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81. MEMS Processing Equipment & EM Supplies - Tousimis Provides Electron Microscopy (EM) chemicals and supplies. http://tousimis.com/ |
82. ImagiNations - What Is Electron Microscopy? What is Electron Microscopy? Electron Microscopy involves the study of different specimens by using an electron microscope. http://www.lehigh.edu/~inimagin/whatisem.html | |
83. Â Â Â Â Â Electron Microscopy Supplies From CANEMCO & MARIVAC Canadian suppliers of materials used in electron microscopy. http://www.canemco.com/ | |
84. Electron Microscopy | Madison Area Technical College The Electron Microscopy program is a twoyear program in which students learn to operate electron microscopes and related equipment, both scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM). http://matcmadison.edu/plus/electron-microscopy | |
85. Aurélien Masseboeuf Work Page PhD. Electron Microscopy and Micromagnetism. Research interests, CV, list of publications, and image gallery. http://aurelien.masseboeuf.free.fr | |
86. Www.napchan.com Home Page Software developed by DLM Enterprises dealing with electron trajectories for conditions normally used in scanning and transmission electron microscopy. http://www.napchan.com | |
87. Microscopy Vendors Online database of microscopy vendors from optical and electron microscopy, spectroscopy, microanalysis, spare parts, and image analysis. http://www.kaker.com/mvd/vendors.html | |
88. Lehigh Microscopy School PA school offers short courses each June on electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and microanalysis. http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/ |
89. Czechoslovak Microscopy Society (Home Page) Lists news, meetings, membership details, and links to other societies and microscopy resources in the Czech Republic. http://www.csem.isibrno.cz/ | |
90. Dr. R. S. Daniel HomePage Biology and electron microscopy expertise. Based in California. http://www.csupomona.edu/~rsdaniel/ | |
91. Electron Microscopy Unit Snow Contains pictures of snow taken by high powered microscopes. http://emu.arsusda.gov/snowsite/ | |
92. Welcome To The Walter Reed Army Medical Center A hospital-based laboratory offering a full range of clinical and anatomic services including electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, transfusion medicine and autopsy services. http://www.wramc.amedd.army.mil/Patients/healthcare/pathology/Pages/default.aspx | |
93. Magnesium Deficiency, Cardiac Risk Screening Using Scanning Electron Microscopy: EXA test for magnesium deficiency, cardiac risk, cardiovascular disease, mineral electrolyte imbalance, osteoporosis, fatigue, using analytical electron microscopy http://www.exatest.com/ | |
94. Electron Microscope (SEM,TEM) Facility @ UofA Provides information on booking the use of the microscope, together with links on electron microscopy, plus sample electron micrographs at the Surgical Medical Research Institute. http://www.ualberta.ca/~mingchen/ | |
95. Rotech Laboratories Limited - UK Based Metallurgical Testing And Advisory Servic Materials testing analysis and consultancy, offering failure investigation, scanning electron microscopy and EDS, and fastener testing. http://www.rotechlabs.co.uk/ |
96. Denton Vacuum, LLC - Thin Film Coating Systems Manufactures systems for vacuum deposition for electron microscopy, precision optics, electronics, and ophthalmic applications. New Jersey. http://www.dentonvacuum.com/ | |
97. Labor Dr. C. H. Weischer Laboratory offers services in material and environmental research by means of electron microscopy and scanning force microscopy, image analysis, scientific consulting and seminars. Bonn, Germany. http://www.biomedicalinnovation.de | |
98. Index The electron microscopy and X-ray Diffraction facility offers services to the academic and industry communities and informs about facilities, services and hourly user fee rates. http://www.physics.bc.edu/EMXRD/index.html | |
99. Ultrasound, Scanning Electron Microscopy And Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectros Comparison of results investigating the hydration process in cementitious materials. Methods used are ultrasound, scanning electron microscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. http://www.ndt.net/article/v06n05/reinhard/reinhard.htm | |
100. Nanopage Malcolm Brown s Nanopage ongoing research in the structure and synthesis of nanostructures and high resolution transmission electron microscopy and specialized light microscopy. http://www.botany.utexas.edu/facstaff/facpages/mbrown/nanopage/ | |
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