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41. Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer: Electron Microscopy Interactive Java Tu This interactive tutorial explores imaging of a variety of specimens in a Scanning Electron Microscope. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/electronmicroscopy/magnify1/index.html | |
42. Cementitious Materials Specialists in applying microscopic techniques to problems with cementitious materials. United Kingdom based company offering scanning electron microscopy consultancy services to clients worldwide. http://www.whd.co.uk/ | |
43. Electron Microscope: Definition From Answers.com In biological and medical research the development of sectioning techniques has extended electron microscopy down to observations at the macromolecular level for delineation of the http://www.answers.com/topic/electron-microscope |
44. GAeN Website Prof. J. Arbiol and his group are developing and applying electron nanoscopy and microscopy tools to characterize a wide variety of materials including semiconductors, superconductors, magnetic materials, metals and catalysts. http://www.icmab.cat/gaen/ |
45. Electron Microscopy There are a lot of labs out there with electron microscopes. But you don't come to a lab for just a pretty picture. You come for meaningful results. http://www.macslab.com/electron.html | |
46. EMfocal.com | Electron Microscopy Information And Community Center Community information portal for the extended field of electron microscopy (TEM, SEM, FIB, STEM, AFM, STM, XRD, EDS, EELS, XPS, tomography, optics). http://www.emfocal.com |
47. Wright Lab @ Emory University Emory University Orders Two JEOL CryoTEMs for Expanding the Electron Microscopy Core. Emory University Selects JEOL Cryo-TEMs, Phase Plate Tech. for Electron Microscopy Core http://electronmicroscopy.emory.edu/ | |
48. Bugscope: Home Educational outreach project of the World Wide Laboratory. The primary goal of the Bugscope project is to demonstrate that relatively low cost, sustainable access to a scanning electron microscope can be made available to K-12 classrooms. http://bugscope.beckman.uiuc.edu/ | |
49. STM Project - An Amateur Scanning Tunneling Microscope An amateur project to build a scanning tunneling microscope, including detailed descriptions of mechanics, electronics and software. http://www.e-basteln.de/ | |
50. MAC Calibration Standards For SEM TEM BSD BSED STEM Offers reference standards for the following micro-analysis systems AUGER, BSED, EDX, SEM, STEM, TEM, WDX, XRF and micro-probe. Also manufactures calibration standards for BSED and scanning electron microscope. http://www.kvision.nl/Producten/MAC/MAC.html |
51. E.M. Processing. University Of Bristol, School Of Clinical Veterinary Science. Electron Microscopy specimen preparation and other related information. http://www.bristol.ac.uk/vetpath/cpl/emtechs.htm | |
52. Electron Microprobe Facility for non-destructive chemical analyses of solids using a JEOL 8900 Electron Probe Microanalyzer. http://probelab.geo.umn.edu/ | |
53. JoAnn Buchanan  Electron Microscopist at Stanford University provides images and techniques of organisms including zebrafish, mouse, Drosophila and cultured cells. http://www.stanford.edu/~redhair/JoAnn_Buchanan/Welcome.html | |
54. Electron Microscopy Home Literature Downloads Feedback Aim Examples Problems + solutions EM at ETH Further information . Aim of this Website. Since the first transmission http://www.microscopy.ethz.ch/elmi-home.htm | |
55. Electron Microscopy | UW Medicine Pathology Information on the University of Washington and the Department of Patholgy. Includes informative description of breakdown of departments as well as employees. This site also http://www.pathology.washington.edu/clinical/em/ | |
56. Analytical Testing Laboratory | Our Laboratory Provides Scanning Electron Micros Provides full service microscopy consulting and analytical services for SEM-EDS, 3-D metrology and optical microscopy. http://www.atl.semtechsolutions.com | |
57. Electron Microscopy | Advanced Biotechnologies Inc When your research requires a highresolution image of viral or biological specimens at an ultrastructural level, ABI’s Electron Microscopy department offers many options to suit http://www.abionline.com/services/electronmicroscopy | |
58. SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy By Smartech Offers to generate high resolution photo realistic digital SEM images, from 15 to 20,000 times in magnification, with either a conventional or backscattered electron detector. http://www.semguy.com/ | |
59. MIT: CMSE: Electron Microscopy The MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE) is devoted to creating and understanding materials. We foster collaborative interdisciplinary research and education http://web.mit.edu/cmse/facilities/electron.html | |
60. Austrian Centre For Electron Microscopy And Nanoanalysis, FELMI-ZFE, TU Graz, Au FELMI offers training and provides online advice on techniques used in electron microscopy from Graz, Austria. http://www.felmi-zfe.at/ | |
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