshops in Portugal. http://www.samarafoundation.com |
62. Shamanism The word shaman in the original Tungus language refers to a person who makes journeys to nonordinary reality in an http://www.meta-religion.com/Spiritualism/Shamanism/shamanism.htm |
63. One Year Program In Advanced Shamanism A training program in Advanced shamanism beginning March 1, 2002. Topics covered include different techniques for entering non-ordinary reality, healing techniques, mask making and drum making. http://zenmind.org/shaman-training.html |
64. Shamanism Ireland Courses And Workshops In Celtic Shamanism shamanism Ireland gives training courses in the healing journey of celtic shamanic practice http://www.shamanismireland.com/workshops.htm |
65. Ayahuasca Shamanic Journeys In The Amazon Rainforest Of Peru Ayahuasca ceremonies, shamanism, and sacred plant medicine in the Peruvian Amazon, with Sachamama and Don Agustin Rivas. http://www.ayahuasca-shamanism.co.uk |
66. Shamanism Taking Charge Of Your Health shamanism What is shamanism? Because it is not an organized religion as such, but rather a spiritual practice, shamanism cuts across all faiths and creeds, reaching deep http://takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/explore-healing-practices/shamanism |
67. Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society A metis organization, DTMMS offers opportunities for ceremony, healing and the study of shamanism through books, tapes, workshops and articles related to the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. http://www.dtmms.org/ |
68. Shamanism - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com From Abracadabra to Zombies View All. a; b; c; d; e; f; g; h; i; j; k; l; m; n; o; p; q; r; s; t; u; v; w; x; y; z; shamanism. shamanism is an ancient religion that includes http://www.skepdic.com/shamanism.html |
69. Native Pathways Church A religious organization founded holistic tribal systems of worship and contemporary shamanism. Membership packets available. http://www.orgsites.com/ca/nativepathways/index.html |
70. Woodish Institute A non-profit organization devoted to education about shamanism and to the creation of innovative projects aimed at the preservation of indigenous healing methods. http://www.woodfish.org |
71. True Nature - Standing In Spirit Offers shamanism training, soul retrieval, workshops, spiritual healing, drum and rattle making, wilderness programs, and vision quests. http://www.truenature.info |
72. Sacred Hoop Magazine List of contents of this UK magazine on shamanism, Animism, earth wisdom, native spirituality and ecology, with some material online. Also shopping. http://www.sacredhoop.org |
73. Den Of ZaWolfSpirit Dedicated to shamanism in all its aspects, with a penchant towards Wolf. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/ofwolfandman/ |
74. Shamanism Canada Offers workshops, retreats and adventures in a beautiful natural setting on the Edge of Algonquin Park. http://www.shamanismcanada.com |
75. Korean Shamanism A concise historical introduction by Haines Brown. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/55a/092.html |
76. Shamanism General Overview FAQ A compendium of distilled Usenet knowledge of shamanism. http://www.deoxy.org/shaover.htm |
77. Society Of Celtic Shamans Dedicated to reconstructing the shamanic practices of the Celts. http://www.faeryshaman.org |
78. Circle Of The Living Earth A shamanic educational and healing congregation. http://www.circlelivingearth.org |
79. Melinda Rodriguez Spiritual counselor and shamanic practitioner. Offers certification courses and one-on-one mentoring. http://www.melindarodriguez.com/ |
80. Five Shaman Circles Of San Francisco Shamans in SF working to heal ourselves and the Earth through ritual, individual and group work, especially healing of religious trauma and dysfunction. http://www.shamans-sf.org |
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