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81. Wild World @ Nationalgeographic.com Maps, descriptions, and index to 687 ecoregions across the globe. Javascript required. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/wildworld/terrestrial.html |
82. Panel On Vegetation Classification Constituted by the Ecological Society of America to support and facilitate the creation of standardized, scientifically credible North American vegetation type classification. http://www.esa.org/vegweb/ | |
83. Ecoregions, Biological Diversity, Wildlife Habitat Management Detailed descriptions and images of the world s ecoregions. Javascript required. http://www.worldwildlife.org/wildplaces/about.cfm | |
84. SLU - Skogsekologi (ej Aktuell) Research and publications. http://www.sek.slu.se/ | |
85. Budongo Conservation Field Station Conducts research into the ecology of the Budongo Forest in Uganda, to understand the relationships between biodiversity, forest management practices, timber extraction and use by the local population. http://www.budongo.org | |
86. Centre Of Excellence For Forest Ecology And Management 2000-2005 Research at the University of Joensuu, Finland. http://www.joensuu.fi/forestcentre/ | |
87. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Current research programs of the STRI in the Republic of Panama. http://www.si.edu/stri/What_we_do/Forest_Ecology.html | |
88. Alberta Centre For Boreal Research Information about the ecology and management of boreal forests in western Canada. http://www.borealcentre.ca | |
89. Rainforest Canopy—Introduction Overview, history of access methods, photographs, trees, ephiphytes, vines and lianas, and animals. http://rainforests.mongabay.com/0401.htm | |
90. Weishampel, John F. Landscape ecology. Curriculum vitae and links. http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~jweisham/ | |
91. Phil Has Moved To Canopy Quest Canopy ecology. Profile, projects, photographs, canopy species reference guide, and links. http://www.canopyaccess.com/Phil/ | |
92. Dimitrios Biliouris Remote sensing, canopy modelling, tree architecture. Includes essays and links. http://perswww.kuleuven.ac.be/~u0039396/ | |
93. Dr.Nalini Nadkarni - Home Forest canopy studies, temperate and tropical rainforest ecology and conservation. Profile. http://academic.evergreen.edu/n/nadkarnn/ |
94. California Artificial Reef Enhancement Program Promotes awareness and understanding of artificial reefs in California s coastal environment. http://www.calreefs.org/ | |
95. Beach Nourishment - Coastal Geology of barrier islands. including formation, environment, morphology, and types....... http://www.csc.noaa.gov/beachnourishment/html/geo/barrier.htm | |
96. Habitats - Sand Dunes Information on open beaches, with focus on dune formation, ecology, and management http://www.mesa.edu.au/habitat/dunes01.asp | |
97. Coral Reef Facts And Information Structure, composition and marine life of coral reefs, by a professional marine biologist http://www.coral-reef-info.com/ | |
98. A Thousand And One Prairies Provides a directory of over a thousand external links to prairie within the United States and Canada. http://www.1001prairies.com/ |
99. Tussock Grasslands Management Information System Information about the ecology and management of the tussock grasslands of New Zealand. http://www.tussocks.net.nz/ |
100. Grand Prairie Friends | Home Illinois nonprofit agency committed to protecting tallgrass prairie. http://grandprairiefriends.org/ | |
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