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21. Curious About Astronomy? Lunar And Solar Eclipses Total eclipse of the sun. This is a heavily processed picture of the total solar eclispe of August 1999 (which one of our Astronomers was lucky enough to sort of see it was cloudy http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/eclipses.php | |
22. HowStuffWorks "How Solar Eclipses Work" Illustrated explanation of what happens during a solar eclipse and how you can observe this event safely. http://www.howstuffworks.com/solar-eclipse.htm | |
23. Cosmos4Kids.com: Systems: Eclipses Cosmos4Kids.com! The web site that teaches astronomy and space science fundamentals to everyone! http://www.cosmos4kids.com/files/systems_eclipses.html | |
24. What Causes An Eclipse? What Causes an Eclipse? An eclipse occurs at those times when the Moon moves into a position of direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth. There are two basic types of eclipses http://www.earthview.com/tutorial/causes.htm | |
25. Wendy Carlos Eclipse Page Images and accounts of eclipses by musician Wendy Carlos. http://www.wendycarlos.com/eclipse.html | |
26. Solar Eclipses For Beginners This page is a basic introduction and explanation of how solar eclipses take place. It includes a preview to upcoming eclipses of the Sun. http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/SEprimer.html | |
27. Eclipses: Information From Answers.com Volumn 002, Book 018, Hadith Number 150. Narated By Abu Bakra We were with Allah's Apostle when the sun eclipsed. Allah's Apostle stood up dragging his cloak till he entered http://www.answers.com/topic/eclipses | |
28. Eclipses Different Types of eclipses Total Sun and Moon; Partial Sun and Moon; Annular Sun only; Penumbral Moon only; Necessary Parameters for the Occurance of eclipses http://www.astronomy.org/astronomy-survival/eclipse.html | |
29. NIGHT SKY~ECLIPSE FREQUENCY eclipses. How often and when do they occur? How often? There's not an easy answer. For an eclipse to occur the Sun, Moon and Earth have to line up in the same http://www.souledout.org/nightsky/eclipsefrequency/eclipsefrequency.html | |
30. MrEclipse Index Detailed explanations and information about observing and photographing both solar and lunar eclipses. http://www.mreclipse.com/ | |
31. Eclipses eclipses page is a guide to eclipses total, partial, annular and lunar eclipse. http://www.aerospaceguide.net/eclipses.html | |
32. Eclipse: Lunar, Solar, Bailey's Beads, Ancient Civilizations, Astrology - Crysta Lunar eclipses were the first major celestial events that astrologers learned how to predict based on local historical observation records. One of the first things civilizations http://www.crystalinks.com/eclipse.html | |
33. Eclipses eclipses. during a total solar eclipse A the photosphere is obscured. B the moon is new. C the moon's umbra touches the Earth. http://webs.wichita.edu/astronomy/Testbank/eclipses.htm | |
34. Solar Eclipses At Sea - Ted Pedas Astronomy Theme Cruises s of eclipse cruises from 1972 to the present....... http://www.nauticom.net/www/planet/files/history.html | |
35. Eclipses With the apparent desertion by the sun, eclipses were portents of disaster, so devastating that Battle decisions were made on the basis of their prediction. http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/eclipses/Eclipses.htm | |
36. Eclipse, Total Solar Eclipse -- The Earth View ECLIPSE Network Excerpts from the book eclipses by Bryan Brewer, with ordering information. http://www.earthview.com/ | |
37. Astrology On The Web: Eclipses Astrology on the Web looks at Solar and Lunar Eclipse Cycles. Old things come to an end (or are overthrown!) under a solar eclipse and a new beginning can be made. The lunar http://www.astrologycom.com/eclipse.html | |
38. Jyotish - Vedic Astrology: News: Eclipses eclipses. Do you realize that in ancient times, astrologers were beheaded for not alerting the emperors in advance about eclipses? eclipses were taken as negative omens. http://www.jameskelleher.com/index.php/news/eclipses.html | |
39. Eclipses Definition Of Eclipses In The Free Online Encyclopedia. eclipses . astronomical phenomena during which the sun, the moon, a planet, a planetary satellite, or a star ceases to be visible, either completely or partially, to an observer on http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/eclipses |
40. Eclipses - Science - The New York Times Find articles and multimedia about eclipses from The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/news/science/topics/eclipses/index.html | |
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