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61. Waltraud's Carnivorous Plants Page Nutrient acquisition by different species of carnivorous plants. http://www.waltraudschulze.de/carnivor/carni.html | |
62. Plant Physiology Plant Physiology Copy of email Notification pp7796 Your article page proofs ( 7796 ) from Plant Physiology are available for download = Plant Physiology Published by the http://cs.nyu.edu/faculty/shasha/papers/plantphys.pdf |
63. Cadmium Accumulation In Durum Wheat - Introduction Summary of research exploring the physiological basis for high accumulation of cadmium (Cd) in durum wheat grain. http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/cadmium | |
64. Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition - Sinauer Associates, Inc. Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger. New edition now available! Back to top. Pricing and Options http://www.sinauer.com/detail.php?id=8567 |
65. JP Ferrio, Plant Physiologist. Main Research Lines Personal commentary on the application of stable isotopes to forest/crop ecophysiology and palaeoeenvironmental studies. http://web.udl.es/usuaris/x3845331/invest.htm | |
66. Plant Physiology: Measurement Instrumentation For Plant Physiology Campbell Scientific measurement systems are used extensively by agronomists, crop scientists, and plant physiologists in field and laboratory-based plant physiology research http://www.campbellsci.com/plant-physiology | |
67. Hadi Farazdaghi Research Personal website of Hadi Farazdaghi, includes a paper on an alternative C3 photosynthesis model to that of Farquhar and Von Caemmerer. http://www.farazdaghi.com | |
68. CABI | Publishing Home | Crop Physiology Abstracts Offers a subscription to access regularly updated abstracts relevant to crop physiology. http://www.cabi.org/?page=1016&pid=35&site=170 |
69. THE PLANT CELL Consists of current and archived articles, subscription information, and samples. http://www.plantcell.org/ | |
70. Annual Reviews - Error Archive of contents since 1984, but requires subscription for full text articles. http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/loi/arplant | |
71. Plant Physiology Online: Topic 5.1 Symptoms of Deficiency In Essential Minerals Wade Berry, UCLA Introduction. Visual nutrient deficiency symptoms can be a very powerful diagnostic tool for evaluating http://4e.plantphys.net/article.php?ch=t&id=289 |
72. Oxford Journals | Life Sciences | Tree Physiology Consists of subscription information, online access to articles, links, author information, and announcements. http://treephys.oxfordjournals.org/ | |
73. Fast PlantsĀ® : Plant Physiology Plant Physiology. Investigating Plant Physiology wth Wisconsin Fast Plants Investigating plant physiology, nutrition, and tropisms. Download the 17page booklet (1.6 MB http://www.fastplants.org/activities.physiology.php |
74. PMS Instrument Company Manufacturer of pressure chamber instruments for measuring plant water potential and irrigation scheduling. Contains product information as well as tutorials on using a pressure bomb. http://www.pmsinstrument.com/ | |
75. Journal Of Plant Physiology - Elsevier Journal of Plant Physiology Biochemistry, Physiology, Molecular Biology and Functional Biotechnology of Plants http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/701776 |
76. Physiological Ecology Equipment Manufacturers, Suppliers, And Resources Links to suppliers of equipment used by ecophysiologists. http://www.biology.duke.edu/jackson/ecophys/equipment.htm | |
77. ADC BioScientific Ltd. Manufacturers of instrumentation for measuring photosynthesis, transpiration, chlorophyll fluorescence, sap flow, and gas exchange. http://www.adc.co.uk/ | |
78. CID Bio-Science, Inc.: Portable Photosynthesis, Plant Canopy, Root And Leaf Meas Manufacturers of portable, photosynthesis analysis systems and miniature spectrometers. http://www.cid-inc.com/ |
79. Oregon State University Online Catalog - Interdisciplinary Program Detail Information about Oregon State University Plant Physiology Interdisciplinary Program Patrick J. Breen, Chair http://catalog.oregonstate.edu/InterdisciplinaryProgramDetail.aspx?code=26 |
80. EARS Home Specifications and applications of the EARS-PPM, a modulated, saturation pulse chlorophyll fluorometer. http://www.ears.nl/ppm/ |
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