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61. ANTHROPOLOGY JOURNALS - Ethnology Sociocultural Theory in Anthropology (click these links to travel through the document) Introduction. ethnology ’s Intellectual Focus http://www.indiana.edu/~wanthro/theory_pages/ethnology.htm | |
62. The Glenbow Museum > Collections & Research Cultural history, ethnology, military history, and mineralogy collections, exhibition of First Nations art. http://www.glenbow.org/collections | |
63. Ethnology ethnology . According to the Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology (1996) ethnology is defined as the 'study of culture' or the 'theory of people'. http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/cultural/anthropology/ethnocult.html | |
64. Welcome To The Museum Of Anthropology The ethnology range stores and studies the material culture of contemporary or recently living peoples. Though the Museum has collections from all parts of the world, North America and Southeast Asia are especially well represented. Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/umma/ | |
65. Ethnology Database - Bishop Museum The Bishop Museum's ethnology Collection includes more than 70,000 objects from throughout the Pacific region. Photographs and detailed information are available for more than 1000 http://www2.bishopmuseum.org/ethnologydb/index.asp | |
66. Royal Alberta Museum: Collections And Research Collections documenting 12,000 years of human occupation of the Province. Includes archaeology and ethnology, folklife, government and Western Canadian history. http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/human/..\collect\intro.htm | |
67. Ethnology And Ethnohistory Southwestern ethnology, ethnography,and ethnohistory of the Navajo, Apache, Ute, Pueblo http://www.drarchaeology.com/ethnology.htm | |
68. Ethnology ethnology Physical Type of Early Hebrews in the Holy Land (Authorities Various) THE NORDIC HEBREWS U ntil fairly recent years a true assessment of the racial origin of the http://www.ensignmessage.com/archives/ethnology.html | |
69. School Of Music And Dance - San Francisco State University B.A. in Dance Concentration in Dance ethnology; Concentration in Performance/Choreography; Concentration in Dance Education; Minor in Dance http://musicdance.sfsu.edu/ |
70. Amazonas Film Festival International annual event highlights adventure films, emphasizing ecology, human relations, ethnology and etiology. Mission statement, history, programming, jury profiles, film information, photographs, winners, venue, contact information, past events, and links. Manaus, Brazil. http://www.amazonasfilmfestival.com.br/ | |
71. Lalaith's Middle-earth Science Pages Scholarly discussions of the geography, ethnology, astronomy and languages of Middle-earth. http://lalaith.vpsurf.de/M-earth.html |
72. WHITE STAR - BOOK SHOP Publishers of illustrated books featuring topics on archaeology, art, history, technology, photography, ethnology, nature and underwater biology. Includes customer references and contact details. http://www.whitestar.it/ | |
73. Staatliches Museum Für Völkerkunde München - Startseite Site offers a summary of the museum displays, and lists admission fees and opening hours. http://www.voelkerkundemuseum-muenchen.de | |
74. Institut Za Etnologiju I Folkloristiku - Www.ief.hr Homepage of the institute in Zagrebthat studies and collects items related to cultural anthropology, folklore, theatre and music studies, and art history. http://www.ief.hr/ |
75. LeNoir Forge Museum Operated by the Isle Madame Historical Society, it showcases cultural history, ethnology, fisheries, trades and crafts. Offers an outline of exhibits, local history and area description. http://fortress.uccb.ns.ca/historic/forge_e.html | |
76. SFU Museum Of Archaeology And Ethnology || Young Adventurers Provides a look at virtual museum exhibits, land of archaeology, building the temples, also with fun, and games. http://www2.sfu.ca/archaeology/museum/childrens.htm | |
77. Khm Museumsshop Features gifts and educational items inspired by the Habsburg collections in Vienna, as well as items from the Lipizzaner Museum, Museum of ethnology, and the Museum of Theater. http://ecomm.khm.at/cgi-bin/khmmuseumsshop.storefront/EN/Catalog | |
78. Janes Fiji Home Page Detailed information on all the main islands of Fiji including travel and accommodation, history, culture, geography, people, lifestyle, postcards and picture galleries, mythology, legends, and ethnology. http://www.janeresture.com/fijihome/index.htm | |
79. Jane's Vanuatu Home Page Contains detailed information on Vanuatu including the outer islands, ethnology, and mythology plus historical and modern postcards. http://www.janeresture.com/vanuatu_home/index.htm | |
80. Introductory Page - Uncle Remus History/Ethnology Research Project History and ethnology research project of Joe Harris tales of Uncle Remus; includes selected texts. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG97/remus/remus.html | |
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