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         Crop Circles:     more books (100)
  1. Crop Circles (Edge Books) by Martin, Michael, 2006-01-01
  2. Crop Circles 2010 Wall Calendar by Freddy Silva, 2009-07-10
  3. Crop Circle Wisdom: Simple Teachings from the Circlemakers by Denni Clarke, 2001-02-01
  4. Crop Circle Year Book: A Pictorial Tour of Crop Circles and Their Landscapes by Stephen Russell Alexander, Karen Jayne Douglas, 2001-12-01
  5. Crop Circles: Mystery & Conspiracy by iMinds, 2010-05-13
  6. Crop Circles of Wessex (The Wessex Series) by Kent J. Goodman, 1996-12
  7. UFOs Crop Circles and the Mayan Calendar - by Rob Simone by Rob Simone, 2008
  8. Haunted Spaces, Sacred Places: A Field Guide to Stone Circles, Crop Circles, Ancient Tombs, and Supernatural Landscapes by Brian Haughton, 2008-07-01
  9. Messages from Space: Crop Circles Bring the First Indisputable Extra-Terrestrial Signs from Space by Jay Goldner, 2002-11-01
  10. Crop Circles 2008 Calendar by Freddy Silva, 2007-07-10
  11. An Introduction to Crop Circles (Wessex Series) by Andy Thomas, 2003-04-11
  12. Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries by Steve Alexander~Karen Alexander, 2006
  13. Crop Circles: Evidence of a Cover-Up (An Orbis Enigma Book) by Nicolas Montigiani, 2003-06-02
  14. The Skeptic, Volume 5 Number 6: Rolling Your Own in Wiltshire (Crop Circles) by Unnamed Unnamed, 1991

41. Crop Circle - The Skeptic's Dictionary -
Those who engage in such serious study and theorizing about crop circles are known as cerealogists (after Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility) or

Robert T. Carroll
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crop "circle"
A crop "circle" is a geometric pattern, often very intricate and complex , appearing in fields, usually wheat fields and usually in England. Most, if not all, crop circles are probably due to pranksters. For example, Doug Bower and David Chorley admit to hoaxing approximately 250 circles over many years. Some believe that the crop designs are messages from alien spacecraft. Some maintain that the aliens are trying to communicate with us using ancient Sumerian symbols or symbolic representations of alien DNA. Those who engage in such serious study and theorizing about crop circles are known as cerealogists (after Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility) or

42. ARTICLE: "Crop Circles And The Key To The World Order."
Article about the science, nature, politics and spirituality of crop circles.

Time Oddities

T his article takes up the challenge formed by the reality of crop circles from an unknown origin. After discussing the psychology of repression and denial and an analysis of the phenomenon there is a conclusion stating that to arrive at a mondial concept of time-management is fundamental to the idea of a practical key to the world culture we could offer the alien intelligences we are dealing with.

by R.M.
Contents: The facts Psychology The Circles. Analysis ... Discussion to this subject
See further our article on building flying saucers and new energy and the new world order (in Dutch as yet) The facts For a few decennia now we have a new phenomenon: crop circles. Is it a hoax? Is it of an alien origin? From the civil point of view we do not know. Some guys named

43. Crop Circles Meetup Groups - Crop Circles Meetups
Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Crop Circles

44. Vital Signs Publications
Small publisher of crop circles books by Andy Thomas, including the guidebook Vital Signs.
HOME Sales Truth Crop Circles ... skip to main text
Books on challenging subjects for challenging times
Welcome to Vital Signs Publishing. We publish books on themes we believe deserve more awareness and investigation in a world which appears to be undergoing a rapid social, physical and spiritual transformation. This site carries details and extracts of our books – click on the links for detailed information on each, and for web ordering.
The Truth Agenda
Making Sense of Unexplained Mysteries, Global Cover-Ups and 2012 Prophecies
By Andy Thomas. Why do so many people now believe in conspiracy theories, and what is the evidence to support them? Why is there so much speculation on prophecies, ancient and modern, for the year 2012? Why is there such huge but officially undeclared interest in paranormal phenomena from authorities and religions? How does this fit together and explain the growing programme of control and the 'New World Order'? The Truth Agenda gathers the many threads, from 9/11 to NASA, from UFOs to psychics, in a refreshingly accessible 380-page guide, addressing the issues with illuminating analysis and full colour presentation. more sales
For more details and reviews of The Truth Agenda and information on Andy Thomas
please visit:

45. 2001 Crop Circles - The Crops Circles Explained
The Crops Circles Explained. The crop circles are a mystery to human beings. Why are the crop circles here, and what do they mean?
The Crops Circles Explained
The crop circles are a mystery to human beings. Why are the crop circles here, and what do they mean? The purpose of this transmission is to bring information to the public about the highly mystical and technical aspects of the interpretation of these geometric images. The crop circles are fractal formulas of light and sound frequencies encoded into the third dimension as tools for ascension. They are created by the means of light and sound technology interacting with the collective mind. Starships and the Galactic Federation carefully monitor the project. These crop circles are present, in part, to activate the cosmic and soul DNA as well as the physical DNA and expand the brain's neurosynapses. This happens when they are viewed through the iris and connected to the brain. This expansion includes the clearing of old negative thought patterns, activating your soul DNA (just as your genetic body has a DNA, your soul has a DNA) and expanding your consciousness beyond what you as a third-dimensional being of light conceived possible during this long dark age of the human soul - the phase that is known as the separation of the oneness or the age of dichotomy. This polarization was part of the holographic drama enacted by necessity. The ancient prophecies speak of the return to oneness; the age of enlightenment is upon us.

46. Philadelphia Experiment -
Special feature article on the Crop Circles phenomena

47. CropCircles - CropCircles
Downtown Peterborough Ontario's only Scrapbook , Art Supply, and Yarn supply store! Downtown Peterborough Ontario only Scrapbook , Art Supply, and Yarn supply store!

48. Forum Grenzwissenschaften Und Kornkreise
Crop circles from Germany. Most articles have an English translation.
Forschungskreis f. Geobiologie Dr. H. e.V. Herbsttagung u.a. mit Horst Grünfelder
Montag, 1. November 2010 7:10 Forschungskreis für Geobiologie Dr. Hartmann e.V.
Deutschlands größter Vereinigung im Fachbereich Geobiologie und Radiästhesie. Ihr Partner für Gesundes Bauen - Gesundes Wohnen - Gesundes Schlafen - Ausbildung Geobiologischer Berater - Rutengängervermittlung bundesweit. Herbsttagung mit Fachfortbildung für Geobiologische Berater/innen vom 5. – 7. November 2010
Leitung: Joachim Götz und Alfonso Becker Sonntag, 7. November 2010:
09.00 – 10.20 Uhr Horst Grünfelder - „Radionik als Heilverfahren“
Wie kommt die Information vom Sender zum Empfänger
Tagungsort: Hotel Krone-Post, Ecke Hauptstrasse / B37, direkt am Neckar, 69412 Eberbach. Bitte reservieren Sie rechtzeitig Ihr Zimmer mit Hinweis auf die Tagung. Parkplätze am Neckar oder entlang der B37.
::Weitere Informationen
Thema: FGK FGK-Blogroll Geomantie Peters ... Kommentare (0) Okt
EU ausgetrickst: Der neue Heizball kommt
Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010 22:55 Seit dem 1. September 2009

49. Paranormal Network
Psst please pardon our dust. Cool new stuff coming soon.
Psst... please pardon our dust. Cool new stuff coming soon.
Top 10 Most Haunting Ghost Videos of All Time
Ready for Halloween yet? We certainly are. This year we're digging into the Paranormal Network archives to uncover the creepiest most hair raising ghost videos of all time, guaranteed to chill your bones. We even included a brand new bonus video at the end of the list. Read on... if you dare.
Ghost Girl and the Graveyard

When visiting a graveyard, this is about the last thing you'd expect to see.
Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons Caught on Tape
A haunting collection of the best ghost sightings caught on tape.
The GHOST File - Collection of Sightings
Even more of the most haunting ghost sightings caught on tape.
Ghostly Women and the Haunted House
Two men investigate a house rumored to be haunted. You won't believe what they find inside.
Ghost of a Young Girl Cries in the Corner
A man hears crying in an empty room of his house. Creepy doesn't even begin to describe what happens next.
Maury Povich Panel on Ghostly Phenomena
Maury discusses ghost sightings with the cast of Ghost Adventures and others.
EVP of a Demonic Spirit - "I Have the Body of a Pig"

50. Crop Circles
Book by Carolyn North describes crop circles with many photos.
Cover photo by Steve Alexander ISBN 1-57951-019-1 96 pg $8.95 Purchase:
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Links to Contributors Ruben Uriarte Peter Sorensen Steve Alexander Freddie Silva ... Busty Taylor BLT Research Team
offers a packet of information on their research
for a modest fee and is seeking field workers.
To inquire or to report a new formation,
contact: Nancy Talbott
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Search the full text of this book Crop Circles
Carolyn North Photos by
Ruben Uriarte, Peter Sorensen, Steve Alexander, Busty Taylor Diagrams by Freddie Silva, Sara Glasser Science photos by Nancy Talbott of BLT Reaearch Team, Inc. Each year when crops are maturing, thousands of amazing designs appear in farmer's fields around the world, with most in southern England near Stonehenge and other archeological sites. Are they caused by UFOs? A force within the earth? Divine powers? Do they contain messages? What is going on here? Crop Circles is a fascinating introduction, filled with photos and diagrams of these beautiful formations contributed by leading croppies. Fantastic Formations photographed by Ruben Uriarte
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51. The Bible UFO Connection - Connections - Crop Circles
Crop cicles the art of the gods, the wonder of science
Crop Circles
A Complex Beauty
In the incredible world of unexplained phenomenon, crop circles are in their own class. Pleasing to the eye and challenging to the mind, they have spawned online galleries, photo books, new mathematical concepts, and advanced circuit design. Computers, using the formations as visual symphonic scores, have even generated music. Almost every country on Earth has been used as a green canvas, and as far as can be determined, every work is unique. Domestic crops are not the only setting for anomalous circles, however. Snow banks, ice ponds, sand, and entire forests have been altered. Over 10,000 circles have been recorded in recent years, worldwide, with the circles averaging 150 feet in diameter.
A Hoax By Hoaxers
This unfortunate case by two very savvy publicity gluttons cast a shadow over interest until the public was educated about the major flaw in their argument. Contrary to popular belief, trampling, breaking or bending the stalks of the plants affected does not make crop circles. The stalk of each plant is softened by heat at a precise point by an, as yet, unidentified force which causes the entire stalk to collapse. This same force, with incredible mathematical detail, lays the entire flattened area in interwoven, swirled layers .
Mathematical Marvels
The increasing complexity and obvious advanced nature of the circles has amazed scientists who, though obviously interested in the creators, find intense interest in the manner mathematical formulae are incorporated in the designs. The beauty of these intricate formations is evident to all who see them, but to the mathematical mind there appears a deeper beauty. Perfect geometric designs are the norm and incredibly accurate measurements over thousands of feet awe even the most complicated minds. Consistent mathematical ratios are associated with the designs and Julius sets, related to the science of fractals, appear in ever more complex series. New areas of science and mathematics are being created by the phenomenon.

52. Crop Circles: Quest For Truth Crop Circles Movies Documentary Researcher Intervi
Crop Circles Quest for Truth is an indepth examination of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles.

About Us Contact Us
Crop Circles: Quest for Truth is a compelling and provocative feature-length documentary full of never-before-seen footage and interviews with leading Crop Circles researchers and scientists, some of whom agreed to be on camera for the first time. The film is an in-depth examination of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles and the possible implications for us and for the future of Planet Earth.

53. Crop Circles Deciphered
Crop circle symbols can be easily interpreted using Biblical symbols, the book of Revelation in particular. A few chapters of the book are free on the web site.
Crop Circles Deciphered
" signs on the earth below "(Acts 2:19; Joel 2:30)
Crop Circles can be easily Deciphered using Biblical Numerics, Symbolism, History, Metaphors and Parables.
Make $$$ holding your own
STAR DREAMS screenings

Click here for details...

Photographs © Lucy Pringle 2001-2005 Lucy Pringle's Homepage
Sunshine Coast
Slipper Factory

Book Table of Contents


Crop Circles: Fact or Fiction

Acknowledgments Introduction Interpretation A Few Guesses From Guessing to Remarkable Coincidence The 1995 "Missing Planet" Formation: "Knock! Knock! Calling Earth! Anybody Home?"
The Decipher Key, No More Guessing Two Messages in One Formation Times of the Gentiles You Have Forsaken Me Holy Spirit Prince of Peace Wake Up World Woe, Woe, Woe He Who Has an Ear, Let Him Hear Flip Wilson's "Here Come Da Ju-u-u-u-udge" Back To Guessing Symbols, Numbers and New Names Signs Of The Times The above original effort was 51 pages long. It was desk-top published in April 1997 and since then the yearly world crop circle updates have been added as appendices - now a total of 302 pages. UPDATE APPENDICES 1997 Updates: "Backgrounds" Genesis Couch Potato Why Southern England?

54. New Frontier Magazine, Crop Circles Are Real
An interview about Crop Circles Yes, they are real! An Interview with Colette M. Dowell. by Sw. Virato, Editor, New Frontier Magazine
Yes, they are real!
An Interview with Colette M. Dowell
by Sw. Virato, Editor, New Frontier Magazine I n April of 1993 New Frontier Magazine did a feature issue on Crop Circles. In that issue we gave proof of their validity in an interview with Prof. William Levengood, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus and Department Chairman, of the University of Michigan. Since then, the Circles have become more elaborate (they're now called "pictograms" and "glyphs"), and they have been appearing in greater numbers. They have appeared not only in England, but in this country, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Russia and other areas. An excellent source of information is the Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies The recent film Sightings, is not a true portrayal of the phenomena. Since our move to Asheville, North Carolina, I met a local woman who has been doing research into the phenomenon for the past eight years. Colette M. Dowell, born on the desert valley of Las Vegas, Nevada, on Oct 13, 1957, is a naturopathic doctor, now living atop a mountain in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Although she recollects having unusual and unexplainable events happening during her entire childhood, Colette says it wasn't until about the age of 15 that she realized her experiences were involved with beings other than human. She became conscious of her alien abduction experiences and increasing clairvoyant abilities. She began her search for truths.

55. Remote Viewing Crop Circles
In 1992, PSI TECH was hired to examine function/purpose, and mechanics of the Crop circle production.

56. Crop Circle Research: The World's Leading Crop Circles Research Site - Scientifi
Crop Circle Research, crop circles articles and the international crop circle database
Tuesday 2 Nov, 2010
Search CCR
Home Database Research Enigma Journal ... Diary
Welcome to Crop Circle Research dotcom
The World's Premier Crop Circles Research Site
Crop circles are one of the most profound and mysterious phenomena of the modern age. Are they a communication from extra-terrestrials? Evidence of other dimensions or a catalyst to advancing our way of thinking? Governments have discussed them and then sought to confuse and misinform the populace through their control and manipulation of the popular media. The military have endangered life and safety in order to investigate and monitor crop formations, yet they deny involvement. Hollywood has sought to manipulate the truth and credibility of scientific evidence and facts, yet film goers become ever more intrigued. Hoaxers have sought to deceive, confuse and muddy research waters, in the same way that computer virus writers seek attention and attempt to contaminate data. Some crop circles are hoaxed. Some are not. We research those that are not! This web site strives to shatter orthodox scientific arrogance, inform and educate the public, present scientific evidence and confirm that humanity is on the brink of amazing discovery and awareness. We do not seek to impose views or opinions but endeavour to share impartial and scientifically researched findings and theories in order to inspire people to carry out their own investigations and continue uncovering what 'the powers that be' would prefer lay hidden.

57. Crop Circles England : UK Crop Circle Reports And Photos
Provides views of each crop circles at ground level, using photographs, first hand reports and observations.
2008 CIRCLES 2007 CIRCLES 2006 CIRCLES 2005 CIRCLES ... About Us
If you would like to sign up for the UK Crop Circle newsletter then please enter your details below. Name: Email Address:
22/09/10 - New videos added
Inside the crop circles at Stonehenge, Beggar's Knoll and Stoney Littleton - see below...
We have updated our galleries with photos from inside more 2010 formations.
Windmill Hill, Wiltshire, 27/07/10
Roundway Hill, Wiltshire, 25/07/10
Beggar's Knoll, Near Westbury, Wiltshire, 27/07/10
East Field (2), Wiltshire, 29/07/10
2010 Crop Circle Summer Lectures
Once again this brilliant event was a great success. Fantastic speakers, events including a crop circle coach tour and night watch, and a chance to meet many other like-minded people! Thanks again to Steve and Karen Alexander.
Crop Circle Archive
Photographs and reports of the previous seasons crop circles 2008 Crop Circles 2007 Crop Circles 2006 Crop Circles 2005 Crop Circles
Alternative Websites

58. Crop Circles
Crop Circles The standard procedure of denying or ignoring anything which does not fit a very limited scientific paradigm may be best demonstrated by the lack of attention to
Crop Circles
The standard procedure of denying or ignoring anything which does not fit a very limited scientific paradigm may be best demonstrated by the lack of attention to and the degree of misinformation being disseminated with regard to what are now known as Crop Circles. While the media and others have managed a so-far successful campaign against admitting to anything significant in the appearance of crop circles, the reality is that the formations that are appearing all over the world are in many cases beyond an easy explanation. In effect, many of the formations are simply not capable of being duplicated within the time and secrecy limitations with state-of-the-art equipment. Even if other possibly highly secret technologies were responsible, it does not make sense that such “secret technologies” would be advertised by constantly demonstrating their abilities. Particularly in recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of crop circles which have been designed and created by human beings using readily available tools. Many of these designs cannot be considered “hoaxes” in that the individuals doing the work are in no manner attempting to mislead others into thinking that the crop circles they’re creating are extraterrestrial in origin.

59. Crop Circles Jewelry, LightCircles, Energetics, Research
This site features LightCircles Jewelry Designs which were inspired by the crop circles.
LightCircles™ Jewelry Designs Crop Circle Energetics Site Map
Welcome to the Unfolding World of Crop Circles
Fine Jewelry
Inspired by Crop Circles
The Jewelry What's New Pendants Charms ... Site Map Gift Certificates are available through PayPal and may be given anytime throughout the year. Ordering Info Another Store Kaayla Fox is a fan of Matrix Energetics Create your Fan Badge Once you follow your attraction to this magnificent experience with crop circles, your life will be changed forever. It may have begun before you came to this site, but now that you are here, I'll share with you some of my experiences. You will find LightCircles™ . Fine Jewelry, mostly in sterling silver, which resonate with the same frequencies as the original crop circles. Experimentation with their energetic qualities presented astounding responses very rapidly, never before witnessed. See Crop Circle Energetics and Crop Circles In Motion Re-search falls away as we have nothing to compare so The Search for the undiscovered moves ahead. We know nothing of what the possibilities are.....

60. Busty Taylor Crop Circle Home Page
Crop circle research and photography.
June 2005 Formations
May 2004. Ghost formations from last year
June 4th 2004. Rushall Wiltshire

May 30th 2004 Ridgeway, Avebury Wiltshire
Crop Circles - The Final Solution By Omar Fowler

June 21, 2004
An NFU spokesman for the NFU SE combinable crops board said:
They are often tempted to walk around the crop circle as well. The NFU believes that the vast majority of crop circles are manmade, although various natural and unorthodox explanations have been put forward for these phenomena.
To speak to a cereal farmer in your area, call NFU SE PR Officer Isobel Bretherton tel: 01730 408002
Colin Andrews - Chilbolton report- Feb 2004
New DVD from The Crop Circle Connector
From the archives. Click below for over 200 aerial photos of most Southern England formations.
Year 2005 Crop Circle Calendar LARGE Format
Click here for details AVAILABLE NOW Coming to a cinema near you ... Identified flying objects BIOGRAPHY OF BUSTY TAYLOR
F.C. "Busty" Taylor has been interested in UFOs since the late 1940s when as a young boy he witnessed on a clear day in England hundreds of bright shiny spheres flying in a line and playing tag with each other. Since then, he has witnessed many other UFOs.

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