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21. Problem Barking: Causes And Solutions Causes and solutions are suggested. http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-ethology/behaviourproblems/barking.html | |
22. Alpha (ethology) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ethology from The Social Science Encyclopedia, Second Edition. ethology summary with 8 pages of research material. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_(ethology) | |
23. Notes On Human Ethology Notes on Human ethology. Human ethology is a subdiscipline of Biology that studies the biological bases of behavior. The field used to be called comparative psychology (animal http://www.unm.edu/~jka/courses/archive/ethol.html | |
24. Submissive Urination In Dogs The causes are explained and an interactive solution suggested. http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-ethology/behaviourproblems/suburine.htm | |
25. Cognitive Ethology Cognitive ethology A Bibliography of Animal Cognition Compiled by David Griffin (see Griffin 1992) and Colin Allen (see Allen Bekoff 1997) up to 13 August 1997; http://cogweb.ucla.edu/ep/BiblioCognitiveEthology.html | |
26. Pica Behaviour In The Adult Dog Known as pica, this can cause serious health problems. The causes and solutions are explained. http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-ethology/behaviourproblems/picabeh.html | |
27. Ethology (Contemporary Continental, Ethologies) @ Belonged.org ethology (from Greek ἦθος, ethos, character ; and λογία, -logia) is the scientific study of animal behavior, and a sub-topic of zoology. http://www.belonged.org/Ethology/ | |
28. Thunderphobia In Canines How to recognise and deal with this common characteristic. http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-ethology/behaviourproblems/thunder.html | |
29. Ethology Definition Of Ethology In The Free Online Encyclopedia. ethology, study of animal behavior based on the systematic observation, recording, and analysis of how animals function, with special attention to physiological, ecological, and http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Ethology |
30. Tail Chasing In Dogs Explains why this is not always a playful activity, and how to stop it causing injury. http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-ethology/behaviourproblems/tailchase.ht | |
31. Ethology - Definition Of Ethology By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And E e thol o gy (th l-j, -th l-) n. 1. The scientific study of animal behavior, especially as it occurs in a natural environment. 2. The study of human ethos and its formation. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ethology |
32. Sociobiology Explains major concepts of Sociobiology, including ethology, Evolution, Attraction, Sexual Dimorphism, Imprinting, Kin Selection, Reciprocal Altruism, and Dominance Hierarchies. Contrasts the roles of Sociobiology and Culture. http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/sociobiology.html | |
33. Ethology Academy ethology Academy provides correspondence courses and seminars on animal behaviour and companionship. Its mission is to improve the quality of companionship between humans and their http://www.ethology.co.za/ | |
34. Ontologies For Ethology Peter E. Midford s research in coding animal behavior descriptions, particularly ethograms using ontology. http://www.mesquiteproject.org/ontology/ | |
35. Ethology: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article ethology (from Greek ἦθος, ethos, character ; and , logia) is the scientific study of animal behavior, and a sub-topic of zoology http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Ethology | |
36. Konrad Lorenz Institute For Ethology Austrian organization that investigates major unsolved problems in behavioral and evolutionary ecology. http://www.oeaw.ac.at/klivv/ | |
37. Ethology - Definition Origins of the name. The term “ethology” derives from the Greek language, as ethos (ήθος) is the Greek word for morality. Other words that derive from the Greek word ethos are http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Ethology | |
38. Ethology - New World Encyclopedia The eggrolling behavior of the greylag goose is a widely cited example of a fixed-action pattern, one of the key concepts used by ethologists to explain animal behavior. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ethology | |
39. Ethology - Journal Information ethology journal information, contents lists and abstracts on the Blackwell Publishing website. http://www.wiley.com/bw/submit.asp?ref=0179-1613 |
40. Ethology, Ecology And Critical Anthropomorphism Melissa Kaplan's Herp Care Collection Last updated December 18, 2009. ethology, Ecology and Critical Anthropomorphism 2000 Melissa Kaplan http://www.anapsid.org/ethology.html | |
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