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         Artificial Intelligence:     more books (100)
  1. March of the Machines: The Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence by Kevin Warwick, 2004-07-20
  2. Scripting Intelligence: Web 3.0 Information, Gathering and Processing (Expert's Voice in Open Source) by Mark Watson, 2009-07-01
  3. Artificial Intelligence andLiterary Creativity: Inside the Mind of Brutus, a Storytelling Machine by DAvid A. Ferrucci, 2009-03-28
  4. Artificial Intelligence (SIE): 3/e by Dr. Elaine Rich, 2010-01-13
  5. Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence by Michael R. Genesereth, Nils J. Nilsson, 1987-07-15
  6. Experiments in artificial intelligence for small computers by John Krutch, 1981
  7. Problem-Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence by nils nilsson, 1971
  8. Artificial Intelligence in Finance & Investing: State-of-the-Art Technologies for Securities Selection and Portfolio Management by Robert R. Trippi, 1995-11-19
  9. Game Development Essentials: Game Artificial Intelligence by Jr., John B. Ahlquist, Jeannie Novak, 2007-07-09
  10. Computational Intelligence: Concepts to Implementations by Russell C. Eberhart, Yuhui Shi, 2007-08-24
  11. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence by John H. Holland, 1992-04-29
  12. Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach by David Poole, Alan Mackworth, et all 1998-01-08
  13. Artificial Dreams: The Quest for Non-Biological Intelligence by H. R. Ekbia, 2008-04-28
  14. Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology by Steven Levy, 1993-07-27

81. AIAI University Of Edinburgh - Home Page
Information about the group, its people, technologies, publications, events, clients, projects, employment opportunities.

Technology Research Achievements ... Contact
AIAI is a technology transfer organisation that promotes the application of Artificial Intelligence research for the benefit of commercial, industrial, and government clients. AIAI has considerable experience of working with small innovative companies, and with research groups in larger corporations. AIAI specialises in Intelligent Systems - systems making use of the knowledge of experts, or systems that learn.
The AI technologies AIAI transfers to commerce and industry are:
  • case-based reasoning: a technique for utilising past experiences and existing corporate resources such as databases to guide diagnosis and fault finding; genetic algorithms: an adaptive search technique with very broad applicability in scheduling, optimization, and model adaptation; planning and workflow: the modelling, task setting, planning, execution, monitoring and coordination of activities;

82. MIT Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | CSAIL
Aiming to understand the nature of intelligence, to engineer systems that exhibit such intelligence by utilising vision, language, an in particular robotics.

83. Logic And Artificial Intelligence (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
Artificial Intelligence (which I'll refer to hereafter by its nickname, “AI”) is the subfield of Computer Science devoted to developing programs that enable computers to
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Logic and Artificial Intelligence
First published Wed Aug 27, 2003; substantive revision Fri May 9, 2008 Most research in AI is devoted to fairly narrow applications, such as planning or speech-to-speech translation in limited, well defined task domains. But substantial interest remains in the long-range goal of building generally intelligent, autonomous agents. Throughout its relatively short history, AI has been heavily influenced by logical ideas. AI has drawn on many research methodologies; the value and relative importance of logical formalisms is questioned by some leading practitioners, and has been debated in the literature from time to time. But most members of the AI community would agree that logic has an important role to play in at least some central areas of AI research, and an influential minority considers logic to be the most important factor in developing strategic, fundamental advances. The relations between AI and philosophical logic are part of a larger story. It is hard to find a major philosophical theme that doesn't become entangled with issues having to do with reasoning. Implicatures, for instance, have to correspond to inferences that can be carried out by a rational interpreter of discourse. Whatever causality is, causal relations should be inferrable in everyday common sense settings. Whatever belief is, it should be possible for rational agents to make plausible inferences about the beliefs of other agents. The goals and standing constraints that inform a rational agent's behavior must permit the formation of reasonable plans.

84. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Research on evolution of language, software agents, robotic agents.
@import url(/styles/vub.css); @import url(/styles/vubdienst.css);
Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel , or short VUB AI-Lab, was founded in 1983 by Luc Steels and is part of the Computer Science Department Over the years, more than hundred researchers have worked at the laboratory. They have built a large number of artificial systems to investigate aspects of intelligence: knowledge systems, autonomous robots, machine learning systems, natural language processing components, design and implementation tools. See our publications
The robotic fish built at the AI-Lab (1992) Currently, the laboratory focuses on two research themes: origins of language and robotic agents . Members of the laboratory teach introductory and advanced courses in artificial intelligence and autonomous systems.
Large scale experiment on language origins with robotic agents (1999-2000)
Big success in Prague!

85. Artificial Intelligence - Definition Of Artificial Intelligence By The Free Onli
Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. intelligence

86. Univ. Of Alberta Artificial Intelligence Research Group
Research topics search, representation and reasoning, learning, cognitive agents.

87. Intelligent Systems Program | University Of Pittsburgh
Interdisciplinary education and research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science.
University of Pittsburgh Skip to Navigation "At the ISP, we are encouraging and helping students gain a multidisciplinary vision towards Artificial Intelligence." Professor Marek Druzdzel
About ISP
Who Are We?
The Intelligent Systems Program (ISP) is a multidisciplinary graduate program at the University of Pittsburgh dedicated to applied artificial intelligence (AI).
What Do We Offer?
  • Broadly interdisciplinary approach: We offer a strong, well balanced foundation in the fundamentals of AI and many opportunities for advanced research and training in many disciplines, including computer science, biomedical informatics, cognitive psychology, information science, education, law, and more. Focused, customized curricula: Building on the core curriculum, students design their own personalized curricula that prepare them for interdisciplinary research in their areas of interest. Collaborative atmosphere: Faculty members and students present their research in regular program seminars, exposing students to a broad range of research topics and methods and affording them the opportunity to present their own research. Highly motivated faculty: Pitt's widely published ISP faculty are leaders in their fields. Drawing on the strengths of diverse sectors of the university, and participating in over thirty funded research projects, they support graduate students through collaborative research, personal mentoring, and external research funding.

88. Applied Intelligent Systems Lab
Research in the area of neurofuzzy and other artificial intelligence techniques applied to engineering. List of projects and people.
School of Nuclear Engineering
[_Dr Lefteri H. Tsoukalas - AISL Director_]
Personal Web site

Welcome to AISL web site! AISL is an innovative center for theoretical and experimental research on intelligent energy systems. The lab's research is focused on the various aspects of smart energy technologies including the "Energy Internet". AISL occupies laboratory space in the Nuclear Engineering building and experimental facilities located in the Aviation Technology Center at Purdue University.
You can navigate in our web site by following the links on the top of this web page.
The Featured News section provides material related to our work and special announcements.
Check also our news and announcements section at the bottom to catch up with our latest news!
  • Prof. Tsoukalas receives the Humboldt Prize from President Helmut Schwarz Click here to read... Engineering Impact Article... Read about Humboldt Prize...
  • Article about Prof. Tsoukalas' energy views on Impact magazine. Read More...
  • 89. K-State Laboratory For Knowledge Discovery In Databases (KDD)
    Research on applied artificial intelligence and knowledge-based software engineering for decision support systems.
    Department of CIS, Kansas State University
    Group Information
    KDD Lab Wiki Publications Projects , Group Members About the KDD Lab (old, being migrated to wiki) Resources on the Web (old, being migrated to wiki)
    Past Announcements (1999 - 2008) New Announcements
    • Fri 16 Apr 2010 : The KDD group welcomes Scarlett Sidwell, a new M.S.E. student starting in fall, 2010. Tue 23 Mar 2010 : The publications section has been updated with 2009 Q4 and forthcoming 2010 papers (WWW 2010, ISI 2010). Wed 03 Mar 2010 : A mail announcement has gone out to the KSU CIS undergrad mailing list ( inviting applications to the 2010 Data Sciences Summer Institute (DSSI) Sat 13 Feb 2010 : Congratulations to Dr. Waleed Aljandal, a Ph.D. alum (2008), on being named head of the Department of Computer Science at Imam University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). Sun 17 Jan 2010 : The KDD Lab IRC channel (#kdd) is hosted on (Consult this post for instructions on how to connect.) Wed 13 Jan 2010 : Surya Teja Kallumadi, a graduate RA, is now a Ph.D. student.

    90. University Of Georgia Institute For Artificial Intelligence
    Research on logic programming, expert systems, neural nets, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing.
    UGA Mail Faculty/Staff Services UGA Libraries UGA News ... Support the IAI Institute for Artificial Intelligence Using computers to model and extend the human mind... The University of Georgia has always seen cognitive science as an interdisciplinary field where computer science intersects with philosophy psychology linguistics engineering and other fields. This comprises both classical artificial intelligence, which focuses on getting computers to behave intelligently, and newer approaches to cognitive computing , where the computer is seen as an extension rather than a model of the human mind. The Institute for Artificial Intelligence is an interdepartmental research and instructional unit within the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Georgia Strengths include logic programming, expert systems, neural nets, genetic algorithms, natural language processing and computational psycholinguistics. The Institute for Artificial Intelligence houses two degree programs, the Master of Science program in Artificial Intelligence and the bachelor's degree program in Cognitive Science. Affliliated with the Institute are over 75 people hailing from over 10 different countries. We pride ourselves on the diversity of our program student body and the ability of our program to allow for the pursuit of personal research interests.

    91. CoDE Department, Universit Libre De Bruxelles
    Research and publications related to artificial intelligence.
    Research project A continuation of the Varibru project will start on September 1st, 2010. VariBru addresses the paradox of the ICT industry in the domain of variability: How to maintain efficiency while at the same time offer a much richer product variety to the customers? Varibru is a research project supported by the Brussels Capital Region. In addition to CoDE-WIT, there are four other teams taking part in the project: Sirris VUB-Software Languages Lab and VUB-WISE and UCL-INGI ERC Advanced Grant The European Research Council awards an ERC Advanced Grant to Marco Dorigo for his project "E-SWARM Engineering Swarm Intelligence Systems". The E-SWARM project concerns "swarm intelligence", a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with natural and artificial systems composed of many individuals who present collective behavior exploiting decentralized control and self-organization. The project will focus on the design and implementation of artificial swarm intelligence systems for the solution of complex problems. Currently, the understanding of artificial swarm intelligence largely relies on individual intuitions of experienced researchers. This is not sufficient for the design of swarm intelligence systems at the level of complexity required by real-world applications. The goal of the E-SWARM project is therefore to develop a rigorous engineering methodology for the design and implementation of artificial swarm intelligence systems. Research project - "Medical Imaging Using Bio-inspired and Soft Computing" is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) that is focused in the application of Soft Computing (SC) and Bio-inspired Computing (BC) techniques to Medical Imaging (MI) applications in order to obtain innovative results in image reconstruction, image enhancement, image segmentation, image representation and analysis, image registration, and image visualization. It started in October 2009 and it will last for four years.

    92. Stanford Logic Group
    Information about current research and publications related to logical approaches to knowledge representation and inference in artificial intelligence.
    Stanford Logic Group Overview People Projects Websites ... Tech Reports

    93. CISELab - University Of Sannio
    Research focused on artificial intelligence applications in software engineering.
    The CISELab website has been moved. The new address is . You will be redirect there in 5 seconds.

    94. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory - FRI
    Research in machine learning, inductive logic programming, neural networks, and AI applications in system control, and qualitative reasoning.

    news and events
    education research laboratories ... Laboratories
    Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
    Artificial Intelligence Laboratory performs research in the field of machine learning, data mining, inductive logic programming, qualitative reasoning and artificial intelligence approaches to system control. We study methods for learning from noisy data, both in attribute-based learning for classification and regression and in inductive logic programming, craft new visualization methods in the field of data mining and explorative data analysis, and do research in methods forautomatic discovery of concept hierarchies and constructive induction in machine learning. A notable aspect of much of this research is its application to problems in biomedical informatics, ecological modeling, and mechanical engineering.
    Selected References
    • Bratko I. Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, 1986; second edition 1990; third edition Addison-Wesley/Pearson Education 2001. [

    95. MMI - Man Machine Interaction Group
    Artificial Intelligence research with emphasis on human-computer interaction.
    Home Contact Home MMI - Navigator Home



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    Welcome to the MMI Group
    Aims of the Man-Machine Interaction group
    Research Themes Education New Delft Experience Lab
    Created at Wednesday, 18 February 2004 Last Updated Tuesday, 21 February 2006

    96. Institute For Intelligent Systems
    Information research and courses on artificial intelligence.

    97. Peter Norvig
    Artificial Intelligence, natural language, Lisp and Java in AI. Computational Sciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center.
    This site contains technical papers, essays, reports, software, and other materials by Peter Norvig. Top Dozen Links on Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation and its making (slides)
    AI: A Modern Approach
    (book) and AI on the Web (links)
    World's Longest Palindrome
    (for 20:02 02/20 2002)
    Teach Yourself Programming in 10 Years
    Paradigms of AI Programming
    (book) with code
    Java IAQ
    and Python IAQ (FAQs)
    Design Patterns in Dynamic Languages
    #8 Lisp compared to Python Java , and itself in 1991
    for Intro AI programming in Python and Lisp
    Einstein '05 Performance Review

    JScheme: Scheme in Java
    (software) Doing the Martin Shuffle (with your iPod) NEW NEW (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) Artificial Intelligence Books AI: A Modern Approach Outstanding ... will deservedly dominate the field for some time - Nils Nilsson Amazon Paradigms of AI Programming Possibly the best hardcore programming book ever. - Gareth McCaughan Amazon Verbmobil: Translation for Face-to-Face Dialog Amazon Intelligent Help Systems for Unix ... Amazon Free Open Source Software Lisp for Paradigms of AI Programming Code in Python and Lisp for AI: A Modern Approach JScheme: Scheme in Java Beal's Conjecture Pugdom , and Nutdom , games by Juliet Norvig LTD: Converting Lisp to Dylan (.py)

    98. Sam Roweis, NYU
    University of Toronto. Researcher in pattern recognition, neural networks, artificial intelligence.
    Sam Roweis Information Curriculum Vitae Schedule/Travel Info for Visitors ... Old Talks/Visits VLG@nyu vlg.cs.nyu
    The Department of Computer Science regrets to inform you that Professor Sam Roweis passed away on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Please read the Department's news release.
    Sam Roweis, Associate Professor
    Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
  • Curriculum Vitae [ cv.pdf ] and a brief bio
  • Info for prospective students
  • Quick link to electronic versions of my research papers
    Research Highlights: Neat Stuff on the Radar: Information Research Teaching ... Professional Sam Roweis, Vision, Learning and Graphics Group , NYU,
  • 99. Simon, Herbert A.
    Late Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. One of the founders of Artificial Intelligence. Research mainly in modeling and simulation of human cognition.

    100. Christophe Delord
    ENSEEIHT, France, Computer Science engineer, Artificial Intelligence (dialogue simulation, speech acts, PROLOG), Python, lexical and syntactic parsing.
    Act now!! EU citizens must contact the members of the conciliation committee for the European Parliament (list with contact infos and scores to previous votes) and their ministers and EU Council representatives to inform them about the importance of protecting Net neutrality (2 pages note) . They must ask them to adopt firm positions to protect innovation and citizens' fundamental rights Net neutrality.
    Christophe Delord
    Welcome on my web site
    Author: Christophe Delord E-mail: christophe delord free fr Web site: This web site is not updated anymore. Some softwares and documents found here may be outdated. Please visit my new web site: Certains logiciels et documents sur ce site ne sont pas à jour. Merci de consulter Attention, liberté en danger. La France, une future dictature ? Hadopi est presque passée, la démocratie en a pris un coup ! Voici quelques moyens simples et légaux de rendre obsolète cette loi (qui techniquement l'est déjà) et les industries vieillissantes qui l'ont commandée :
    • ne plus acheter de CD ou de DVD (les ventes sont déjà en baisse parce que ce support n'est pas vraiment pratique) ne plus regarder les chaines de télévision qui licencient les employés qui s'expriment librement (vu la qualité des programmes je m'en passe déjà sans problème)
    De plus, en période de crise, pensez-vous vraiment que ce soit le piratage qui soit responsable de la baisse des ventes de disques ? J'ai bien l'impression qu'on nous prend pour des c...

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