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         Greenhouse Gases:     more books (100)
  1. 2006 Debate over Global Warming and Climate Change: Serious Threat or False Alarm? Scientific References and Data on Global Temperatures and Greenhouse Gases (CD-ROM) by U.S. Government, 2006-04-14
  2. 2009 Complete Guide to Carbon Sequestration Research, Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies to Fight Global Warming and Control Greenhouse Gases, Government Research Programs (CD-ROM) by U.S. Government, 2008-10-23
  3. UO, city step up to climate challenge.(Environment)(The university joins an effort by colleges to rein in emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute ... from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) by Gale Reference Team, 2007-04-18
  4. Emissions Permit Trading: a Policy Tool to Reduce the Atmospheric Concentration of Greenhouse Gases --1991 publication. by Merete Heggelund, 1991
  5. Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks
  6. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases In the Edition by Energy Info Admin, 1993-01-01
  7. Reducing Greenhouse Gases: Options for Australia (Anzec Report) by Australian and New Zealand Environment C, 1991-09
  8. Offset System for Greenhouse Gases: Papers for Consultation: Overview Paper, Technical Background Document
  9. Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases: The Hungarian Perspective
  10. Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Science, Control, Policy and Implementation - Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, NCGG4, Utrecht, the Netherlands, July 4-6, 2005 by Andre van Amstel, 2005-09-01
  11. Abatement of Greenhouse Gases: How Can Electrochemistry Contribute?: An article from: Canadian Chemical News by Michel Ladouceur, Guy Belanger, et all 2001-06-01
  12. Economics and the Environment: Shadow Price of Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols (Surrey Energy Economics Discussion Papers) by David Maddison, 1994-07
  13. Energy Technologies for Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases: Proceedings of an Experts' Seminar Paris, 12Th-14th April 1989 (Volumes 1 & 2) by International Energy Agency, 1989-08
  14. Climate change: group predicts fighting greenhouse gases will chill job creation.: An article from: Fairfield County Business Journal by Dan Strempel, 2004-05-17

81. The Greenhouse Effect And Greenhouse Gasses
However, too many greenhouse gases can cause the temperature to increase out of control. Such is the case on Venus where greenhouse gases are abundant and the average temperature
Introduction The Sun Energy The Greenhouse Effect What Affects Climate? Climate Change?
The Greenhouse Effect and Greenhouse Gasses
The greenhouse effect is useful because trapping some energy keeps the temperatures on our planet mild and suitable for living things. Without its atmosphere and the greenhouse effect, the average temperature at the surface of the Earth would be zero degrees Fahrenheit. However, too many greenhouse gases can cause the temperature to increase out of control. Such is the case on Venus where greenhouse gases are abundant and the average temperature at the surface is more than 855 degrees Fahrenheit (457 degrees Celsius).

82. Global Climate Change: Market-Based Strategies To Reduce Greenhouse Gases
A review of market based initiatives to combat global warming, including tradeable permits and carbon taxes.

83. Greenhouse Gases Which Cause Global Warming
Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse gases are already outside of the atmosphere, but they contribute to the greenhouse effect. These gases occur naturally in the atmosphere and there
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Al Gore and Climate Change
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Effects of Global Warming

How to Reduce Global Warming

Carbon Dioxide Effects (CO2)

Greenhouse Gases
... Government Actions
Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse gases are already outside of the atmosphere, but they contribute to the greenhouse effect. These gases occur naturally in the atmosphere and there are others that occur due to human activity. The natural gas found in the atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. There are so very high levels of greenhouse gases caused by human activity. The main sources of greenhouse gases from human activities have contributed are the burning of fossil fuels, the use of chlorofluocarbons found in refrigeration systems. Also the share of agricultural activities such as playing the use of fertilizers, which can cause a high amount of nitrous oxide.

84. NRDC: Global Warming
NRDC advocates dramatic reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases in the U.S. and abroad as well as the adoption and implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Includes fact sheets, reports, and links.
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NRDC gets top ratings from the charity watchdogs
NRDC's mission is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends.
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We Can Solve It
Solving global warming will improve our lives by cleaning up air pollution while investing in clean energy, green jobs and smart energy solutions that get the U.S. economy moving again. We need to drive smarter cars, save money with energy efficient homes and offices, and build better communities and transportation networks. See how we can solve the climate crisis today.
Clean Energy and Climate Legislation

Comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation could create 2 million jobs, cut 2 billion tons of pollution and save 2 trillion dollars.

85. Global Warming (Main Page) - Environmental Defense Fund
Both domestically and internationally, Environmental Defense works to stabilize Earth s climate by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

86. Coal Combustion - ORNL Review Vol. 26, No. 3&4, 1993
Article discusses coal combustion which produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Releases from coal combustion also contain naturally occurring radioactive materials.
ver the past few decades, the American public has become increasingly wary of nuclear power because of concern about radiation releases from normal plant operations, plant accidents, and nuclear waste. Except for Chernobyl and other nuclear accidents, releases have been found to be almost undetectable in comparison with natural background radiation. Another concern has been the cost of producing electricity at nuclear plants. It has increased largely for two reasons: compliance with stringent government regulations that restrict releases of radioactive substances from nuclear facilities into the environment and construction delays as a result of public opposition. Partly because of these concerns about radioactivity and the cost of containing it, the American public and electric utilities have preferred coal combustion as a power source. Today 52% of the capacity for generating electricity in the United States is fueled by coal, compared with 14.8% for nuclear energy. Although there are economic justifications for this preference, it is surprising for two reasons. First, coal combustion produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are suspected to cause climatic warming, and it is a source of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, which are harmful to human health and may be largely responsible for acid rain. Second, although not as well known, releases from coal combustion contain naturally occurring radioactive materialsmainly, uranium and thorium.

87. Global Warming And The Climate
Applied physicist uses a variety of data sources to take a critical view of current global warming theory by comparing the effects of greenhouse gases with those from the Sun.
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The causes of global warming and climate change!
There are two competing theories for the recent global warming trend. The first is based on a theory which followed the warming trend that occurred between 1975 and 1998. The second theory is based on highly correlated data going back thousands of years. Most agree that the temperature has increased about 0.6 - 0.7 Centigrade over the last century and that the level of CO2 or Carbon Dioxide a greenhouse gas has been increased in the atmosphere by 25-30% from pre industrial values. The first theory, which is the generally accepted one, is that the release of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuel and from land use is responsible for the resent temperature increase. The second theory is that the sun's magnetic field and the solar wind modulate the amount of high energy cosmic radiation that the earth receives. This in turn affects low altitude cloud cover and how much water vapor there is in the atmosphere and thus regulates the climate.

88. Western Climate Initiative
Collaboration of several western states and two provinces of western Canada to find ways to work together to reduce greenhouse gases in the region. Includes reports and information about public involvement opportunities.
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Click on the map for a detailed view Welcome to the Western Climate Initiative (WCI). The WCI is a collaboration of independent jurisdictions working together to identify, evaluate, and implement policies to tackle climate change at a regional level. This is a comprehensive effort to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, spur investment in clean-energy technologies that create green jobs and reduce dependence on imported oil. For an overview of the WCI, download our

89. Rhode Island Greenhouse Gas Process
Information about state-level initiative to reduce the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
Rhode Island Greenhouse Gas Process The Rhode Island Greenhouse Gas Process (RI GHG) represents a unique effort on the state level to reduce the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. RI GHG successfully formulated a Greenhouse Gas Action Plan for the state of Rhode Island in 2002, and has continued meeting to implement the plan.
The Plan includes a set of 49 consensus options for reducing the State's GHG emissons (The Final Phase I Action Plan is available for download ( body , 1mb PDF) ( appendices , 2mb PDF)). Since September 2002, the Stakeholders have been developing the highest-priority programs for implementation.
In March of 2005, the U.S. EPA recognized the Rhode Island Greenhouse Gas Stakeholders for their 'exceptional contributions to global environmental protection' in bestowing upon them its coveted 2005 Climate Protection Award.
RI GHG is comprised of many different members . The process is guided by a stakeholder committee and utilizes topical working groups. The initiative makes use of detailed modeling to enhance the applicability of the findings and numerous framing papers and other documents . Click here for the full schedule for each of the groups. Click

90. Cool California | Cool California
Tasked with developing programs and resources to reduce greenhouse gases. Includes a carbon footprint calculator and tips to save energy. English, Spanish
Sign In Sign up Keyword Search: Advanced Search Haven't registered yet? Register here to create a profile so you can fully benefit from the Cool California site. Forgot your password? Username or e-mail: Password:

91. Index
Aims to study severe storms, surges and waves in the present climate and in a scenario with increased CO2-concentration. More specifically the project is a joint atmospheric/oceanographic numerical modelling effort aiming at constructing and analysing storm, wave and surge climatologies for the North Atlantic/European region in a climate forced by increasing amounts of greenhouse gases and to compare with present day conditions.
STOWASUS-2100 Regional STO rm, WA ve and SU rge S cenarios for the century RIKZ Home page Description Partners Partnerinfo ... Other projects The STOWASUS-2100 project is supported by the European Commisions 4th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Environment and Climate Research Programme " under contract number ENV4-CT97-0498.

92. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
Global-change data and information analysis for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other radiatively active gases; role of the terrestrial biosphere and oceans in biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases; emissions of carbon dioxide; long-term climate trends; effects of elevated carbon dioxide on vegetation; vulnerability of coastal areas to rising sea level.
Subject Areas Carbon Cycle Climate Coastal Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise Energy and Socioeconomic Systems ... Terrestrial Carbon Management
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) is the primary climate-change data and information analysis center of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). CDIAC is located at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and includes the World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases CDIAC's data holdings include records of the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other radiatively active gases; the role of the terrestrial biosphere and the oceans in the biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases; emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel consumption and land-use changes ; long-term climate trends; the effects of elevated carbon dioxide on vegetation; and the vulnerability of coastal areas to rising sea level. CDIAC provides data management support for major projects, including the AmeriFlux Network , continuous observations of ecosystem level exchanges of CO , water, energy and momentum at different time scales for sites in the Americas; the

93. EPA S Climate Protection Division
Reduces greenhouse gases through energy-efficiency and cost-effective partnerships with industries in all sectors of our economy where emissions reductions can be achieved.

94. Air Pollution Prevention And Control Research | Risk Management Research | Resea
Researches, develops, and demonstrates air pollution prevention and control technologies for manufacturing and processing industries, power plants, incinerators, indoor environments, and sources of greenhouse gases.
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There are six branches within APPCD: Visit the branch sites for more information. National Risk Management Research Laboratory
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95. Uncertainty Distribution Around Climate Models
Paper written by Myanna Lahsen and published in Social Studies of Science , 35/6(December 2005) pp. 895 922, discusses the distribution of certainty/uncertainty around the General Circulation Models (GCMs) (aka, Global Climate Models) the computer models that are used to project possible global climatic changes due to human emissions of greenhouse gases.

96. ESRL Global Monitoring Division
Conducts research related to atmospheric constituents that are capable of forcing change in the climate of the earth or that may deplete the ozone layer. CMDL monitors greenhouse gases, aerosols, ozone, ozone-depleting gases and solar and terrestrial radiation at global sites including four Baseline Observatories.
U.S. Department of Commerce NOAA Research
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Global Monitoring Division
  • About
    Global Monitoring Division
    Providing the best possible information on atmospheric constituents that drive climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, and baseline air quality.
    • Climate Forcing
      ESRL's Global Monitoring Division conducts sustained observations and research related to global distributions, trends, sources and sinks of atmospheric constituents that are capable of forcing change in the climate of the Earth. This research will advance climate projections and provide scientific policy-relevant, decision support information to enhance society's ability to plan and respond. Read More...
      Ozone Depletion
      ESRL's Global Monitoring Division conducts research on the depletion of the global stratospheric ozone layer and Antarctic ozone hole through global surface-based monitoring of total-column ozone, ultraviolet radiation, and ozone-depleting gases, including those regulated by the Montreal Protocol. Continued surveillance is necessary in order to verify the expected recovery of the ozone layer. Read More...

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