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         Astrophysics:     more books (91)
  1. Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (Springer Praxis Books / Astronomy and Planetary Sciences) by Lars Bergström, Ariel Goobar, 2006-07-11
  2. An Introduction to Modern Stellar Astrophysics by Dale A. Ostlie, Bradley W. Carroll, 2006-07-28
  3. Astrophysical Plasmas and Fluids (Astrophysics and Space Science Library) by Vinod Krishan, 1999-01-31
  4. General Relativity: With Applications to Astrophysics (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) by Norbert Straumann, 2010-11-02
  5. How Dark Matter Created Dark Energy and the Sun: An Astrophysics Detective Story by Jerome Drexler, 2003-12-15
  6. Theoretical Astrophysics: Volume 2, Stars and Stellar Systems by T. Padmanabhan, 2001-04-30
  7. Galactic Dynamics: (Second Edition) (Princeton Series in Astrophysics) by James Binney, Scott Tremaine, 2008-01-07
  8. The Design and Construction of Large Optical Telescopes (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library)
  9. Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics by Dr Martin V. Zombeck, 2006-12-25
  10. Relativistic Fluids and Magneto-fluids: With Applications in Astrophysics and Plasma Physics (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) by A. M. Anile, 2005-12-15
  11. The Physics of Astrophysics Volume II: Gas Dynamics (A Series of Books in Astronomy) by Frank H. Shu, 2009-10-15
  12. Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics
  13. The Cold Universe: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 32, 2002. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (Saas-Fee Advanced Courses) by Andrew W. Blain, Francoise Combes, et all 2010-11-02
  14. Cores to Clusters: Star Formation with Next Generation Telescopes (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)

61. IEEE Spectrum: Astrophysics
NuclearPowered Transponder for Cyborg Insect December 2009 Engineers develop radioisotope MEMS power source for insect spy program
Astrophysics Aviation Military Robotic Exploration ... Space Flight left right Bionics Devices Diagnostics Ethics ... Imaging left right Embedded Systems Hardware IT Networks ... Software left right Audio/Video Gadgets Gaming Portable Devices ... Standards left right Environment Fossil Fuels Nuclear Policy ... The Smarter Grid left right Advanced Cars Buildings Clean Coal Conservation ... Wind left right DIY Artificial Intelligence Home Robots Humanoids ... Military Robots left right Devices Design Materials Memory ... Processors left right Internet Security Standards Wireless left right Education Innovation Tech Careers left right Hands On Profiles left right
All Articles Blogs Videos Slideshows Podcasts MAGAZINE MULTIMEDIA BLOGS SPECIAL REPORTS ...
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Wii TV
Wed, August 26, 2009
Video/game convergence continues.
Nuclear-Powered Transponder for Cyborg Insect
December 2009
Engineers develop radioisotope MEMS power source for insect spy program
The Athens Affair
July 2007 How some extremely smart hackers pulled off the most audacious cell-network break-in ever COMMENTS: Alt Text Engineers to Implant Antivertigo Device October 2010 Vestibular prosthesis is a pacemaker for the inner ear COMMENTS: Brain-Computer Interface Eavesdrops on a Daydream October 2010 Could new research on visual imagination one day let computers tap into our dreams?

62. CSPAR - 9th Annual International Astrophysics Conference
To be held March 14 - 19, 2010 at the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) at The University of Alabama.
9th Annual International Astrophysics Conference
Maui, Hawaii March 14 - 19, 2010 Pickup Ions Throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond HOME REGISTRATION ACCOMODATIONS TRAVEL INFO ... ATTENDEES Scientific Organizers:
Dr. Gary P. Zank, Chair

Dr. Jacobus LeRoux, Co-Chair
Dr. Vladimir Florinski, Co-Chair
Dr. Andrew Coates, Co-Chair
Welcome The Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) announces the 9th Annual International Astrophysics Conference: Pickup Ions Throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond to be held at the Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa on the island of Maui, Hawaii, March 14 - March 19, 2010. It is now recognized that pickup ions are present in almost all possible space environments, created from atoms originating at comets, planets, the satellites of the gas giants, and the interstellar medium. Indeed, pickup ions can be formed whenever a neutral gas and plasma interact. Over the past three decades, the physics and consequences of pickup ions has been studied in considerable detail, ranging from artificial comet experiments (AMPTE) in the Earth’s magnetosphere, to interplanetary missions to comets Halley, Giacobini-Zinner, and Grigg-Skjellerup, the planets Venus and Mars and the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, to the outer heliosphere and the solar wind-local interstellar medium boundaries (heliospheric termination shock, inner and outer heliosheath). We will soon have new and detailed observations from the Rosetta mission exploring the interaction of the solar wind with comet

63. Hard-Core Astrophysics: Massive Neutron Star Hints At How Matter Behaves At Its
NGC 4414, a typical spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, is about 56,000 lightyears in diameter and approximately 60 million light-years distant

64. MPA :: MPA Startseite
Prominent research institution in astrophysics.
MPA-STARTSEITE Kontakt Presse Links Sitemap Impressum English
document.write('Suchen '); Publikationen Forschung Vorlesungen und Seminare Interna MPA Startseite Nachrichten Neue Publikationen Stellen Ein tiefer Blick auf die Milchstraße mit harter Röntgenstrahlung November 2010 Roman Krivonos, Sergey Tsygankov, Mikhail Revnivtsev, Eugene Churazov, Rashid Sunyaev
Freundschaftspreis der chinesischen Regierung für Gerhard Börner
Oktober 2010
Oktober 2010
Die Geschichte unserer Milchstraße
Oktober 2010 Das SAGA-Team
Plancks erster Blick auf Galaxienhaufen und einen neuen Superhaufen.
September 2010
Das Geheimnis der geringen solaren Lithiumhäufigkeit und ihre Beziehung zu Exoplaneten
September 2010 Patrick Baumann, Ivan Ramirez und Martin Asplund
Magnetfelder in verschmelzenden Neutronensternen
August 2010

Gibt es Praktika?
Kann ich sie besuchen? Cosmic Cinema Sehen Sie Filme von Kometen, Neutronsterne, Supernovae und mehr! Aktuelle Forschung Jeden Monat wird hier ein aktuelles Projekt vorgestellt. wissen- schaftliches Druckversion Top

65. Astrophysics - Scientia Astrophysical Organization
astrophysics Scientific popularization - Scientia Astrophysical Organization
A site for popularization of Astrophysics and Astronomy
Scientia Astrophysical Organization

SAO star catalog

Stephan's galaxies
Trifid Nebula M20 in Scorpio

Although astronomy is as old as recorded history, it was long separated from the study of physics. In the 17th century Galileo Galilei made quantitative measurements central to physics and very important observation in astronomy. Kepler discovered the laws of planetary motion, and later that century Isaac Newton bridged the gap between Kepler's laws and Galileo's dynamics, discovering that the same laws that rule the dynamics of objects on earth rules the motion of planets and the moon. Celestial mechanics, the application of Newtonian gravity and Newton's laws to explain Kepler's laws of planetary motion, was the first unification of astronomy and physics.
These discoveries transformed maritime navigation: starting around 1670, the entire world was measured using essentially modern latitude instruments and the best available clocks. The needs of navigation provided a drive for progressively more accurate astronomical observations and instruments, providing a background for ever more available data for scientists.
Spectroscopy is a branch of physics (optics) that is central to astrophysics. The word 'spectrum' is used today to mean a display of electromagnetic radiation (plural is 'spectra'). In 1671 Newton reported his experiment of decomposing the sunlight into colors using a prism. When you see a rainbow, you are seeing a spectrum.

66. Theoretical Astrophysics Center In Copenhagen
Research center in Denmark on the structure of space, galaxies, and stars.

67. Astrophysics Data Centers - NASA Science
astrophysics Data Centers Report of the astrophysics Archival Senior Review for the astrophysics Division, June 17 19, 2008; High Energy astrophysics Science Archive Research
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68. Harvard College Observatory
Research observatory for astronomy and astrophysics. Founded in 1839.

69. National Astrophysics And Space Science Programme | NASSP
A joint venture of various South African universities, open to students from all over Africa.
@import "/sites/all/modules/simplenews/simplenews.css"; @import "/files/css/201463b2c8d608d3d223231921535f60.css"; National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme
National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme
South Africa has a long history of excellence in astronomy, a sound high-tech infrastructure and clear skies. Researchers from around the region have joined forces to create a cooperative, combined graduate programme, hosted at the University of Cape Town where South African students and students from around Africa and the rest of the World can study under the guidance of some of South Africa's leading scientists. Three degree programmes are on offer: Lectures will be given by staff in the NASSP consortium and will cover most areas of modern Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. In addition to lecture courses, students will be expected to take a substantial practical component which will involve several field trips to some of southern Africa's space science research facilities. These include the South African Astronomical Observatory site at Sutherland where the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT, the largest optical telescope in the southern hemisphere) is located; the radio telescope facility at Hartebeesthoek and the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS). Students graduating from this programme will be both equipped to do research at the cutting edge of Astrophysics and have the broad science skills needed in any modern technological society.

70. Welcome | University Of Iowa Astrophysics | Robert Mutel
Graduate student Bill Peterson, along with Professor Robert Mutel and colleagues from NRAO and ETH Zurich, have made the first images of a coronal loop structure on a star
University of Iowa Astrophysics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
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First Stellar Coronal Loop Imaged Graduate student Bill Peterson, along with Professor Robert Mutel and colleagues from NRAO and ETH Zurich, have made the first images of a coronal loop structure on a star other than the Sun. In the January 14, 2010 issue of Nature we report multi-epoch radio imaging of the Algol system, in which we see a large, persistent coronal loop approximately one subgiant diameter in height, whose base is straddling the subgiant and whose apex is oriented towards the B8 star. Reference: Peterson, Mutel, Gudel, and Goss 2010, Nature, 463,207.
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Image of Orion Nebula (M42) taken at the I owa Robotic Observatory in southern Arizona
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The astrophysics group is part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Iowa . We study a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, from solar system plasma physics to x-ray emission from black hole accretion disks. We maintain strong synergistic collaborations with both the space physics and plasma physics groups in the Department. Click on Research in the menu bar to view a brief summary of our current research areas, or on People to view individual faculty and staff research programs.

71. Astrophysics And Space News, Articles, And Information From Scientific American
The latest research and developments in astrophysics from the space experts on
The Print Edition

72. Astrophysics - New World Encyclopedia
NGC 4414, a typical spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, is about 56,000 lightyears in diameter and approximately 60 million light-years distant from Earth.
From New World Encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Previous (Astronomy) Next (Astrophysics Data System) Ready NGC 4414, a typical spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, is about 56,000 light-years in diameter and approximately 60 million light-years distant from Earth Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe. It involves studies of the physical properties (luminosity, density , temperature) and chemical composition of celestial objects as well as their interactions. Scientists in the field of astrophysics are known as astrophysicists . They typically apply many areas of physics, including mechanics electromagnetism , statistical mechanics, thermodynamics , quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics , and atomic and molecular physics. Astrophysics can be subdivided into observational and theoretical aspects. Through observational astrophysics, scientists have discovered and studied such objects as planets stars , pulsars, magnetars, galaxies nebulae , and black holes. They have also observed the birth and death of stars

73. Astrophysics - From The 2006 Schools Wikipedia CD
astrophysics is the tree of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature and chemical composition
2006 Wikipedia CD Selection
Spiral Galaxy ESO 269-57 Astrophysics is the tree of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties ( luminosity, density, temperature and chemical composition) of astronomical objects such as stars galaxies , and the interstellar medium, as well as their interactions. The study of cosmology is theoretical astrophysics at the largest scales. Because it is a very broad subways, astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics including, but not limited to, mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics thermodynamics quantum mechanics relativity, nuclear and particle physics , and atomic and molecular physics. In practice, modern astronomical research involves a substantial amount of physics. The name of a university's department ("astrophysics" or "astronomy") often has to do more with the department's history than with the contents of the programs.
Although astronomy is as old as recorded history, it was long separated from the study of physics. In the Aristotelian Sun and other planets went round the Earth went basically unquestioned, until

74. UC Berkeley Astronomy Department Home
The Department of Astronomy offers undergraduate and graduate instruction in a wide variety of fields, including theoretical and observational astrophysics; infrared, optical, and
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  • Academics
    • Graduate Program The Department of Astronomy offers undergraduate and graduate instruction in a wide variety of fields, including theoretical and observational astrophysics; infrared, optical, and radio astronomy; galactic structure and dynamics of stellar systems; high-energy astrophysics and cosmology; and spectroscopy. A considerable amount of research and teaching related to astronomy is done in other units at Berkeley, including the Space Science Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and the Physics Department. Various professors in the Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Engineering departments have an active interest in astronomy and are available for consultation.
      A variety of instruments is available to students and staff, including a 30-inch telescope at Leuschner Observatory (near the campus), two 10-meter telescopes at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea in Hawaii, 30-inch, 40-inch and 120-inch telescopes at Lick Observatory, a 16-element millimeter-wave interferometer in Southern California, and the Allen Telescope Array at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory. Laboratories are available for the development of radio, infrared, and optical instruments, and for the precise measurement of images and spectra.
      Faculty Positions in Astronomy

      Following on from the Astronomy Department's successful

75. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
A research institute of the Smithsonian Institution headquartered in Cambridge, MA, where it is joined with the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) to form the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for astrophysics (CfA).
Contacts CfA Home HCO Home SAO Home ... Press Room Resources for . . . Scientists Software Users The Public Amateur Astronomers CfA Staff (Intranet) The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) is a "research institute" of the Smithsonian Institution . It is joined with the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) to form the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Because these research activities share Harvard and Smithsonian staff and resources, the links at this website will take you to information posted on the "CfA" pages. Weekly Science Updates October 29, 2010 Coronal Mass Ejections The corona of the sun is the hot (over a million kelvin), gaseous outer region of its atmosphere. The corona is threaded by intense magnetic fields that extend upwards from the surface in loops that are twisted and sheared by the convective stirrings of the underlying dense atmosphere. Read More... October 22, 2010 X-Ray Observations of an Extrasolar Planetary System The majority of extra-solar planets (about 278 of them) are more massive than Jupiter. About 20% of this majority group orbit their stars at a distances of less than one-tenth of an astronomical unit. Read More...

76. Glossary Of Astrophysics
Indexed and cross-referenced glossary of astrophysics terms.
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77. SAO/NASA ADS At SAO: ADS Article Service
Includes the full text of 31 major astronomy and astrophysics journals.
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78. Kolb, Rocky
Cosmologist at Fermilab, working in the theoretical astrophysics group. Also professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Chicago. Contains selected talks, and academic lectures.
If you aren't redirected automatically to the homepage of Rocky (sometimes known as Edward W.) Kolb, follow this link

79. JINA, Joint Institute For Nuclear Astrophysics
Physics Frontiers Center provides data and opportunities for research and education at the interface or nuclear physics and astrophysics
Contact Us Home Search Site Map Virtual Journal Highlights ... SDSS-II at JINA
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JINA Outreach

- Past - The JINA Frontiers 2010 workshop was held at the Abbey Resort at the shores of Lake Geneva, WI during October 21-23, 2010. More information can be found on the website More Outreach
A JINA Summer Science Program in 2010: The Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) Program at the NSCL/MSU for High/Middle School science teachers from August 1-6 and High School students from August 8-13, 2010. The JINA's PIXE-PAN Summer Program at the Institute for Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics in the University of Notre Dame. Sensing Our World 2010 - Global Health Summer Science Camp: A week-long, all-day summer science camp at The University of Notre Dame that has been especially designed for students aged 11 to 14. Run by MSU's Honors College

80. MIT Kavli Institute For Astrophysics And Space Research
Research areas include astrophysics, cosmology and space technology. Includes information about people, publications, news and events.
Formerly The MIT Center for Space Research
INTRODUCTION About MKI and Resources RESEARCH Research Areas and Projects PEOPLE Faculty, Staff and Students EVENTS MKI Monthly Guide to Events, NE80 Monthly Calendar, Colloquia MKI NEWS Newsworthy Items, Job Openings PUBLICATIONS Scientific Papers OUTREACH Education and Public Outreach LINKS Astronomy Resources

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