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1. The Australian Centre For Egyptology Welcome. Welcome to the new Australian Centre for egyptology website! We have been working hard on its redevelopment over the past few months and hope http://www.egyptology.mq.edu.au/ |
2. Reeder's Egypt Page Some unusual aspects of ancient egypt dealing with art, archaeology, religion and history of Egypt. http://www.egyptology.com/reeder/ | |
3. EGYPTOLOGY.COM egyptology.com presents http://www.egyptology.com/ | |
4. Egyptology Bibliographies. NNDB has added thousands of bibliographies for people, organizations, schools, and general topics, listing more than 50,000 books and 120,000 other kinds of references http://www.nndb.com/topics/693/000180153/ | |
5. The Manchester Museum Collection Database Includes illustrated searchable catalog of its collection. http://emu.man.ac.uk/mmcustom/EgyptQuery.php | |
6. Egyptology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia egyptology (from Egypt and Greekλογία, -logia. Arabic علم المصريات ) is a major field of archaeology, the study of ancient Egyptian history, language http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptology | |
7. The Ancient Egypt Site - Egyptology The study of the culture, language and history of Ancient Egypt http://www.ancient-egypt.org/glossary/miscellaneous/egyptology.html | |
8. Egyptology UK - The Online Home Of The Sussex Egyptology Society Home of Sussex egyptology Society (SES), one of Britain's most successful regional egyptology groups and gateway to the wonders of Egypt's ancient civilisation. http://www.egyptology-uk.com/ | |
9. Scottish Egyptology Listing of museums and overview of collections in Scotland. http://www.akhet.co.uk/scotland.htm |
10. Egyptology: Definition From Answers.com n. The study of the culture and artifacts of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Egyptological E gyp ' to log ' i cal ( ĭjĭp ' tə-lŏj ' ĭ-kəl ) adj. Egyptologist E http://www.answers.com/topic/egyptology |
11. Distance Learning Degrees Egyptology Article Distance learning degrees in egyptology are a new topic that is an extension of the growing availability of unusual and interesting courses of study through online education methods http://www.christianet.com/distancelearning/distancelearningegyptology.htm | |
12. Egyptology - UCLA Library Public Wiki The UCLA Library egyptology collections support undergraduate, graduate, teaching, and research activities for a number of campus academic departments, organized research units http://wiki.library.ucla.edu/wiki/index.php?title=Egyptology |
13. HowStuffWorks "Egyptology " egyptology was born when the Rosetta Stone translation allowed scholars to read years of Egyptian history. Discover egyptology and the Rosetta Stone. http://history.howstuffworks.com/rosetta-stone5.htm | |
14. Ancient Egypt, By Sjef Willockx The history, religion, art and architecture of Ancient Egypt in selected topics http://www.egyptology.nl/ | |
15. Egyptology MA ~ Postgraduate Taught ~ University Of Liverpool egyptology MA. The MA in egyptology is designed for graduates in Archaeology, egyptology or a related discipline who wish to deepen their knowledge of Egyptian language and/or http://www.liv.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught_courses/egyptology_ma.htm | |
16. Egyptology (album) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia egyptology is an album by World Party released in 1997, rereleased in 2006. It contained the 31 British single Beautiful Dream and the award-winning She's the One, among other http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptology_(album) | |
17. Caroline Seawright's Egyptology Page My egyptology Column. Pharaoh Hatshepsut When this page is complete, hopfully you'll have gained some understanding of Egypt and of some of the gods and goddesses and pharaohs who http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/egypt/egypt.html | |
18. Egyptology (study Of Pharaonic Egypt) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia egyptology (study of pharaonic Egypt), the study of pharaonic Egypt, spanning the period c. 4500 bce to ce 641. egyptology began when the scholars accompanying Napoleon http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/180830/Egyptology | |
19. Luxor Egyptology Luxor egyptology Society the only egyptology Society based in Luxor http://luxoregyptology.org/ | |
20. UCLA Egyptology Welcome to the Homepage of egyptology at UCLA. UCLA egyptology is proud to present our two newest projects, The Karnak Virtual Reality Model and The UCLA Encyclopedia http://www.egyptology.ucla.edu/ | |
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