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81. Jane's Oceania Home Page Information on the Pacific Islands of Oceania. Includes culture, ethnology, mythology, history, genealogy, customs, rituals, lifestyle, geography, travel, accommodation, extensive photo galleries, postcard images and Pacific Islands Radio. http://www.janeresture.com/ | |
82. ΕΜΘ | Ethnological Museum Of Thrace General information, exhibits, news, and events. Located in Alexandroupolis, Greece. http://www.emthrace.org/en/ |
83. Maxwell Museum Of Anthropology Holds over 10 million individual items in its archaeological, ethnological, archival, photo and skeletal collections. The collections come from all parts of the world, but have a Southwestern emphasis. Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. http://www.unm.edu/~maxwell/ | |
84. TeLek - Textprotokolle Und Lektorat - Home Der Ethnologe und Stenograf besch ftigt sich mit der Erstellung von Textprotokollen, Lektorat und Korrektorat. http://www.telek-berlin.de/ | |
85. Muzej Cerkniškega Jezera - Jezerski Hram - Kebe | Domov Information on the ethnological museum and services including traditional horse cart rides on Lake Cerknica, Cerknica. http://www.jezerski-hram.si | |
86. Museums Of Cologne Introduction to ten museums in the city and their collections of art and of archaeological, ethnological, and historical objects. http://www.museenkoeln.de/english |
87. Етнографски музеј у Београду - Etnografski Muzej U Beog Ethnographic Museum exists for more than a century as an important ethnological institution studying into detail traditional culture. http://www.etnografskimuzej.rs/ |
88. JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie A quarterly journal sponsored by the American Ethnological Society. Features tables of contents and abstracts, contact and subscription information. http://www.jstor.org/journals/00940496.html | |
89. AES ONLINE The oldest professional anthropological association in the United States. http://www.aaanet.org/aes/ |
90. Tolminski Muzej Features archaeological, historical, ethnological and art history exhibitions. Includes history of the building, photos, hours, entrance fees and directions. Located in Slovenia. http://www.tol-muzej.si |
91. Εθνολογικό Μουσείο Θράκης - Αγγελική Γιαννα Traditional life in Thrace, from the 17th to the 20th century clothing, copperware and pottery, textile. Located in Alexandroupolis, Greece. http://www.emthrace.org |
92. Ysgol Y Gymraeg Prifysgol Caerdydd Undergraduate courses in Welsh Studies; postgraduate courses in translation, Welsh, ethnological studies, early Celtic studies, and medieval British studies. http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cymraeg/ |
93. Prva Stran - Belokranjski Muzej Located in Metlika Castle, purpose is to take care of the movable cultural heritage of Bela Krajina, represented by archaeological, ethnological and art historical objects and collections. Website offers details on exhibitions, education department and visitor information. English, Slovenian. http://www.belokranjski-muzej.si/ |
94. Kunsthistorisches Museum: KHM Portal Contains gallery of exhibits, current programme, location, opening times, and entrance prices http://www.ethno-museum.ac.at/ |
95. German Leather Museum - Deutsches Ledermuseum The museum is located in Germanys leather capital Offenbach. The departments are Museum for Applied Arts and Industry , Ethnological Museum , and German Shoe Museum . http://www.ledermuseum.de/ |
96. Musei Vaticani Contain high definition images and virtual visits for Sistine Chapel, Raphaels Rooms, Pinacoteca, Egyptian Museum, Etruscan Museum and Ethnological Missionary Museum in 5 languages. http://mv.vatican.va/StartNew_EN.html | |
97. Civilizations.ca / Civilization.ca Features archeological, ethnological, folk culture and historical collections, which highlight Canada s history and prehistory. Also showcases dance performances, musical groups, theatrical presentations and festivals. http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/index_e.aspx?ArticleID=16451 |
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