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21. Ecotoxicology The term ecotoxicology was coined by Ren Truhaut in 1969 who defined it as the branch of toxicology concerned with the study of toxic effects, caused by natural or http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Ecotoxicology |
22. Polish Society Of Ecotoxicology ecotoxicology in the real world. Polish Society of ecotoxicology Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Central and Eastern Europe Branch http://www.eko.uj.edu.pl/ecotox/2009/ | |
23. Harlan - Animal Research Laboratory - Contract Research Services Contract research services offers an extensive range of ecotoxicology and biodegradation tests required for the chemical, agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. http://www.harlan.com/ | |
24. Ecotoxicology - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ecotoxicology |
25. Genetic And Molecular Ecotoxicology: A Research Framework Genetic and Molecular ecotoxicology A Research Framework, genetic, molecular, ecotoxicology, biomarkers, genotypes, genotoxic, global pollution, populations, ecosystems http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/members/1994/Suppl-12/3-8anderson/andersonreview-full.h | |
26. Environmental Toxicology WWWIndex Chemie Internet-resources. See also cross-references to related topics on the left side. http://www.chemlin.de/chemistry/ecotoxicology.htm | |
27. Ecotoxsolutions - For Solutions And Training In Ecotoxicology, Ecology And Fishe Offers consultancy services in ecotoxicology, ecology, fishery science and risk assessment, support for product registration under REACH, approved training courses on test methods, test strategies and animal welfare in aquatic ecotoxicology. http://www.ecotoxsolutions.com | |
28. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Fish Health Program - Environmental Conservation The core mission of the ecotoxicology and Environmental Fish Health Program is to determine the impacts of human activities on the health of wild fish, especially Pacific salmon http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/research/divisions/ec/ecotox/index.cfm | |
29. ECETOC - European Centre For Ecotoxicology And Toxicology Of Chemicals Homepage ECETOC is a scientific, nonprofit making, association with a mission to act as an independent, credible, peer-reviewed technical resource to all concerned with the identification http://www.ecetoc.org/ | |
30. Shannon Bard's Ecotoxicology Lab Dr. Shannon Mala Bard Dalhousie University . Massachusetts Institute of Technology Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 2001 Ph.D. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellow http://www.ecotoxicology.ca/ | |
31. Ecotoxicology | Ask.com Encyclopedia The term ecotoxicology was coined by Ren Truhaut in 1969 who defined it as the branch of toxicology concerned with the study of toxic effects, caused by natural or synthetic http://www.ask.com/wiki/Ecotoxicology?qsrc=3044 |
32. Mote Marine Laboratory Karenia brevis, the phytoplankton responsible for Florida's red tide. Director Dr. Richard Pierce Mote's Center for ecotoxicology investigates natural and manmade http://www.mote.org/index.php?submenu=SCIENCE&src=gendocs&ref=Ecotoxicol |
33. Ecotoxicology ecotoxicology Investigating the impacts of chemical pollutants on wildlife organisms. Brunel University has a long history of pioneering research in this field starting in 1978 when http://www.brunel.ac.uk/about/acad/ife/research_new/ecotox | |
34. Avian And Wildlife Toxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment, Toxicologist, Ecotoxi Ardea Consulting provides avian and wildlife toxicology and ecotoxicology guidance to engineering and environmental firms, government agencies, businesses and nongovernmental http://ardeacon.com/ | |
35. Ecotoxicology At Covance Covance offers a wide range of ecotoxicology studies to identify the effects of chemicals on nontarget organisms. http://www.covance.com/products/environmental/ecotoxicology/index.php | |
36. Ecotoxicology@Everything2.com ecotoxicology involves the study of the propagation of toxin s or other harmful substances through an ecosystem. This applies to both natural and manmade toxic substances. http://everything2.com/title/ecotoxicology |
37. Ecotoxicology Online available information resources on environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology. ecotoxicology. ecotoxicology is a scientific branch that concerned with the study of toxic effects http://www.internetchemie.info/chemistry/ecotoxicology.htm |
38. Ecotoxicology Research ecotoxicology. ecotoxicology is the extension of toxicology (the science of the effects of poisons on individual organisms) to the ecological effects of toxic substances. http://webs.csu.edu/~epeters/Research/Ecotoxicology.html | |
39. Ecotoxicology | Define Ecotoxicology At Dictionary.com Main Entry ecotoxicology Part of Speech n. Definition See ecotoxic http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ecotoxicology |
40. Ecotoxicology Services And Toxicology Services For Acute Toxicity | LAB Research The ecotoxicology department at LAB Research has more than 20 years of experience in supporting the studies for agrochemical registration and industrial chemical notification. http://www.labresearch.com/ecotoxicology.htm | |
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