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         Ecopsychology:     more books (23)
  1. Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind
  2. Sight and Sensibility : The Ecopsychology of Perception by Laura Sewall, 1999-10-04
  3. The Voice of the Earth: An Exploration of Ecopsychology by Theodore Roszak, 2001-12-01
  4. Radical Ecopsychology: Psychology in the Service of Life (Suny Series in Radical Social and Political Theory) by Andy Fisher, 2002-02-21
  5. Ecopsychology by Vladimir Antonov, 2008-09-27
  6. The Web of Life Imperative: Regenerative Ecopsychology Techniques that Help People Think in Balance with Natural Systems by Ed.D Michael J. Cohen, 2003-06-16
  7. Out of the Shadow: Ecopsychology, Story, and Encounters with the Land (Under the Sign of Nature: Explorations in Ecocriticism) by Rinda West, 2007-11-01
  8. Ecopsychology as Ultimate Force Psychology by Jorge Conesa Ph.D. Sevilla, 2006-10-25
  9. Environmental Psychology: Wayfinding, Human Factors, Cognitive Ergonomics, Ecopsychology, Behavioral Geography, Ecological Psychology, Socio-architecture, ... Ecology, Architecture, Behavioural Sciences.
  10. Cultural Ecopsychology: Displacement and The Urban African American Community by Jeanine M. Canty, 2000-01-01
  11. Out of the Shadow: Ecopsychology, Story, and Encounters with the Land.(Book review): An article from: MELUS by Tom J. Hillard, 2009-06-22
  12. THE VOICE OF THE EARTH An Exploration of Ecopsychology by Theodore Roszak, 1993
  13. Sight &_Sensibility :: The Ecopsychology of Perception by Lsurs Sewsl, 1999
  14. Stewards of Spirit: Awakening in the Light of Rachel's Ballads by Gianetta Ellis, 2007-05-08

1. Radical Ecopsychology
A summary for this book, which offers an original introduction to ecopsychology - an emerging field that ties the human mind to the natural world.
"...the most conceptually robust and complicated analysis of ecological psychology available."
Robert Romanyshyn,author of The Soul in Grief:
Love, Death and Transformation
Psychology in the Service of Life
Andy Fisher
Foreword by David Abram
This exciting book from SUNY Press shows the psychological roots of our ecological crisis. Personal in its style yet radical in its vision, Radical Ecopsychology offers an original introduction to ecopsychologyan emerging field that ties the human mind to the natural world... more 306 pages
About the Author
Book Summary Contents Preface ... Links

The ecopsychology Institute was established at California State University, Hayward in April 1994 to facilitate an international dialogue between two communities environmental scientists/activists on the one hand, and psychologists/psychotherapists on the other.
Number 6 September 1998
ec-o-psy-chol-o-gy n.
1. The emerging synthesis of ecology and psychology
2. The skillful application of ecological insight to the practice of psychotherapy
3. The study of our emotional bond with the Earth
4. The search for an environmentally-based standard of mental health
5. Re-defining "sanity" as if the whole world mattered
The EcoPsy Forum
  • "Mapping the Soul of the Land" by Christopher Castle
Essays in Ecopsychology Research in Ecopsychology
  • "Environmental Stress One Decade After Chernobyl"
Communications Resources for Ecopsychology Archives: Ecopsychology On Line Editor Theodore Roszak Art Design Christopher Castle Technical Assistant D a n Fox

3. International Community For Ecopsychology
At its core, ecopsychology suggests that there is a synergistic relation between planetary and personal well being; that the needs of the one are relevant to the other
What is Ecopsychology?
Ecopsychology, or eco-psychology as it is sometimes called, is situated at the intersection of a number of fields of enquiry, including environmental philosophy, psychology, and ecology, but is not limited by any disciplinary boundaries. At its core, ecopsychology suggests that there is a synergistic relation between planetary and personal well being; that the needs of the one are relevant to the other. What is Our objective at is to provide a public forum for our diverse experiences of the human-nature relationship. Through sharing our connections we hope to provide a bridge towards harmony with the planet we inhabit. What is on this Site? While you are here, please check out the latest issue of Gatherings , the ICE e-journal, as well as back issues, some recommended readings for those who wish to dig deeper, a list of upcoming events from around the world, a directory of

4. Ecopsychology
ecopsychology. by Selene Vega. Santa Cruz CAMFT Newsletter, July/Aug 1994, Therapists for Social Responsibility column. One of the major interests of the members of our Therapists for
Selene Kumin Vega, Ph.D., L.M.F.T.
by Selene Vega Santa Cruz CAMFT Newsletter, July/Aug 1994 , Therapists for Social Responsibility column One of the major interests of the members of our Therapists for Social Responsibility group is the burgeoning field of ecopsychology. Our concern for the earth and its creatures and our responses to the many ways they are threatened continually emerge in our meetings as we talk about our experiences and those of our clients. Sometimes this takes the form of despair, as we look at the enormity of the problems and feel overwhelmed by the situation our planet and its inhabitants face. The challenge for us, and one of the underlying themes of our group, is to find our way through that despair to empowerment so that we can take action in the world to change things. The actions we make may be as literal as letter-writing or as subtle as bringing our vision of the possible future into all the work we do, with clients or in other areas of our lives. On the cover of the first issue of The Ecopsychology newsletter is a series of definitions for the term ecopsychology:
  • The emerging synthesis of ecology and psychology.
  • 5. International Community For Ecopsychology
    An informal, international, interdisciplinary virtual community devoted to reflecting on the questions which arise from an ecopsychological viewpoint.
    What is Ecopsychology?
    Ecopsychology, or eco-psychology as it is sometimes called, is situated at the intersection of a number of fields of enquiry, including environmental philosophy, psychology, and ecology, but is not limited by any disciplinary boundaries. At its core, ecopsychology suggests that there is a synergistic relation between planetary and personal well being; that the needs of the one are relevant to the other. What is Our objective at is to provide a public forum for our diverse experiences of the human-nature relationship. Through sharing our connections we hope to provide a bridge towards harmony with the planet we inhabit. What is on this Site? While you are here, please check out the latest issue of Gatherings , the ICE e-journal, as well as back issues, some recommended readings for those who wish to dig deeper, a list of upcoming events from around the world, a directory of

    6. Ecopsychology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    ecopsychology connects psychology and ecology. The political and practical implications are to show humans ways of healing alienation and to build a sane society and a sustainable
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search This article has been nominated to be checked for its neutrality . Discussion of this nomination can be found on the talk page (December 2007) Ecopsychology connects psychology and ecology . The political and practical implications are to show humans ways of healing alienation and to build a sane society and a sustainable culture. Theodore Roszak is credited with coining the term in his 1992 book, The Voice of the Earth . This was a call for the development of a field in which psychology would go out of the built environment to examine why people continue to behave in "crazy" ways that damage the environment , and the environmental movement would find new ways to motivate people to action, ways more positive than protest . Roszak expanded the idea in the 1995 anthology Ecopsychology , which he co-edited with Mary Gomes and Allen Kanner. This book, with articles by each of the editors and many others who would become prominent voices in the field, is still considered by many to be an excellent primer on ecopsychology. As mentioned by Roszak, there are a variety of other names used to describe this field: psychoecology, ecotherapy, environmental psychology , green psychology, global therapy, green therapy, Earth-centered therapy, reearthing, nature-based psychotherapy, shamanic counselling, sylvan therapy.

    7. Ecopsychology
    ecopsychology. The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects. Thomas Berry . The natural world isn’t happy. And neither are we.

    8. New Ecopsychology
    Ecology and spiritual development places of power, anthropology, psychical selfregulation, and much more (books, articles, photo and video materials).
    Home :: Free downloads :: Screensavers :: Video films :: ... Divine Teachers � about Upbringing of Children This web site is ded�ic�ated to the Meth�od�o�logy of Spir�itu�al De�vel�op�ment � a new branch of mod�ern sci�ence cre�ated by a group of sci�ent�ists leaded by Vladi�mir Ant�onov, Ph.D. (in bio�logy) On this site you can find edu�ca�tion�al video films which al�low one to learn about the Meth�od�o�logy of Spir�itu�al De�vel�op�ment, to en�joy the beauty of nature, to be�come im�mersed in�to subtle pos�it�ive emo�tions. News
    New article:
    What does God think about the ecology?

    New section:

    New wallpapers:



    And Other

    New photos: Blue Tit Eurasian Bullfinch Corn Bunting Fieldfare ... Magic of morning New photos of landscapes New voices of birds New Wildlife Video "Beauty of Nature" New Wildlife Video "Black Grouse Lekking" New slideshow "Beauty of the Earth!" New article "Divine Teachers � about Upbringing of Children" All Updates To become able to love the Creator � we must learn firstly to love the Creation!

    9. Womens Unique Connection To Nature Is Explored In Special Issue Of Ecopsychology
    those differences affect a woman's sense of self, body image, and drive to protect and preserve the environment are explored in a thoughtprovoking special issue of ecopsychology
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        Posted In: Environment By EurekAlert Friday, October 29, 2010 document.write("Email")
        Print tweetmeme_source = 'RandDMagazine'; Share Ecopsychology is a peer-reviewed journal that explores the relationship between environmental issues and mental health and well-being. The journal examines the psychological, spiritual, and therapeutic aspects of human-nature relationships, concern...
        Click here for more information.

        New Rochelle, NY, October 29, 2010 - Women experience and interact with their natural surroundings in ways that differ from men. The way in which those differences affect a woman's sense of self, body image, and drive to protect and preserve the environment are explored in a thought-provoking special issue of Ecopsychology , a peer-reviewed, online journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. ( ). The entire issue is available free online at Guest Editors Britain Scott, PhD, from the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN) and Lisa Lynch, PhD, from Antioch University (Seattle, WA) present a collection of articles that encompass observations and theories on how female gender, motherhood, human nature, and gender-based societal norms influence a woman's self-perception and behavior. Topics focus on what women may gain from interacting with their surroundings on a sensory level and how they may benefit from nature-based therapies. In the article "Babes and the Woods: Women's Objectification and the Feminine Beauty Ideal as Ecological Hazards," Dr. Scott explains how cultural norms that promote a view of women as sex objects have led women to become preoccupied with, and generally critical of, their bodies. This feeling among women that they fall short of the feminine beauty ideal has a negative impact on their attitude toward, and ability to connect with, the environment.

    10. Dennis Merritt - Madison And Milwaukee Jungian Analyst And Ecopsychologist
    Contains five related articles on the website of Dennis Merritt, Jungian analyst, in the ecopsychology section.
    Dennis Merritt, Ph.D
    Jungian Analyst, Ecopsychologist
    Sandplay Therapist, LCSW, MA, SC
    The Integral Psychology Center
    1619 Monroe Street
    Madison, Wisconsin 53711
    Tel: (608) 255-9330 ext.5 Fax: (608) 255-7810
    The Cambridge Group
    6110 N. Port Washington Road Glendale, WI 53217
    (Milwaukee County)
    Tel: (414) 332-7400 ext. 114 Fax: (414) 963-6866 E-mail:
    Curriculum Vitae
    Welcome to the web site of Dennis Merritt, Ph.D., Jungian psychoanalyst, therapist/psychotherapist and ecopsychologist. I have been in private practice in Madison and Milwaukee,Wisconsin since l983 working with individual adults across the spectrum of mental disorders and life's difficulties. Dream work and use of the I Ching in analysis are my fortes, and I incorporate sandplay therapy as a subtle yet powerful form of active imagination (see topics listed below). I integrate elements of psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, brief therapy and Winnicott into a Jungian ecopsychological perspective. Ecopsychology can be described as the psychology of ecology and the ecology of psyc ho logy. The model of the individual in relation to the unconscious is similar to a human in relation to other humans and to the environment. My concept of Jungian ecopsychology incorporates the scientific understanding of the human niche in nature and attachment theory as defining elements in relationships at all levels. Application of complexity theory to the symbolic realm inhabited by humans describes the deep transformations undergone in the psychoanalytic process. The goal and the process is encapsulated by the Chinese ideogram for the Sage, "The ear listening to Inner King".

    11. Ecopsychology
    New Online Journal to Launch in 2009! The new peerreviewed online journal ecopsychology will explore the relationships between the environment

    12. Studies In Ecopsychology
    Lewis Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling Course descriptions of all ecopsychology courses, and information about instructors.
    @import ""; Graduate School Counseling Psychology Specialty Studies Studies in Ecopsychology
    Counseling Psychology Home
    Faculty Community Counseling Program Addiction Studies Program ... A-Z Site Index
    Studies in Ecopsychology
    Courses in Ecopsychology
    CPSY 590 Foundations of Ecopsychology
    This course provides an introduction to ecopsychology practices in counseling and surveys related research-based approaches, such as environmental and conservation psychology, that study the restorative effects of natural settings and ways that individuals develop environment identities. Students will be guided toward self-reflection regarding their own environmental identity, their motivations for integrating environmental approaches into counseling, and ways to integrate ecopsychology into their existing theory and practice base. A key outcome will be learning to evaluate diverse knowledge claims that coexist under the ecopsychology paradigm. This course provides a foundation for further study in areas such as the psychology of advocacy and sustainability, eco-therapy, and wilderness therapy.
    Prerequisite: None.

    13. Educating, Counseling And Healing With Nature: Ecopsychology In Action
    Online grant funded courses degrees include life experience; alternative organic therapy coaching holistic health; teacher career training; Reiki outdoor environmental ecology
    • Nature-connected courses, jobs and Ecopsychology degree programs that increase personal, social and environmental well-being... s ubsidized ands-on ...interactive...guaranteed effective...
      ..Ecotherapy... Integral Ecology. TRUST SAFELY: Learn how to consistantly think and feel as well as you do when your are having a
      good experience in nature. Obtain self-empowering career credentials. Strengthen your livelihood. B e, and help others be, an avatar for
      change that improves all of life. This is the Homepage for:
    Project NatureConnect
    I nstitute of G lobal E ducation, Dept. of Integrated Ecology
    Special Consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
    P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA
    Founder/Director Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
    Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) Practical, green, online degree programs, courses and holistic career training based on Natural Attraction Ecology Contact Jobs/Careers Application ... Free SPECIAL NOTE: Explore the best sequence of steps that lead to attaining a certificate or degree.

    14. Expressive Ecopsychology (Studio Arts) - Visual Arts Department - UW-Superior
    Visual Arts Department. University of WisconsinSuperior. Holden Fine and Applied Arts Center 3101 Belknap and Catlin P.O. Box 2000 Superior, WI 54880

    An organization that promotes environmental awareness and social change through the arts and ecopsychological principles.

    16. MA Transpersonal Psychology: Ecopsychology
    ecopsychology degree concentration integrates psychology and ecology in the study of humannature relationships. At Naropa University, contemplative practice and transpersonal
    About Admissions Academics Student Life ... President's Office Ecopsychology Program Home What is Ecopsychology? Foundations Contemplative Education ... Apply Ecopsychology MA in Transpersonal Psychology The Ecopsychology degree concentration integrates psychology and ecology in the study of human-nature relationships. At Naropa University, contemplative practice and transpersonal psychology provide a foundation for this integration.
    In the second summer students come to Boulder for two courses that run back to back and last two weeks (PSYT 520 and PSYT 685). PSYT 520, The Psychology of Wilderness Experience, runs from June 5-12, 2010 and PSYT 685, Ecopsychology Training, runs from June 15-20, 2010.
    Each year, students take two courses on campus in the summer and two courses online in both fall and spring semesters. Students also attend a three-day course in Boulder each winter. The first year is devoted to study of ecopsychology, ecology, transpersonal psychology and contemplative practice. In the second year, students complete both intellectual and service-learning projects, in addition to taking elective courses. Educational objectives
    • To provide a thorough overview of the intellectual, philosophical and practical aspects of ecopsychology.

    17. Teaching Psychology For Sustainability: A Manual Of Resources
    Since the early 1990s, ecopsychology has been primarily concerned with healing that disconnect through therapeutic techniques that encourage mindfulness, daily ritual, heightened

    18. EcoPsychology Home
    ecopsychology weaves together numerous approaches to the relationship between human beings and the rest of the natural world.
    Ginny's Book:

    Circling San Francisco Bay
    ... Testimonials
    Eco-Psychology with Ginny Anderson, PhD
    Journeys and Workshops:
    The Feminine at This Moment of Transformation

    Last of the Lineage

    Circling San Francisco Bay

    Intergenerational Walks

    Trail Teller:
    Ginny's Ecopsychology Blog
    Special Events and Presentations: Click on any item for more information or visit our events page for a complete list. Oral Traditions Night - Oct 14 Conferences and Retreats: Earth Medicine Alliance Conference: Sacred Mountains of the Bay Area San Francisco, Ca. About: Eco-Psychology Shamanism Feminist Spirituality About Ginny Contact: Phone: (650)323-4494 Email:
    Ginny Anderson, Ph.D, - Ecopsychologist
    Ginny Anderson is an ecopsychologist Ginny enjoys speaking about ecopsychology at conferences, on the radio, and to groups in churches, schools, and other community settings. She helps couples and groups strengthen their bonds by taking them to places in nature that especially support communication, personal sharing, and creative insight. Group work related to personal transformation may take the form of day-long events, spirituality retreats, a series of outdoor journeys exploring a specific topic, or an issue inspired by something taking place in the natural world. While she works primarily in the Bay Area, she is available for travel to sacred sites around the world.

    19. Ecopsychology | Define Ecopsychology At
    Main Entry ecopsychology Part of Speech n Definition environmental psychology Example ecopsychology studies the relationship of humans to other species and ecosystems

    20. Ecopsychology:
    Outline I. Introduction A. Poem by Mary Oliver B. Overview of ecopsychology 1.Need for change 2.What is ecopsychology 3. Definition of Terms a. ecopsychology b. biophilia c.ecological
    A Combination of Ecology, Psychology and Religion
    Tina Nussbaum
    I. Introduction A. Poem by Mary Oliver B. Overview of Ecopsychology 1.Need for change 2.What is Ecopsychology 3. Definition of Terms a. ecopsychology b. biophilia c.ecological unconscious d. ecological ego 4. Actions a. inreach, upreach, outreach b. ecotherapy c. ecoeducation II. Need for Ecopsychology A. Alienation 1. allows humans to destroy nature 2. becoming in touch with nature B. Healing 1. physically and psychologically troubled 2. linking depression to the state of nature 3. hidden grief C. Modern Culture 1. psychological dissonance through technology 2. alternatives to nature 3.distance from nature III. Religious Aspect A. Anne Frank quote B. Spiritual aspect of nature 1. Jesus' work 2. Hymns a. examples IV. Applied Ecopsychology through Ecotherapy A. General Overview 1. by persons other than ecopsychologists 2. see larger world 3. wellness checkup ( appendix A ) 4. ecological story B. 5 Steps in Ecotherapy 1. ecological story 2. express pain and guilt of natural environent 3.connect with natural world 4. earth-caring actions 5. develop self-care fitness plan C.

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