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81. LUNAR ECLIPSE OBSERVER - HOME PAGE Resources from the Calwell Lunar Observatory in Canberra, Australia. http://www.netspeed.com.au/minnah/LEOx.html | |
82. Ecliptomaniacs Pictures and stories from an Irish eclipse chasers group http://www.ecliptomaniacs.com/ |
83. Eclipse Glasses Total Solar Eclipse Of 2009 July 22 China Japan India Eclipse viewing glasses. http://rainbowsymphony.com/soleclipse.html | |
84. Eclipse Timer Home Software giving visual and audible warnings of the approach of totality, for Windows Pocket PC but not XP or Vista. http://www.eclipsetimer.com/ | |
85. Homepage Of Heinz Scsibrany Eclipse chaser and author of WinEclipse - Windows software for producing eclipse maps and animations http://www.lcm.tuwien.ac.at/scs/welcome.htm | |
86. Travel To The Total Solar Eclipse Details on totality, with reviewed links to more eclipse related sites around cyberspace. http://www.travelnotes.org/Travel/Eclipse99/index.htm | |
87. Pictures Of The Eclipse Of 11 August 1999 And Computer Generated Landscapes Pictures taken near Szombathely in west Hungary. http://home-1.tiscali.nl/~veenen/eclipse/eclipse.html | |
88. Solar Eclipse 1999 Information from hermit.org on the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999, visible from Cornwall, UK and mainland Europe and Asia. Maps and descriptions of the path, with links to other resources. http://www.hermit.org/Eclipse/1999-08-11/ | |
89. What Is A Solar Eclipse? (Overview) Replay of live webcast of the total solar eclipse from Ceduna, South Australia - 4 Dec 2002. Supported by CSIRO and Telstra. http://www.csiro.au/eclipse | |
90. Eclipse-Chaser/2008 China Eclipse Trip log, photos, videos and webcasts provided by Dr. Bob Yen, PhD. http://www.eclipse-chaser.com/2008/ |
91. Eclipse Tracker Documenting the History of the Eclipse Project. http://eclipsetracker.blogspot.com/ | |
92. The Eclipse A long essay on the movie and its links to existentialist philosophy. By Jorn K. Bramann. http://faculty.frostburg.edu/phil/forum/Eclipse.htm | |
93. Eclipse Software Design Developer of Iron Soldier 3. http://www.eclipse.at/ | |
94. The Total Eclipse --- Mitsubishi-Eclipse-Clan Fanpage with movies, pictures, links and personal ads. http://www.eclipse-clan.de/ |
95. My 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX Sports Car The author shares the story of how he acquired his car, modifications, and photo gallery. http://barrygoldberg.net/eclipse.htm | |
96. Fragen Und Antworten Zu Eclipse Themen Auf Deutsch Eine deutsche Community zu Eclipse mit News und Programmierforen. http://www.eclipseproject.de/ | |
97. Eclipse RCP Buch Ralf Ebert stellt sein Buch zur Anwendungsentwicklung mit Java und Eclipse RCP online zur Verf gung. http://www.ralfebert.de/rcpbuch/ |
98. SofTouch APpLications - UMBRAPHILE 2.4.1 A software package (MacOS) which automates the process of taking pictures of totality. http://balder.prohosting.com/stouch/UMBRAPHILE.html | |
99. EasyEclipse:Eclipse IDE Distros, Plugins | Download EasyEclipse:Eclipse IDE Dist Packages together the Eclipse IDE and key open source plug-ins, offered as an open source Eclipse distribution, to make Eclipse easier to download, install and use. http://sourceforge.net/projects/easyeclipse | |
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