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41. Taylor & Francis Journals: Welcome The Official Journal of the Institute for ergonomics and Human Factors Visit the organisation site http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00140139.asp | |
42. Neutral Posture - Manufactures, markets and distributes ergonomic chairs for computer users and other white collar office employees. (Nasdaq NTRL). http://www.neutralposture.com/ | |
43. Welcome To Ergoweb - The Place For Ergonomics Offering ergonomics news, case studies, a buyers guide, and a reference room. http://www.ergoweb.com/ | |
44. Computer Ergonomics - Ergonomics - Computer Work Attention to basic computer ergonomics can help us avoid not only immediate back and neck pain but alleviate conditions such as recurring headaches and improve our concentration. http://sbinfocanada.about.com/od/smallofficehomeoffice/a/compergonomics.htm | |
45. Ergonomics Workplace & Product Design Research, Anthropometrics, Training, Ergon ergonomics human factors research Workplace ergonomics, product design research, safety standards http://www.humanics-es.com/recc-ergonomics.htm | |
46. Cornell University Ergonomics Web Cornell University s Department of Design and Environmental Analysis offers a Human Factors and ergonomics Program that focuses on ways to improve comfort, performance and health through the ergonomic design of products and environments. http://ergo.human.cornell.edu/ | |
47. UCLA Ergonomics ergonomics. About Us Set Up Workstation Pipetting Request an Evaluation http://ergonomics.ucla.edu/ | |
48. Ergonomics Inc. - Product Safety & EMC Test Equipment We offer products and services that meet regulatory compliance, product safety standards and liability issues governing all facets of product design, manufacture and delivery. http://ergonomicsusa.com/ | |
49. Ergonomics Society > Home Includes background information on ergonomics, society information, events and contact data. http://www.ergonomics.org.nz/ |
50. Ergonomics | Define Ergonomics At Dictionary.com –noun ( used with a singular or plural verb ) human engineering. Use ergonomics in a Sentence See images of ergonomics Search ergonomics on the Web Origin 1945–50; ergo http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ergonomics |
51. Purswell & Purswell Engineering & Ergonomics, Inc.: Index Consultant providing ergonomics and safety consulting services in the areas of traffic safety, occupational safety, product safety, biomechanics, work physiology, ergonomics, warnings and instructions. http://www.purswell.com/ | |
52. Ergonomics - Definition Of Ergonomics By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus A er go nom ics ( r gn m ks) n. 1. (used with a sing. verb) The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ergonomics |
53. Human Factors And Ergonomics Society: Product Detail The magazine of the Human Factors and ergonomics Society provides up-to-date demonstrations of the importance of ergonomics principles in design and implementation. Ordering information and contents listing. http://www.hfes.org/Publications/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductId=36 |
54. Height Adjustable Workcenters, Keyboard Platforms, Flat Panel Display Arms. Work Workrite ergonomics manufactures ergonomic height adjustable workcenters, keyboard platforms, monitor arms, and various other products suitable for a healthy office environment. http://www.workriteergo.com/ergonomics/ | |
55. Ergonomics: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article ergonomics is the science of designing the job, equipment, and workplace to fit the worker. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Ergonomics | |
56. The Ohio State University - Institute For Ergonomics The Ohio State University's Institute for ergonomics offers graduate programs in human factors and ergonomics, conducts research in physical ergonomics and cognitive engineering http://ergonomics.osu.edu/ | |
57. Occupational & Environmental Health Consultants, Inc. / 1-800-962-4198 Occupational Health and Safety, ergonomics and Engineering. http://www.healthconsultantsusa.com/ | |
58. Ergonomics Info - How To Create A User-Friendly Home And Office ergonomics info How to create a user-friendly home and office. ergonomics information presented to you the BEST, EASY-TO-READ way. http://www.ergonomics-info.com/ | |
59. Auburn Engineers, Inc. | Ergonomics Consulting Consulting firm develops ergonomics tools and techniques for industry. http://www.ergopage.com | |
60. Ergonomics.org - Posture, Motion And Ergonomics ergonomics, posture, motion and the Alexander Technique Articles Books Audio/Video Links http://ergonomics.org/articles/ | |
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