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1. Slavic Languages - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The slavic languages (also called Slavonic languages), a group of closely related languages of the slavic peoples and a subgroup of IndoEuropean languages, have speakers in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_languages |
2. Slavic Peoples - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The slavic Peoples are an ethnic and linguistic branch of IndoEuropean peoples, living mainly in central and eastern Europe. From the early 6th century they spread to inhabit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_peoples |
3. Slavic Glass We're back! After a fiveyear hiatus, welcome back to slavic Treasures, which offers the market's finest Mouth-blown Glass Ornaments from Poland! http://slavicglass.com/ |
4. Slavic Info slavic wiki for general information on Slavs and slavic affairs. http://slavic.info/ |
5. Slavic401k.com - Slavic Retirement Plan Services The employee can begin deferring into a 401(k) plan and manage the plan completely from the website. Change deferrals,rebalance your portfolio and request loans or distributions. http://www.slavic.net/ |
6. Words From Slavic Languages Words from slavic Languages. Many people in Eastern Europe and Asia speak a slavic language such as Czech, Ukrainian, Croatian, or Bulgarian. And that's completely apart from http://www.myspellit.com/lang_slavic_languages.html |
7. Moist Mother Earth slavic Myth and Religion, slavic Gods, and rituals. http://www.winterscapes.com/slavic.htm |
8. Modern Languages Slavic Division FSU's slavic Division provides thorough instruction in Russian and slavic languages, culture and civilization, and literature at the undergraduate and MA levels. http://www.fsu.edu/~modlang/divisions/russian/ |
9. Slavic Goddesses Directory of slavic Goddesses from Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Slavic_goddesses |
10. Slavs Definition From Answers.com Protoslavic proper, or more commonly referred to as Common slavic or Late Proto-slavic, defined as the last stage of the language preceding the geographical split of the historical http://www.answers.com/topic/slavs |
11. Slavic Missionary Bible School On Myspace Music - Free Streaming Myspace Music profile for slavic Missionary Bible School. Download slavic Missionary Bible School Christian / Religious / music singles, watch music videos, listen to free http://www.myspace.com/slavicmissionary |
12. Slavic Gods Directory of slavic Gods from Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavonic_gods |
13. Slavic Religion Information From Answers.com Beliefs and religious practices of the ancient slavic peoples of East Europe, including the Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Most http://www.answers.com/topic/slavic-mythology |
14. Slavic Summer Camp 2010 - Home Christian slavic Camp Website Monday, 21 June 2010 If you have any pictures from Summer Camp 2010 and you would like to upload them to this website, please login and proceed to http://www.slaviccamp.com/Home/ |
15. Mushroom Picking In Slavic Culture The tradition of picking and eating wild mushrooms is prominent in most slavic countries such as Russia, Poland, and the Czech Republic among others. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushroom_picking_in_Slavic_culture |
16. Slavic - Definition Of Slavic By The Free Online Dictionary Slav ic (sl v k) adj. 1. Of or relating to the Slavs or their languages. 2. Of or relating to the branch of the IndoEuropean language family that includes such languages as http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Slavic |
17. Slavic Girls - Index - Welcome - Ukrainian Russian Women welcome index slavic girls ukrainian russian beautiful sexy gorgeous brides marriage agency dating international http://slavic-girls.com/ |
18. Slovio Information about a constructed language designed to serve as a universal slavic language. http://www.slovio.com/ |
19. Slavic Corporation Some linguists speculate that a North slavic branch has existed as well. The Old Novgorod dialect may have reflected some idiosyncrasies of this group. http://slaviccorp.com/ |
20. Home Slavic Christian Ministries 2010 ShortTerm Mission Trips. slavic Christian Ministries provides 10-12 day mission trips to Eastern Ukraine to work with orphans, on building projects, and a variety of evangelism http://slavicchristian.org/ |
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