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         Pi:     more books (100)
  1. The Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach: A Translation of the Pi Wei Lun by Li Dong-Yuan, 1993-01-01
  2. Pi by Scott Hemphill, 2010-07-06
  3. The Great Pi/ e Debate: Which Is the Better Number? by Colin Adams, Thomas Garrity, 2006-10-30
  4. Rachel Cord, PI 'Still a Bitch': A Confidential Investigations Mystery by R E Conary, 2010-05-13
  5. Enhancing the Pololu 3Pi with RobotBASIC by John Blankenship, Samuel Mishal, 2010-09-27
  6. Pi, Monads, and the Quasi-Circle Theory: A theory on the circle more appropriate to the space age by Lionel Fabius, 2010-08-18
  7. Why Pi? by Johnny Ball, 2009-08-31
  8. The Color of Blood (Ed Loy PI) by Declan Hughes, 2008-03-01
  9. Pi - Unleashed by Jörg Arndt, Christoph Haenel, 2001-01-25
  10. Pi: Screenplay and The Guerilla Diaries by Darren Aronofsky, 1999-05-31
  11. Snow Blind (PI Julie Collins series #4) by Lori G. Armstrong, 2008-10-01
  12. Mark Julian Vampire P.I.: The Case of the Vampire Hunter (Mark Julian Vampire Pi) by Kyle Cicero, 2010-01-13
  13. Life of Pi by Yann Martel, 2004
  14. Work What You Got (Beta Gamma Pi) by Stephanie Perry Moore, 2009-01-01

21. Cold Fusion Video Reviews | Pi (1998)
Review by Nathan Shumate.
Sci-Fi, Horror, and General Whoopass
Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Posted on November 29, 1999 by Nathan Shumate
  • Written and directed by Darren Aronofsky Starring
    • Sean Gullette Mark Margolis Ben Shenkman Pamela Hart Stephen Pearlman
    Preamble #1: When I was in my early teens and first decided I wanted to be a writer, I conceived a tale of a man who started to understand . He understood completely, perfectly, wholly, one little infinitesmal part of the world. And then he found that, because he understood that, be started understanding everything around it. And then he discovered he could extrapolate perfectly from that perfectly understood present into the past or the future. In the end he was consumed by spontaneous human combustion. Preamble #2: End of Preambles Pi Maximillian Cohen is a driven young mathematician with terrible headaches, working in his computer-crowded NY apartment to find a pattern in the stock market. His basic theory: Everything has a pattern to be discovered. He discusses his obsession with his mentor, Saul Robeson, a retired teacher who had devoted his life to finding the pattern in Pi before having a stroke; now his life is devoted to his fish and playing Go with Max. Nadja ). But

22. Pi To 1,000,000 Places
pi to one MILLION decimal places 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
Pi to one MILLION decimal places
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 4428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273 724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609... Okay, wait a minute. You guys are killing my server. I used to have a million digits of Pi listed here, and it was really great. But now you have brought my server to its knees with your interest in its greatness. So, I'm going to hide all those nutty digits . . . for now. If you really want to see 1 million digits of Pi, then visit index2.html at the root of this domain. Enjoy!

23. Pi Definition Of Pi In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
pi, in mathematics, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The symbol for pi is π. The ratio is the same for all circles and is approximately 3.1416.

24. Billion Digit Pi
Billion digits of pi for download. Search for birthday dates in pi. Introduction to maths related to pi. Simple description of how pi is calculated.

25. Pi -- From Wolfram MathWorld
The constant pi, denoted pi, is a real number defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter d=2r, pi=C/d=C/(2r) (1) It is also sometimes called Archimedes

26. A Common Book Of Pi
Includes a brief history, a page with different formulas and a list of references.
A Common Book of
The mysterious and wonderful is reduced to a gargle that helps computing machines clear their throats.
Philip J. Davis In recent years, the computation of the expansion of has assumed the role of a standard test of computer integrity.
David H. Bailey It requires a mere 39 digits of in order to compute the circumference of a circle of radius (an upper bound on the distance travelled by a particle moving at the speed of light for 20 billion years, and as such an upper bound for the radius of the universe) with an error of less than meters (a lower bound for the radius of a hydrogen atom).
Jonathan and Peter Borwein The number has been the subject of a great deal of mathematical (and popular) folklore. It's been worshipped, maligned, and misunderstood. Overestimated, underestimated, and legislated. Of interest to scholars, crackpots, and everyday people. Pretty amazing accomplishments for a number! The next few pages will attempt to teach you a few facts about You will find here, among other things, a

27. OSIsoft - The PI System: Empowering Business In Real-time
OSIsoft delivers the pi System, the world’s leading highlyscalable and secure infrastructure for the management of real-time data and events.
Worldwide Locations
Tech Support
Training OSIsoft vCampus ... Company What Is
The PI System? The PI System is the industry
standard in enterprise infrastructure,
for management of real-time data and events. More Information Your experience on our site will be enhanced
with Microsoft Silverlight Click to here to Install.
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28. The Constant Pi
History, formulae, algorithms, programs, records of computation, and references.
Archimedes ' constant p p And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other;
it was round all about ... and a line ot thirty cubits did compass it round about. - Bible, 1 Kings 7:23
This mysterious 3.141592..., which comes in at every door and window, and down every chimney.
Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871)
Geometrical definition
The constant p (Greek letter pi ) is, classically, defined as the ratio of the circumference p of a circle to its diameter d p p d p r and, as proved by Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC) in his famous Measurement of a Circle , the same constant is also the ratio of the area A enclosed by the circle to the square of its radius r A p r
Analytical definition
In 1934, the German mathematician Edmund Landau (1877-1938) gave a new and analytical definition based on the cosine function cos t t

1/3 (take the 3 first terms of the sequence), from the continuity of the cosine function, the equation cos t = has roots. If t is the smallest positive root of this equation

29. 3.1416 = Pi EXACTLY. The New Apocalyptic Theory. Squaring The Circle Mathematics
A text that tries to prove that pi is 3.1416 exactly.
SUBJECT : A New Approach to the Universal Constant "pi" Dear Sirs, Attached you will find an original, I would like to believe, research study, concerning «A new approach to the area of a circle» and thus a new approach to the Universal Constant "pi". The innovative aspect of the new approach is attributed to avoid the insurmountable obstacles presented by the intervention of square roots and infinite series when we try to calculate the circumference as the Upper Limit of the perimeter of a regular Polygon inscribed in the circle, according to the relevant "deceptive" definition, i.e. o The New Theory considers the above way as an "impasse", which makes us to believe that the so derived number
pi' = 3.14159 2 6535 .... is an irrational and trancendental number. By the new way we approach the area of the circle as the "Lower Limit" of the area of the Superscribed Regular Polygon, coming from the square of side ao = 2R , and we use as main tool the "tangent", the values of which can be easily calculated, with the desirable accuracy, using as algorithm the formula
q which defines the circle.

30. Pi
Value of pi Archimedes approximated pi, by inscribing and circumscribing a circle with polygons of many sides. He showed that 3+10/71 pi 3+1/7 (in other words, 3
Return to my Mathematics pages
Go to my home page
, then click here for the alternative (Pi) page Definition of pi: What is pi (the symbol is the small Greek letter )? It is equal to C/d, or C/2r, where C is the circumference of any circle, and d is its diameter, and r is its radius. Euclid proved that this ratio (C/d) is always the same, no matter the size of the circle. What he did was inscribe similar regular polygons in any two circles. Then, he increased the number of sides of the inscribed regular polygons. He reasoned that as the number of sides increased, the perimeter of the inscribed polygon gets closer and closer to the circumference of the circle. He also showed that the perimeters of the similar polygons were proportional to the radii of the circles in which they were inscribed. And so, C is proportional to r, in other words C/r is a constant. By convention, pi=C/2r . And we can use that as our definition of pi. Definition of pi: pi=C/2r Since we know pi to many decimal places, the following version of the same equation becomes fairly useful: Circumference formula: C=2(pi)r Value of pi: Pi is about: Area of a circle: At the top of this article, I said that Euclid proved that C/2r is a constant. C/2r eventually became known as pi, and is our definition of pi. We need to figure out the area of a circle.

31. Legal/indiana Pi Bill
Bill proposing new value of pi.
The AFU and Urban Legend Archive

indiana pi bill Select a topic Home Searches AFU FAQ AFU Animals Books Celebrities Classic Collegiate Death Disney Drugs Food GIF Language Legal Medical Misc Movies Politics Products Religion Science Sex Songs TV Other sites
From: (Jason R. Heimbaugh)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban
Subject: They call themselves 'Hoosiers'
Date: 15 Jun 1994 22:01:48 GMT
Being bored one day I sent out a bunch a letters, one to the Legislative Services Agency in Indiana asking for information about the following two lines in the AFU FAQ (quotations cited under fair use): Jason R. Heimbaugh
R. R. 1 Box 120
Champaign, IL 61821 June 2, 1994 Legislative Information
Legislative Services Agency 302 State House Indianapolis, IN 46204 Dear Sir, I would like to receive copies of two Indiana state bills, for which I have information that it will cost either $.10 per page for bills over 10 pages or $.15 per page. Whatever the correct figure is, I am sure you will bill me appropriately. The first bill I would like a copy of is the bill that makes it illegal to have an erection in public. Also, if you happen to know what U.S. Supreme Court decision upheld this law, could you include that as well?

32. Pi
Easier pi sounds like pie and is equal to about 3.1416. In math, this is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
The Topic:
Pi Easier - Pi sounds like pie and is equal to about 3.1416. In math, this is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. In other words, pi is a number that equals the quotient of the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter. Many people celebrate pi by holding a Pi Day on March 14th or 3/14. Harder - The Greek letter pi represents the number by which the diameter of a circle must be multiplied to obtain the circumference. Pi is an irrational number. That is, it cannot be written as a simple fraction or as an exact decimal with a finite number of decimal places. However, you can increase the number of digits until you reach a number as near to pi as needed. Mathematicians with computers have calculated pi to millions of decimal places. Pi is used in several mathematical calculations. The circumference of a circle can be found by multiplying the diameter by pi (c = pi X d). The area of a circle is yielded by multiplying pi by the radius squared (A = pi X r-squared). Pi is also used to calculate the area of a circle, and the volume of sphere or a cone.

33. Exploratorium 22nd Annual Pi Day
Information on links for pi Day.

34. Pi | Define Pi At
–noun, plural pis. 1. the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet (II, π). 2. the consonant sound represented by this letter. 3. Mathematics . a. the letter π, used as the

35. PI Poem By Jesse Campbell
A short poem using digits of pi.
If you should ever try
to use the factor Pi,
multi-digit numbers
will interrupt your slumbers.
Because mental product generation
takes time and dedication.
We don't like Pi
because it's hard to multiply by.
by Jesse Campbell, in third grade
b i o g r a p h y J esse Campbell (as in the soup) wrote this in third grade. Or was it fifth. I forget. But whatever it was, it surprised me when he told me. But that's not why we like it; we like it because it's just so true.
A Serious Love Poem articles cartoons stories fun ... ne oma So, You Found a Robot...

36. PI
Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to their math problems

37. Seattle News, Sports, Events, Entertainment | - Seattle Post-Intel
Seattle local news, sports, photos, events listings plus the largest collection of community and special interest blogs from in and around Seattle.
newsvinecat = '' Skip navigation Web Search by YAHOO! Seattle Business Directory Local My Account DON'T MISS: Elizabeth Smart kidnap suspect kicked out of court McGinn: Seattle can't trust Gregoire on tunnel Could Moyer be a Mariner again? World Series coverage ... 2010 endorsements
BAD DEALS: The 10 worst trades in Seattle professional sports history
MYSEATTLEPIX: The best reader photos from October
MISS WORLD PHOTOS: Rare American win in global pageant Giants win first championship in S.F.
Tim Lincecum bests Cliff Lee, and Edgar Renteria gets a three-run blast in 3-1 win over the Rangers New Burglary probe uncovers infant left with meth Wash. AG settles lawsuit with Master Builders New Halloween road rage leads to gunfire New Endorsements: I-1098 I-1053 I-1100 I-1105 ... U.S. Senate Guides: King County Secretary of State Municipal League Connelly: Zombie behavior, dog poop and fleas: Images of Election 2010 Election eve: GOP upbeat, Dems brace for losses New Horsey: Cartoon marathon coming on election day Politics 3rd District: Big spending by outsiders "60 Minutes" looks at Washington income tax debate ... Ichiro named baseball's top right fielder ... again Seattle Traffic

38. Am I In Pi?
Determines where your birthday first occurs in pi. Checks the first 1,254,543 digits of pi.
Where is your Birthday in PI?
Enter your "birthday" (e.g., 22069) This document will tell you where in PI your birthday first occurs.. E.G., If you were born Feb 20th 1969 search for: 22069 Note: No spaces... (you can also search for 2201969, but, that is less likely...) For those that dont remember, PI is the big(*) number that begins with three. Thanks to Arthur Bebak ( for the idea... * It has been brought to my attention that PI is not really all that "big", per se 4 being given as an example of a number bigger than PI. I could argue that PI is bigger than an infinite number of numbers (-5 for example) but, in truth, that is kinda wimpy and misleading. It turns out that when I was thinking "big" I was thinking of all the space that was used when writing PI down. The stack of papers required to write down PI is much bigger than the stack to write down 1 million. All that said doesn't take away the fact that there was actual confusion regarding the statement of PI being a big number therefore, you should ignore that I called PI the big number that begins with three and instead consider PI to be the really long number that begins with three.
and our Terms and Conditions of Use . Hosting by Entertainment Earth

39. Pi Pizzeria
awardwinning pizza in st. louis, missouri award-winning deep and thin crust pizza in st. louis, mo serving lunch and dinner everyday
Pi Pizzeria award-winning deep and thin crust pizza in st. louis, mo
serving lunch and dinner everyday order online
  • Sustainability
    Pi is committed to environmentally benign success. Doing good while doing well is fundamental to our work, and is manifested in our commitment to create an ecologically sustainable restaurant.
    NOW ROLLING : Pi On The Spot. Follow the Pizza Truck on Twitter or on our Calendar Kirkwood, MO Central West End Now Open in Chesterfield, MO!
    (Carryout Only!) Coming Spring 2011 to Washington, DC
    Pi invests in its community by sponsoring charitable events, donating cash and in-kind gifts to causes close to its guests and founders. While we may not be saving the world as a purveyor of Pi, we feel we can still effect change, influence others and support the work of those in our community who are closest to those in need.
Pi Pizzeria

40. The Pi-Search Page
Searches for any string of digits (up to 120 of them) in the first 100 million digits of pi.
The Pi-Search Page
Search For: See digits starting at position The Pi Searcher lets you search for any string of digits (up to 120 of them) in the first 200 million digits of Pi . You can also show any substring of Pi.
Celebrate Pi with a Pi T-Shirt
Math mug!
  • - The pi searcher hardware has been upgraded to a new, energy-efficient "wimpy node" (our term for a low-power but not too fast server). The new server uses an Intel Atom D510 processor and has 2GB of memory. Fortunately, this is about 4x faster than the old server, so Pi searches should be that much more zippy and the entire server now uses only 25W, substantially reducing the energy footprint of the Pi Searcher. - It's not Pi day, but 01/01/10 has a nice numerical ring to it anyway. Fixed a few long-standing Pi searcher bugs if you searched off the end of our 200M digits. Happy 2010, everybody! - Happy tenth birthday to the Pi Searcher, and happy pi day 2006 to everybody! This year's pi day updates: 1) New, zippy fast index-based searching; 2) The Pi searcher pages are now fully XHTML and CSS-happy, with a new look; 3) We've added a page describing

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