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81. Traveling Salesman Problem These pages report the history of the TSP and ongoing work to solve large instances. http://www.tsp.gatech.edu// |
82. Capillary Multi-path Routing With Forward Error Correction By Emin Gabrielyan. http://switzernet.com/people/emin-gabrielyan/060124-capillary-aron-article/ | |
83. Graph Theory Trees . An acyclic graph (also known as a forest) is a graph with no cycles. A tree is a connected acyclic graph. Thus each component of a forest is tree, and any tree is a http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/GraphTheory/MyGraphTheory/trees.htm | |
84. Counting Hamilton Cycles In Product Graphs By Frans Faase. http://www.iwriteiam.nl/counting.html | |
85. Math Forum - Problems Library - Discrete Math, Combinatorics TOPICS. This page graph theory . About Levels of Difficulty. Discrete Math combinatorics graph theory logic patterns/recursion proof social choice http://mathforum.org/library/problems/sets/dm_graphtheory.html | |
86. Merlins-World An approach to solve the asymmetric travelling salesman problem using linear optimisation with a polynomial bounded set of constraints. http://www.merlins-world.de | |
87. Harmonious Colourings Notes and bibliography by Keith Edwards. http://www.maths.dundee.ac.uk/~kedwards/harmcol.html | |
88. Eric Filiol, Edouard Franc, Alessandro Gubbioli, Benoit Moquet, Guillaume Roblot By Eric Filiol, Edouard Franc, Alessandro Gubbioli, Benoit Moquet and Guillaume Roblot. http://vx.netlux.org/lib/aef05.html | |
89. Traveling Salesman Problem Generator Generates a Traveling Salesman Problem map and data for a given set of US cities. http://www.60feet6.com/research/usa_tsp_tech.html | |
90. Home - Matrix Graph Grammars Algebraic approach to graph dynamics and graph grammars, using logics, functional analysis and tensor algebra. http://www.mat2gra.info |
91. Linear Spaces Of A Graph Some proofs by S C Locke. http://www.math.fau.edu/locke/LinearSp.htm | |
92. Graphs Glossary Short definitions with cross-references by Bill Cherowitzo. http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~wcherowi/courses/m4408/glossary.htm |
93. List Of Small Graphs Information System on Graph Class Inclusions, University of Rostock. http://wwwteo.informatik.uni-rostock.de/isgci/smallgraphs.html | |
94. Advanced Topics In Graph Algorithms Lecture notes by Ron Shamir. http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~rshamir/atga/atga.html | |
95. Degree-Diameter Table For Graphs With references and further links. http://maite71.upc.es/grup_de_grafs/grafs/taula_delta_d.html |
96. Gordon Royle's Cubic Graphs List of cubic graphs maintained by Gordon Royle. http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~gordon/remote/cubics/ | |
97. Gordon Royle's Small Graphs Gordon Royle s tables of small graphs with Maple software. http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~gordon/remote/graphs/ | |
98. Four Color Theorem A Brief Historical Insight An essay by Dominic Verderaime. http://student.adams.edu/~verderaimedj/finalEssay/ |
99. Some Open Problems Compiled by Jerry Spinrad. http://www.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/~spin/open.html | |
100. Some Open Problems Open problems and conjectures concerning the determination of properties of families of graphs. http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~qstout/constantques.html | |
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