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61. Sikhism Learn about sikhism, Gurus, Sikh philosophy, history, operation blue star and Khalistan. Includes many pictures and good articles. http://www.searchsikhism.com/sikhism.html |
62. Sikhism, Sikh, About Sikhism, Images, Sikh Gurdwaras, Sikhs, Sikh sikhism Website is designed to get familiar humanity About sikhism http://www.aboutsikhism.org/ |
63. Sikhism For Children sikhism for Children doing their homework. Easy to read and understand. http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/religion/sikhism.html |
64. Sikhism Define Sikhism At Dictionary.com –noun the religion and practices of the Sikhs. Use sikhism in a Sentence See images of sikhism Search sikhism on the Web Origin Sikh + ism http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Sikhism |
65. Sikhism — FactMonster.com sikhism. A major religion of India and the fifthlargest faith in the world, sikhism emerged in the Punjab under the guidance of the guru Nanak (1469–1539?). http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0881830.html |
66. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Sikhism The religion of a warlike sect of India, having its origin in the Punjab and its centre in the holy City of Amritsar, where their sacred books are preserved and worshipped http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13789a.htm |
67. Sikhism - Uncyclopedia, The Content-free Encyclopedia sikhism also known as Sickism is a religious faith, the fithiest in the world. The popularity of sikhism is, for the most part, a direct consequence of the fact that it is so http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Sikhism |
68. Sarbat.net Articles on being gay, reproductions on related materials, and discussion forum. http://www.sarbat.net/ |
69. Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee The SGPC provides announcements and news from Akal Takht and information on the religion. http://www.sgpc.net/ |
70. Guru Gobind Singh Ji Includes some information on various aspects of sikh religion. Also includes discussion forum, gallery, Gurudwara programs. http://www.gurugobindsinghji.net |
71. Fort Panth Khalsa Information about famous Sikhs, the Sikh Code of conduct, and articles relating to the Panth. http://www.panthkhalsa.org/ |
72. GuruGobindSingh.net With different channels gives facility to interact with community through forums, articles, and news. http://www.gurugobindsingh.net/ |
73. Sikhpoint A sikh community portal with resources like matrimonials, egreetings, jobs, daily hukamnama, radio and other related services. http://www.sikhpoint.com |
74. Khalsa Camp Learn about the camp organized in UK for furthering the knowledge of Gurbani. http://www.khalsacamp.com/ |
75. Harjas.com A Sikhi-related material which is written and created by Sikh youth of all ages. http://www.harjas.com |
76. Memories Of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Some information about Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. http://www.dasamguru.com |
77. 300 Saal Guru De Naal Gur-Ta-Gaddi Tercentenary Features greeting cards, videos, articles on Sri Guru Granth Sahib. http://www.Tercentenary2008.org |
78. History Of Sikhs History of the Sikh Gurus, martyrs and warriors. Includes discussion forum, Gurudwara database, articles. http://www.sikh-history.com/ |
79. Sikh-Youth Dedicated to informing young Sikhs of issues and history. http://www.angelfire.com/d20/sikh-youth/sikhwebmain/SIKHYOUTHWEBSITE.htm |
80. Amrit World Website presenting articles on Sikh history and other issues, written by Amrit Pal Singh Amrit . http://www.amritworld.com |
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