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61. Reason Foundation - Phthalates And Human Health Discusses human health concerns and public health benefits related to plasticizers, which are chemicals used to soften normally-rigid PVC, or polyvinyl chloride plastics. http://www.reason.org/peg2.html |
62. EUROPA - Environment - Endocrine Disrupters european commission, endocrine disrupters website seek to provide the basic principles on endocrine disruptors and introduce the central issues giving a number of reports and http://ec.europa.eu/environment/endocrine/index_en.htm | |
63. WWF - Sustainable Goods And Services - Creating A Sustainable Marketplace Information from the WWF on toxic chemicals in the environment. Focus on endocrine disruptors, persistent organic pesticides (POPs) and agricultural pesticides. http://www.worldwildlife.org/toxics/ | |
64. NRDC: Endocrine Disruption - Overview We are working to get endocrine disruptors listed under these important right to know laws so their emissions to air, water, and land can be tracked and reported, and so that if http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/bendrep.asp | |
65. Home » Health Care Without Harm Collaborative campaign for environmentally responsible health care made up of more than 250 organizations. Work to transform the health care industry so it is no longer a source of environmental harm by eliminating pollution in health care. Also information on endocrine disruptors. http://www.noharm.org/ | |
66. Science NetLinks: Making Good Decisions 7C Social Change 2 The decisions of one generation both provide and limit the range of possibilities open to the next generation . 7D Social Tradeoffs 1 Benefits and costs http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/lessons.php?BenchmarkID=7&DocID=407 |
67. Blue Water Technologies, Inc., Blue PRO Phosphorus Removal Process, Advanced Was Offers new technologies to remove phosphorus, nitrate, arsenic, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors and other contaminants from drinking and wastewater utilizing a gravity sand filter system. http://www.blueh2o.net/ | |
68. Endocrine Disruptors/PPCPs - Professional And Technical Resources - AWWA AWWA Public Affairs Director addresses recent news on pharmaceuticals in US water resources http://www.awwa.org/Resources/topicspecific.cfm?ItemNumber=3647&navItemNumbe |
69. Environmental Contaminants Program Home Page, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, En (1) In addition, endocrine disruptors may affect not just the offspring of mothers exposed to endocrine disruptors during pregnancy, but future offspring as well. http://www.fws.gov/contaminants/Issues/EndocrineDisruptors.cfm | |
70. TEDX — The Endocrine Disruption Exchange Chemicals Used in Natural Gas Operations http://www.endocrinedisruption.com/home.php | |
71. On Tap Magazine -Cover Winter 2003 National Drinking Water Clearinghouse West Virginia University P.O. Box 6064 Morgantown, WV 265066064 They're in the Water They Make Fish Change Sex http://www.nesc.wvu.edu/ndwc/articles/OT/WI03/endocrine_disrupt.html | |
72. EESJ - Endocrine Disruptors Case Study. Questions to Ponder and Discuss. Theo Colburn is listed as an author of Our Stolen Future , and she is referenced to in third person in the chapter we included in this http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/eesj/casestudies/endocrine.html | |
73. Articles - Endocrine Disruptors Group University Of Missouri-Columbia Frederick Articles (in pdf) Problems with viewing some of these pdfs? Get the latest free Acrobat Reader. Myers, J.P. and vom Saal, F.S. Should public health standards for endocrine http://endocrinedisruptors.missouri.edu/pdfarticles/pdflist.html | |
74. Hormone Disruptors - Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals And Endocrine System Disorde Article about hormone disruptors (endocrine disrupting chemicals) and endocrine system disorders http://www.grinningplanet.com/2005/03-01/endocrine-disruptors-hormone-imbalance- | |
75. Endocrine Disruption Potential Endocrine Disruptors in the Potomac River Watershed Using Passive Samplers (PWRC) (Also related to Chemistry Passive Samplers) Reproductive Condition and Intersex http://biology.usgs.gov/contaminant/endocrine_disruption.html | |
76. BfR - Endocrine Disruptors: Substances With Harmful Effects On The Hormone Syste A/2010, 19.04.2010. Endocrine disruptors Substances with harmful effects on the hormone system. Background information for journalists The world is becoming more female was the title http://www.bfr.bund.de/cd/50525 | |
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