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Enculturated Apes: more detail |
1. The Generalization Of Deferred Imitation During the course of development, humans treat enculturated apes as intentional agents. In contrast, wild chimpanzees do not treat their offspring in such a manner. http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/InstituteofCognitionCulture/FileUploadPage/Filetoup |
2. Question - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Enculturated apes Kanzi, Washoe, Sarah and a few others who underwent extensive language training programs (with the use of gestures and other visual forms of communications http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question | |
3. Language And The Orang-utan: The Old 'Person' Of The Forest, By H. Lyn White Mil Ethically speaking, enculturated apes are analogous to children. This analogy is particularly significant since the law protects http://www.animal-rights-library.com/texts-m/whitemiles01.htm | |
4. UTC Sociology Anthropology And Geography | Lyn Miles of the Chantek Foundation, and President of ApeNet, a consortium of foundations and celebrities founded by British musician Peter Gabriel to support enculturated apes and http://www.utc.edu/Academic/SociologyAnthropologyAndGeography/staff/lyn-miles.ph |
5. The WhatUseek Directory - Anthropology Archaeology *(2592) Museums *(25) Biological Anthropology (35) Organizations (26) Cultural Anthropology (166) Publications (16) Enculturated Apes (16) http://dir.whatuseek.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology/ | |
6. Miles 1994 "Ape Language" Studies And The Study Of Human Language Origins. If the linguistic and cognitive abilities of enculturated apes can be only matched by late hominids, it shows the importance of culture to human evolution. http://www.jimdavies.org/summaries/miles1994.html | |
7. The Sapient Paradox: Can Cognitive Neuroscience Solve It? — Brain Hutchins's claim (bound to be controversial among researchers who work on primate behaviour) is that the apparent symbolic competence of enculturated apes http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/lookup/resid/awn290?view=full&uritype=cgi |
8. Untitled Document Some report that enculturated apes those raised in human environments do act more like human children in these situations. See how attentive the child under three http://pubpages.unh.edu/~jel/video/social_brain_ToM.html | |
9. Babel's Dawn: Protolanguage Builds On Mimicry Zlatev makes the interesting point that protolanguage itself, that is language at the level of a 24month old, can be leaned by “enculturated” apes who have been raised and http://www.babelsdawn.com/babels_dawn/2009/09/protolanguage_builds_on_mimicry.ht | |
10. Behavioral Genetics And Evolutionary Psychology: Unified Perspective On Personal Ed. by Bruce evidence from enculturated apes); early stress; behavioral genetics; determinants of pubertal timing; functional aspects http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P3-27663264.html |
11. How Global Is Global Semiosis? Going Beyond Sebeok's Paradox of the minor tradition ) that human language is one of a kind, in no way comparable to any non verbal communication system used even by higher animals, such an enculturated apes http://filserver.arthist.lu.se/kultsem/pdf/Globalsemiosis.pdf |
12. William M. Fields - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia William M. Fields (born 1949), also known by the lexigram, is an American qualitative investigator studying language, culture, and tools in nonhuman primates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_M._Fields | |
13. Why Are Some Animals So Clever? These socalled enculturated apes acquired a surprising set of skills, effortlessly imitating complex behaviorunderstanding pointing, for example, and even some human http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Uk/uk.philosophy.humanism/2006-04/msg002 | |
14. Zoology Projects Enculturated Apes Endocrinology Echiura Evolutionary Basis for Animal Behavior Genetic Basis for Animal Behavior Invertibrate Biodiversity http://www.madscitech.org/projects/zoology.html | |
15. From Proto-mimesis To Language Evidence From Primatology And More empirically, it has been convincingly shown that (even nonenculturated) apes are in fact capable of some forms of imitation, e.g. (Custance, Whiten, Bard, 1995; Whiten, 2000 http://sedsu.org/Pdf/ArticlesForPage/Zlatev_JPP-final.pdf |
16. UTC Professor Meets McCartney The goal of the foundation is to create a culture and conservation center where Chantek and other enculturated apes would reside, and use tools, computers, art http://www.utc.edu/Administration/UniversityRelations/newsreleases/homenews/beat | |
17. Question | Ask.com Encyclopedia Enculturated apes Kanzi, Washoe, Sarah and a few others who underwent extensive language training programs (with the use of gestures and other visual forms of communications http://www.ask.com/wiki/Question?qsrc=3044 |
18. Orangutans ( Pongo Pygmaeus ) And Bonobos ( Pan Paniscus ) Point This is important because there have been some indications that the gestural communication of enculturated apes may be particularly sophisticated (Call and Tomasello 1996 ). http://www.eva.mpg.de/psycho/pdf/Publications_2009_PDF/Zimmermann_et_al_2009.pdf |
19. THE HUMAN ADAPTATION FOR CULTURE Enculturated Apes It maybe objected that there are a number of convincing observations of chimpanzeeimitation in the literature, and indeed there area few. http://www.cogsci.msu.edu/DSS/2002-2003/Tomasello/The_human_adaptation_for_cultu |
20. Comparing The Imitative Skills Of Children And Nonhuman Apes Apes, on the other hand, appear to focus solely on the results of demonstrations (although there is some suggestive evidence that enculturated apes may copy actions and goals more http://primatologie.revues.org/263 | |
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