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21. Understanding Instability: Mandelbrot, Fractals, And Financial Crises » TripleC fractals are interesting images created from complex numbers. http://triplecrisis.com/understanding-instability-mandelbrot/ | |
22. Suzanne Alejandre - Fractal Links Basic fractal information for the math teacher or interested user, with Internet resources to expand your fractal knowledge. http://mathforum.org/alejandre/workshops/fractal/fractal3.html | |
23. Fractals Introduction. All of the shapes above have a common name. They are all fractals. But what really is a fractal? What words would you use to describe them? http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~dflick/fractal/fractals.htm | |
24. Fractals Easier A fractal is a shape, often drawn by a computer, that repeats itself in a pattern. The design shapes usually reoccur http://42explore.com/fractal.htm | |
25. Welcome To Mint's Fractals Several galleries of Ultra Fractal generated images. http://www.btinternet.com/~fractals/ | |
26. Fractal: Definition From Answers.com n. A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. fractals are used http://www.answers.com/topic/fractal |
27. Fractals Unleashed You have found one of the most comprehensive websites about fractals on the web! fractals are very beautiful geometric figures that can be used to describe nature. http://library.thinkquest.org/26242/full/index.html | |
28. Math.com Wonders Of Math Build your own fractals and learn about the math behind the images. Mandelbrot and Julia Set Explorer Zoom into fractals. Fractal Galleries http://www.math.com/students/wonders/fractals.html |
29. Fractal Images By Jon Stoppard Galleries of traditional fractals and quaternions. http://www.omriva.com/fractal/ | |
30. Fractals fractals. Nature is full of shapes that are alike to themselves on different scales. A boulder looks like the mountain to which it was once attached. http://www.emayzine.com/infoage/math/math4.htm | |
31. Fractal Links - Amazing Seattle Fractals! Fractal art tutorials and free fractal software. http://fractalarts.com/ASF/Fractal_Links.html | |
32. Fractals fractals. by Dale Winter. In several of the lessons we have described objects as fractals, for example, the Julia set known as the ‘Rabbit.’ The important property that we http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/mmss/coursesONLINE/chaos/chaos7/index.html | |
33. ALicia's FractaLs Collection of images generated in Tiera-Zon, and related links. http://www.alicia-logic.com/fractals/ | |
34. Fractals fractals is an interdisciplinary journal devoted exclusively to phenomena involving complex geometry, patterns, geometrical and/or temporal scaling. Through the application of http://www.worldscinet.com/fractals/fractals.shtml | |
35. BBC News - How Mandelbrot's Fractals Changed The World Chaos, fractals, and Arcadia ADD. KEYWORDS The Chaos Game, The Sierpinski Hexagon, Iterated Function Systems Chaos in the Classroom, Boston University http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-11564766 | |
36. Flying Frog Fractals Gallery of fractal images created using Fractint and Winfract. http://members.tripod.com/afractal/ | |
37. NOVA | Hunting The Hidden Dimension Mysteriously beautiful fractals are shaking up the world of mathematics and deepening our understanding of nature. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/hunting-hidden-dimension.html |
38. Andrew Que's Fractals Created using original software. Contains image galleries, zoom animations, and program downloads. http://drque.net/Fractals/ | |
39. Fractals - UEN Themepark is the place to find Internet resources organized around broadbased themes. http://www.uen.org/themepark/patterns/fractal.shtml |
40. Fractals - Answers In Genesis Did you know that amazing, beautiful shapes have been built into numbers? Believe it or not, numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc., contain a “secret code”—a hidden beauty embedded http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/am/v2/n1/fractals |
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