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21. Guide To The Collections Of The National Anthropological Archives (#B3) BUREAU OF AMERICAN ethnology COLLECTION OF GLASS NEGATIVES. The collection includes original wet and dry-plate negatives and some copy negatives. http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/guide/_b3.htm | |
22. Ethnology French Riviera (Var) (English), Ethnology French Riviera (Var) (Englis Presentation of the research association CEREV, links to other sites treating ethnology, anthropology and museums. http://cerev.online.fr/englishindex.htm | |
23. Directory Of Open Access Journals 19 journals belonging to subject ethnology. AmeriQuests ISSN 15534316 Subject Migration History- ethnology Publisher Vanderbilt University http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=126 |
24. CULTURE & TRADITION: The Canadian Graduate Student Journal Of Folklore & Ethnolo This site features the Canadian graduate student journal of folklore and ethnology, culture and tradition, and its newsletter. Articles, subission and subscription information. http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~culture/ | |
25. Ethnology Definition Of Ethnology In The Free Online Encyclopedia. ethnology (ĕthnŏl`əjē), scientific study of the origin and functioning of human cultures. It is usually considered one of the major branches of cultural anthropology http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/ethnology |
26. ETHNOLOGY MUSEUM - HANOI - VIETNAM - TOURS AND TRAVEL GUIDE You are planning a trip to Vietnam and are having difficulties deciding where to go and what to do, what you cannot miss and what to skip. http://www.vietnamspirittravel.com/guide/ethnology_museum_hanoi.htm | |
27. Traditional Arts & Ethnology Centre - Luang Prabang Promotes understanding of the lifestyles and traditions of Laos ethnic diversity. Features exhibits, activities, and general information. Located in Luang Prabang. http://www.taeclaos.org/ | |
28. Ethnology - Definition Of Ethnology By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And eth nol o gy (thn l-j) n. 1. The science that analyzes and compares human cultures, as in social structure, language, religion, and technology; cultural anthropology. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ethnology |
29. MACAU MARITIME MUSEUM Features an ethnology exhibition, history, technology, and an aquarium. http://www.museumaritimo.gov.mo/index_e.html | |
30. Ethnology In SIL ethnology in SIL focuses on training and research. Training is designed to encourage intra and inter-cultural awareness and to develop practical field research skills. http://www.sil.org/anthro/ethnology.htm | |
31. Musée Du Quai Branly: Accueil French museum exhibits tribal arts, documents on ethnology, ethnography, culture and civilization of indigenous peoples. Opening in 2005. Site in French, Spanish and English. http://www.quaibranly.fr/ | |
32. Ethnology - Definition Of Ethnology At YourDictionary.com the branch of anthropology that studies comparatively the cultures of contemporary, or recent, societies or language groups http://www.yourdictionary.com/ethnology |
33. Ethnology - Burke Museum New ethnology Accession Phillip John Charette, Aarnaquq, Poisoned mask, mixed media, 2008, Burke Museum cat. no. 200968/1 http://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/collections/ethnology/index.php | |
34. SNOMNH Ethnology Main Page Collections Division. ethnology. ethnology is the study of human cultures and societies, both in their own terms and comparatively across space and time. http://www.snomnh.ou.edu/collections-research/ethnology.htm |
35. Ethnology - Definition And Meaning From Wordnik ethnology The science that analyzes and compares human cultures, as in social structure, language, religion, and technology; cultural anthropology. http://www.wordnik.com/words/ethnology | |
36. Ethnology ethnology.it portal is a vertical web site containing news and links dedicated to ethology museum ethology university portal http://www.ethnology.it/ |
37. Ethnology Synonyms, Ethnology Antonyms | Thesaurus.com noun ideas, values of a people. Synonyms arts and sciences, civilization noun. Related Adjectives ambosexual, androgynous, anthropoid, antiethnic, civic http://thesaurus.com/browse/ethnology |
38. Boekhandel De Verre Volken - Homepage Bookseller specializing in ethnographic art books, situated inside the National Museum of ethnology. http://www.ethnographicartbooks.com/ | |
39. Ethnology - Wiktionary The branch of anthropology that studies and compares the different human cultures. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ethnology | |
40. Ethnology: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Greek , an independent branch of the IndoEuropean family of languages, is the language of the Greeks. Native to the southern Balkans, it has the longest documented history of any http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Ethnology | |
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