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41. Sikhism — Infoplease.com sikhism. A major religion of India and the fifthlargest faith in the world, sikhism emerged in the Punjab under the guidance of the guru Nanak (1469–1539?). http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0881830.html |
42. Sikh Help Line The Sikh Helpline is a confidential telephone counselling and email inquiry service where you can get help and obtain information on sikhism and cultural issues. http://www.sikhhelpline.com/ |
43. Sikhism - Thy Name Is Love And Sacrifice Contains quotations, divine wisdom, selective life samples from gurus, video and audio. http://www.srigurugranthsahib.org/ |
44. Ramgarhia Sikh Community Site Local Ramgarhia Sikh Community Site in Ealing, aiming to serve the local users of the temple and visitors wishing to discover more about sikhism. http://www.ramgarhia.org/ |
45. Sikhism - ReligionFacts sikhism Complete guide to sikhism, including fast facts, glossary, timeline, history, beliefs, practices, symbols and more. http://www.religionfacts.com/sikhism/index.htm |
46. Say Sat Sri Akal Audio files and small poetic descriptions of sikhism concepts. http://www.saysatsriakal.com |
47. Sikhism sikhism is a religion all but unknown to western civilization. Its adherents are to be found for the most part in the Punjab province of India. http://www.greatcom.org/resources/handbook_of_todays_religions/03chap10/default. |
48. Sikhism Sikh Religion, Beliefs, History, Information sikhism . sikhism / Sikh religion, sikhism beliefs, sikhism history, sikhism information http://www.indianchild.com/sikhism.htm |
49. Sikhismen I Danmark Baggrundsinformation, sp rgsm l/svar og links. http://www.sikh.dk/ |
50. Sikhism sikhism Learn the history, basic terminology, main beliefs, and how this religion compares to Christianity. What do they believe about God? http://www.allaboutreligion.org/sikhism.htm |
51. NetSpirit Sikhismen Introduktionsartikel. http://www.netspirit.dk/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_ |
52. SIKHISM Origin, History, Holy Text Historians and specialists in Eastern religions generally believe that sikhism is a syncretistic religion, originally related to the Bhakti movement within Hinduism and the http://www.religioustolerance.org/sikhism1.htm |
53. Sikhism - Definition Of Sikhism By The Free Online Dictionary Sikh ism (s k z m) n. A monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by the guru Nanak. sikhism rejects caste distinctions, idolatry, and asceticism and is http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Sikhism |
54. Sikhism Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Monism is any philosophical view which holds that there is unity in a given field of inquiry, where this is not to be expected. Thus, some philosophers may hold that the http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Sikhism |
55. Sikhism - Major Religions - Mytholics.com sikhism is founded on the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev and nine successive gurus in fifteenth century Northern India, is the fifthlargest religion in the world. http://library.thinkquest.org/07aug/00137/sikhism.htm |
56. Sikhism 2008/9 Schools Wikipedia Selection. Related subjects Religious movements, traditions and organizations. sikhism (IPA /ˈsiːk ɪ zəm/ or /ˈsɪk/; Punjabi ਸਿੱਖੀ http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/s/Sikhism.htm |
57. Sikhism - Crystalinks sikhism. Sikhim was founded over 500 years ago. It preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind and denounces http://www.crystalinks.com/sikhism.html |
58. Sikhism sikhism.. Philosophy, Beliefs, History and Practices Philosophy and Beliefs . There is only One God. He is the same God for all people of all religions. http://www.inplainsite.org/html/sikhism.html |
59. Sikhism - Definition Of Sikhism - Sikh Religion Definition sikhism is an English term commonly used to represent the Sikh religion. The Sikh word for the Sikh faith is Sikhi. sikhism is a belief in one creative being known http://sikhism.about.com/od/glossary/g/Sikhism.htm |
60. Sikhism (religion) Britannica Online Encyclopedia sikhism (religion), Indian religion founded in the Punjab in the late 15th century. Its members are known as Sikhs. The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat (Punjabi “the Way of http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/543916/Sikhism |
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