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         Endocrine Disruptors:     more books (100)
  1. Fluorescence of sediment humic substance and its effect on the sorption of selected endocrine disruptors [An article from: Chemosphere] by W.L. Sun, J.R. Ni, et all 2007-01-01
  2. Endocrinology: Endocrine Disruptor
  3. Endocrine Disruptors Effects on Male and Female Reproductive Systems by Rajesh K. Naz, 1999
  4. Distribution of endocrine disruptors in the Llobregat River basin (Catalonia, NE Spain) [An article from: Chemosphere] by R. Cespedes, S. Lacorte, et all
  5. Development of quantitative real-time PCR assays for fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) gonadotropin @b subunit mRNAs to support endocrine disruptor ... Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C] by D.L. Villeneuve, A.L. Miracle, et all 2007-03-01
  6. Biological assessments of a mixture of endocrine disruptors at environmentally relevant concentrations in water following UV/H"2O"2 oxidation [An article from: Science of the Total Environment, The] by P.J. Chen, E.J. Rosenfeldt, et all 2007-04-15
  7. Shift in the sexes: are endocrine disruptors changing birth ratios?(Science Selections): An article from: Environmental Health Perspectives by Julia R. Barrett, 2007-06-01
  8. Genetic mechanisms of fetal male undermasculinization: A background to the role of endocrine disruptors [An article from: Environmental Research] by I.A. Hughes, H. Martin, et all
  9. Toxicological Relevance of Endocrine Disruptors and Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water (AwwaRF Report) by Shane Snyder, 2010-06-30
  10. Increased serum estrogenic bioactivity in three male newborns with ambiguous genitalia: A potential consequence of prenatal exposure to environmental endocrine ... [An article from: Environmental Research] by F. Paris, C. Jeandel, et all
  11. To each his own: DEHP yields species-specific metabolic phenotypes.(disruptor diethylhexyl phthalate)(Science Selections)(Report): An article from: Environmental Health Perspectives by Julia R. Barrett, 2010-02-01
  12. Exposure to a complex cocktail of environmental endocrine-disrupting compounds disturbs the kisspeptin/GPR54 system in ovine hypothalamus and pituitary ... from: Environmental Health Perspectives by Michelle Bellingham, Paul A. Fowler, et all 2009-10-01
  13. Tetrahydrofurandiols (THF-diols), leukotoxindiols (LTX-diols), and endocrine disruption in rats.(Research)(Case study)(Clinical report): An article from: Environmental Health Perspectives by Barry M. Markaverich, Mary Alejandro, et all 2007-05-01
  14. Hormone-altering chemicals in everyday products.(endocrine-disrupting chemicals): An article from: World Watch by Paul W. McRandle, 2007-03-01

61. Reason Foundation - Phthalates And Human Health
Discusses human health concerns and public health benefits related to plasticizers, which are chemicals used to soften normally-rigid PVC, or polyvinyl chloride plastics.

62. EUROPA - Environment - Endocrine Disrupters
european commission, endocrine disrupters website seek to provide the basic principles on endocrine disruptors and introduce the central issues giving a number of reports and
Important legal notice document.write(''); document.write('English (en)'); document.write(' '); en EUROPA European Commission Environment Chemicals ... Workshop reports
Conscious of the potential threats from endocrine disruptors to humans and the environment the European Commission adopted a strategy in December 1999 aiming at addressing this pressing issue. The subject matter is complex and with this website we seek to provide you with the basic principles on endocrine disruptors and introduce the central issues at hand. A number of reports as well as the Commission's strategy are also presented in detail.
  • The priority list of substances for further evaluation of their role in endocrine disruption is now available as an Access-Database. The database comprises not only substances categorised in terms of priority but also the scientific information underlying the prioritisation. It can be extracted from this webpage A study to complement the "priority list" with a focus on Low Production Volume Chemicals (LPVC) was completed end of December 2006.

63. WWF - Sustainable Goods And Services - Creating A Sustainable Marketplace
Information from the WWF on toxic chemicals in the environment. Focus on endocrine disruptors, persistent organic pesticides (POPs) and agricultural pesticides.
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World Wildlife Fund
  • Home ... Panda Pages We live on a finite planet and sometimes our impact on it is greater than we realize. The seemingly isolated actions we take every day—from our choice of morning beverage to our choice of business practices—are often links in a chain of unusual connections we would never have imagined. Learn more about the work of Global Markets. Change the way you think. About everything. Next Feature
    With its deep connections to the world economy, human societies, and biodiversity, agriculture is one of the most important frontiers for conservation in ecoregions around the globe. Read More Next Feature
    Fishing is the principal livelihood for over 200 million people around the world but since the 1950s over 90% of the worlds large fish have disappeared, whilst marine habitats have been devastated by harmful fishing practices. Read More Next Feature
    Forests play a key role in the world's environmental and economic health, but they are being asked to supply more than they can sustain over the long term. WWF works to ensure that forests are managed in a way that can meet today’s needs, while protecting and restoring their ecological integrity and production capacity for future generations. Read More Next Feature
    Wildlife Trade
    94 of the world's parrot species are considered to be threatened with extinction, largely because of habitat loss and excessive capture for trade. WWF plays an important role in fighting illegal wildlife trade in the international market place.

64. NRDC: Endocrine Disruption - Overview
We are working to get endocrine disruptors listed under these important right to know laws so their emissions to air, water, and land can be tracked and reported, and so that if
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NRDC gets top ratings from the charity watchdogs
NRDC's mission is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends.
In this Section
  • Main Page Global Warming Energy Air ... All Health Documents
    Endocrine Disruption
    An Overview and Resource List
    Top of Report
    The Endocrine System
    Endocrine Disruptors
    There is increasing evidence that some synthetic chemicals in our environment may interfere with our bodies' complex and carefully regulated hormonal messenger system. Chemicals can disrupt the endocrine system in several ways. They can mimic or block chemicals naturally found in the body, alter hormonal levels, and thus, affect functions that these hormones control. Less direct interferences involve alteration of the body's ability to produce hormones, interference with the ways hormones travel through the body, and changes in numbers of receptors. In adults hormones mainly regulate ongoing physiologic processes. As a result, adult bodies can sometimes compensate or recover from temporary hormonal modulation. Hormonal effects in the fetus are much more profound because they affect gene expression that governs development of organs as well as lifelong hormonal "set points", such as receptor numbers and hormonal production. In the case of endocrine disruptors and other developmental toxicants, the timing of exposure may be more important than the dose.

65. Home » Health Care Without Harm
Collaborative campaign for environmentally responsible health care made up of more than 250 organizations. Work to transform the health care industry so it is no longer a source of environmental harm by eliminating pollution in health care. Also information on endocrine disruptors.

66. Science NetLinks: Making Good Decisions
7C Social Change 2 The decisions of one generation both provide and limit the range of possibilities open to the next generation . 7D Social Tradeoffs 1 Benefits and costs

67. Blue Water Technologies, Inc., Blue PRO Phosphorus Removal Process, Advanced Was
Offers new technologies to remove phosphorus, nitrate, arsenic, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors and other contaminants from drinking and wastewater utilizing a gravity sand filter system.
advanced water treatment technologies
  • Blue Water in the news
    “We’ve cut TSS and BOD loads to the rest of the plant in half. Other plants visit us to see how the unit works.”
    Blue Water in the news:
    "It is ironic that the number on the Idaho side is 36, and a foot across the state line it is 42," Daugherty said.
    Blue Water CTO: Remy Newcombe co-authors article published in April 2010 Magazine
    Blue Water taps green idea: Hayden concern hopes to generate power by burning sewage
    Spokane River: Local Media Coverage of the Spokane River Phosphorus Cleanup Project
    WEF: Blue Water CTO Receives Prestigious Water Quality Award
    NPDES: Blue Water is awarded low phosphorus permit project
    Adsorption 101: A look at the process of adsorption
    Salsnes: Hair in Membrane Bioreactors, Getting to the "Root" of the Problem more Salsnes: Salsnes Filter Exceeds Expectations more Salsnes: Where's the Beef? Follow up on a Salsnes Filter industrial application.

68. Endocrine Disruptors/PPCPs - Professional And Technical Resources - AWWA
AWWA Public Affairs Director addresses recent news on pharmaceuticals in US water resources

69. Environmental Contaminants Program Home Page, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, En
(1) In addition, endocrine disruptors may affect not just the offspring of mothers exposed to endocrine disruptors during pregnancy, but future offspring as well.
Environmental Contaminants Program Featured Topics:
Something fishy is going on ...
USFWS Customer Service Center
1-800-344-WILD Contact Us Endocrine (Hormone) Disruptors The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, American Pharmacists Association and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America have created a campaign entitled " SMARxT DISPOSAL ." The campaign informs people on how to protect the nation's fish and aquatic resources by safely disposing of medicines.
    There is mounting concern in the scientific, environmental, private, and governmental sectors on a wide range of substances, known as endocrine disruptors, that may interfere with the normal functioning of a living organism's hormone system. Endocrine disruption has the potential to cause:
  • reproductive behavioral immune system, and

70. TEDX — The Endocrine Disruption Exchange
Chemicals Used in Natural Gas Operations
CHLORPYRIFOS added to Critical Windows of Development! Read the Overview or go directly to View the Timeline TEDX publishes on natural gas in scientific journal More... TEDX statement: The Fossil Fuel Connection More... CHEM Trust Report on Pesticides and Cancer More... Two new Videos from TEDX now available! More...
Endocrine Disruption
Prenatal Origins of Endocrine Disruption
Chemicals Used in Natural Gas Operations
Endocrine Disruption

71. On Tap Magazine -Cover Winter 2003
National Drinking Water Clearinghouse West Virginia University P.O. Box 6064 Morgantown, WV 265066064 They're in the Water They Make Fish Change Sex

National Drinking Water Clearinghouse

West Virginia University
P.O. Box 6064
Morgantown, WV
They're in the Water They Make Fish Change Sex

Endocrine Disruptors-What are they doing to you?
by Kathy Jesperson
On Tap Associate Editor

Scientists have been documenting a series of strange situations lately. In certain places around the world, fish have spontaneously changed sexes. The sexual organs of male alligators in Florida have failed to develop to a mature size. And the thyroid glands of Great Lakes salmon have enlarged. Other peculiar phenomena began cropping up as well: bald eagles have failed to reproduce, male panthers have almost no testosterone, and about seven percent of male tadpoles have developed ovaries. Something must be terribly wrong. Scientists have found that certain chemicals disrupt the endocrine systems of wildlife. Nearly all animals have an endocrine system, including mammals; non-mammalian vertebrates, such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds; and invertebrates, such as snails, lobsters, insects, and other species. Because humans also have an endocrine system, these findings have led scientists to ask a serious question: If these chemicals disrupt the endocrine systems in wildlife, what are they doing to humans

72. EESJ - Endocrine Disruptors Case Study.
Questions to Ponder and Discuss. Theo Colburn is listed as an author of Our Stolen Future , and she is referenced to in third person in the chapter we included in this
Endocrine Disruptors.
Questions to Ponder and Discuss
  • Theo Colburn is listed as an author of "Our Stolen Future", and she is referenced to in third person in the chapter we included in this packet. What do you think of this style of writing? An article in "Environmental Science and Technology" asked, "Will 'Our Stolen Future' be another 'Silent Spring?'" Is this book a good example of activist science writing by a scientist on the ranks of 'Silent Spring?' Do you think the subject of endocrine disruptors became of more interest to the public when the focus shifted from wildlife to human life effects? What role do you think the media played in this? Sharpe and Skakkebaek published their article in "Lancelot" in 1993; a whole body of literature exists that disagrees with their work. Does this article in any way function as Walter Alvarez’s work did (in other words, as a catalyst for more research on estrogen and endocrine disruptors? Check out the "Wall Street Journal" essay by Stephen Safe (8/20/97). Safe is a co-author of some of the work done on disproving endocrine disruptor effects on humans. After all you’ve read, what do you think of the tiny essay by Diane Katz in the corner?

73. Articles - Endocrine Disruptors Group University Of Missouri-Columbia Frederick
Articles (in pdf) Problems with viewing some of these pdfs? Get the latest free Acrobat Reader. Myers, J.P. and vom Saal, F.S. Should public health standards for endocrine
EDG Home Events and News Articles (in pdf)
Bisphenol A references
(in Word)
(in pdf) Problems with viewing some of these pdfs? Get the latest free Acrobat Reader
Myers, J.P. and vom Saal, F.S. Should public health standards for endocrine-disrupting compounds be based upon 16th Century dogma or modern endocrinology? San Francisco Medicine 81(1): 30-31, 2008. Taylor, J.A., Welsons W.V. and vom Saal, F.S. No effect of route of exposure (oral; subcutaneous injection) on plasma bisphenol A throughout 24 hr after administration in neonatal female mice . Reprod. Toxicol. 25:169-176, 2008. Coe, B.L., Kirkpatrick, J.R., Taylor, J.A. and vom Saal, F.S. . Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 102:162-167, 2008. Heindel, J.J. and vom Saal, F.S. Meeting Report: Batch-to-Batch Variability in Estrogenic Activity in
Animal Research
Environ. Health Perspect. 116:389-393, 2008. Ruhlen, R.L., Howdeshell, K.L., Mao, J., Taylor, J.A., Bronson, F.H., Newbold, R.R., Welshons, W.V. and vom Saal, F.S. . Environ. Health Perspect. 116:322-328, 2008.

74. Hormone Disruptors - Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals And Endocrine System Disorde
Article about hormone disruptors (endocrine disrupting chemicals) and endocrine system disorders
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endocrine disruptors (endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)) and hormone imbalance effects
Today we get an overview of how the problem of hormone disruptors arose and where the issue stands. Our article on these endocrine disrupting chemicals comes from Joseph K. Sheldon, Professor of Biology and Environmental Science at Messiah College in Pennsylvania, and David K. Foster, Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Science, also at Messiah College. It has been excerpted from an article they previously published in Christian Scholars' Review

by Joseph K. Sheldon and David K. Foster
smog event, as they did in Donora, Pennsylvania in October of 1948, and rivers don't catch on fire, as the Cuyahoga River of Cleveland, Ohio did in 1936, 1952, and most famously in 1969. Even sewage treatment has advanced so that every American city has at least secondary treatment, and many plants can remove most of the excess phosphorous and nitrogen before the water is returned to nature's ecosystems. Chemicals that were directly toxic to humans, such as arsenic and nicotine pesticides, and even some chemicals that are known carcinogens, are now largely removed from our food supply.

75. Endocrine Disruption
Potential Endocrine Disruptors in the Potomac River Watershed Using Passive Samplers (PWRC) (Also related to Chemistry Passive Samplers) Reproductive Condition and Intersex


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Endocrine Disruption
The ability of environmental contaminants to affect reproductive and developmental processes in fish and wildlife species has long been known. An increasingly persuasive body of evidence indicates that many of these chemicals may be causing such effects through interference and disruption of normal endocrine function. Field observations have correlated abnormal sex organ morphology, unusual sex hormone levels and ratios, and altered physiological and biochemical processes with exposure to environmental contaminants. These developmental end points are under the control of the endocrine system, lending support to the hypothesis that environmental contaminants may disrupt endocrine function.
The USGS Contaminant Biology Program investigates the exposure and effects of contaminants on fish and wildlife and focuses on Endocrine Disruption as a part of Toxicology component of the research. It closely collaborates with two other USGS programs - Toxic Substances Hydrology and the National Water Quality Assessment, which conduct research and monitoring (respectively) to determine the presence and chemical fate of contaminants in aquatic environments.

76. BfR - Endocrine Disruptors: Substances With Harmful Effects On The Hormone Syste
A/2010, 19.04.2010. Endocrine disruptors Substances with harmful effects on the hormone system. Background information for journalists The world is becoming more female was the title
Directly to the content Main menu Additional menu Search Advanced Search Deutsch Overview "Press" A/2010, 19.04.2010
Endocrine disruptors: Substances with harmful effects on the hormone system
Background information for journalists The hormone system is involved in the steering of almost all bodily functions for instance in energy production and use, regulation of blood pressure and electrolyte metabolism. Reactions to emergency situations (hunger, stress, infection) are steered by hormones as are mood, behaviour, growth, development and reproduction. The hormone system is influenced by numerous internal and external factors. Many natural and synthetic substances can impact the hormone system when they reach the body. Critical doses can on the one hand directly disrupt specific hormone-dependent body functions. Some substances can also influence the hormone system during sensitive development phases like, for instance, the unborn child during pregnancy and, in this way, cause permanent damage to health. Synthetic or natural substances of this kind, which may have harmful effects on the hormone system, are called endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors are not a defined group of substances. One of their properties is that they can have an effect on the hormone system. They may differ from one another in terms of their other properties. Potential endocrine disruptors also include natural ingredients in food like phytohormones, for instance isoflavones in soya but also environmental toxins like PCBs, pesticides like DDT, specific preservatives and components of printing inks and UV light protection substances like benzophenone, heavy metals like cadmium and plasticisers like some phthalic acid esters.

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